2008 Minnesota Undergraduate Tournament- Packet 7

Packet by Minnesota (Andrew Bockover, Sean Skaar, Robert Westcott) and Ryan Westbrook

Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Gautam Kandlikar, and Charles Meigs


1. In one work by this man, a “Northerner” traveling through the desert is given a pair of rusty scissors with which to kill a caravan, while another work sees Rotpeter [ROTE-pay-ter] decide to cease being an ape. In addition to “Jackals and Arabs” and “Report to an Academy”¸ this man wrote such short stories as “Josephine the Singer,” “The Judgement,” and “The Hunger Artist.” Unfinished novels by him include one about a land surveyor assigned to work as a janitor by bureaucrats and. one featuring the artist Titorelli and the bank manager Josef K. For 10 points, identify this Czech author of The Trial, The Castle, and a work about Gregor Samsa, “The Metamorphosis.”
ANSWER:Franz Kafka

2. This president appointed Joseph McKenna as his attorney general and William Day as Secretary of State, after the brief tenure of John Sherman in that office His wife Ida suffered from epilepsy, and during state dinners he would cover her face during seizures. He supported the Dingley Tariff after taking office by way of a campaign funded by Mark Hanna. Following the death of his first vice president Garrett A. Hobart, the position remained vacant for two years. For 10 points , name this Republican in power during saw the explosion of the USS Maine and much of the Spanish-American War, before being assassinated by Leon Czolgosz.

ANSWER: William McKinley

3. The sculptures Wave and The Age of Maturity were produced by this man’s student and lover Camille Claudel. Other works by him include one in which a wounded soldier slumps against the shrieking winged spirit of war, The Call To Arms, and a highly criticized one which depicted an author wrapped in a robe, Honore de Balzac. Another work, inspired by Michelangelo’s Dying Slave, drew accusations that this man cast it from a living model. In addition to The Age of Bronze, he memorialized a siege of the Hundred Years’ War in The Burghers of Calais. For 10 points, identify this sculptor, whose never-used Gates of Hell were to have contained The Kiss and The Thinker.

ANSWER: Auguste Rodin [accept Camille Claudel before “this man”]

4. This figure had a daughter Historis who helped Alcmena deliver Heracles and a daughter Manto who came to wed Rhacius of Caria. The son of the nymph Chariclo and the shepherd Everes, he died after drinking at the spring of Telphussa. In one story, he angers Hera by saying that women enjoy sex more than men, after he’d watched two snakes copulating with a stick, and spent seven years transformed into a woman. As a shade in the underworld, he told Odysseus not to steal the cattle of Helios, and earlier he informed Oedipus that he had murdered his father. For 10 points, name this blind Greek prophet.

ANSWER: Tiresias

5. The Abi class proteins are known to inhibit this process by reducing the efficiency of plaquing, and expression of MYB results in transativation of RTA, which is a promoter of this process in KSHV. The expression of BGLF5 was implicated in inducing host shutoff at the beginning of this process, which leads to reduced expression of antigen presenting complexes, which aids in evasion of T Cells. Its first stage involves penetration of the plasma membrane through receptors on its surface or mechanical force and its last stage liquid entering the cell until the cell bursts. For 10 points, identify this form of viral reproduction employed by the Epstein-Barr virus that typically results in the destruction of the host cell as opposed to the lysogenic cycle.

ANSWER: Lytic cycle

6. One treaty by this name included an alleged Secret clause to this agreement involved the transfered the provinces of Cholm and Podalia to the side that withdrew from the conflict. The more famous treaty by this name defined the boundary of Livonia to cross lakesPeipus, Pskow, and Luben, and also required withdrawal of all Russian troops from that region. This treaty was followed by a Treaty between the Central Powers and Romania negotiated at Bucharest, and the provisions of this agreement were reverted by the treaty of Rapallo. For 10 points, identify this treaty not attended by the remainder of the allied powers, which signaled the end of Russian involvement in the first World War.
ANSWER: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

7. One of this man’s works describes a composer who frequently meets the titular being after his child’s death, while another of his works describes a patient suffering from cancer who is fascinated with chrysanthemums. In addition to "Aghwee the Sky Monster" and "The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away," he also wrote about a boy who helps an African American POW that parachuted into his village. This story, The Catch, won him the Akutagawa Award. He also wrote about Mitsuhiro and Takashi's adventures in the town of Okubo, while his later stories parallel the relationship between him and his autistic son, Hikari. For ten points, name this author of Nip the Bud, Shoot the Kids, The Silent Cry, and A Personal Matter.

ANSWER: Kenzaburo Oe

8. This painting’s counterpart depicts a central turbaned man on horseback, with several other figure lifting curved swords, and shows the charge of a mamluke cavalry. The right background of this painting consists of distant grey buildings against a nearly black sky, and the left background is dominated by a hill, presumably Principe Pio where the depicted action took place. A lantern on the ground illuminates the group on the left, leaving the French soldiers on the right mostly in shadow. For 10 points, name this work by Francisco Goya which depicts the execution of civilian prisoners on a certain date.

ANSWER: 3rd of May, 1808 or [Execution of the Defenders of Madrid before “Madrid”]

9. It can be viewed as a relation between the temperature and average kinetic energy of gas molecule because the latter is equal at the same temperature due to the ideal gas law. The mathematical expression of Knudsen's law is similar to this law, and the separation of Uranium isotopes through Uranium hexafluoride is often incorrectly explained as an application of it. Explaining a process that can also be described by Fick's law, For 10 points, identify this law named after its Scottish discoverer which states that the rate of diffusion for a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass.
ANSWER: Graham's Law of diffusion or Graham’s Law of effusion

10. This man argued in a thought experiment that private objects are "irrelevant," an idea reinterpreted upon in Saul Kripke's work about this man "On Rules and Private Language." He introduced the concept of "familial relations" in a work that derided philosophy as a series of language games, and he attempted to set out a logically perfect language in another work that begins "The world is everything that is the case" and ends by claiming that what we cannot speak of, we must pass over in silence. For 10 points, name this Austrian philosopher, author of The Blue and Brown Books, Philosophical Investigations and Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

ANSWER: Ludwig Wittgenstein

11. One equation used to study the anisotropy in this process is called Green's function. This process and its converse can be observed in outer hair cells, and it is implemented in Scanning Tunneling microscopes. Materials exhibiting this effect also exhibit the Debye-Sears effect where they establish acoustic waves when vibrated at fixed frequencies if placed in liquid. Poling is necessary to induce this effect in ceramic materials, and Rochelle salts are exhibit this effect upon compression, which was discovered by Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie. For ten points, name this effect the generation of electric potential in response to an applied mechanical strain.
ANSWER: piezoelectricity (or piezoelectric effect)

12. The Argonauts’ herald Aethalides, who had perfect memory, was the son of this character and Eupolemeia; another son of this character is Oenomaus’ charioteer Myrtilus. This character’s rape of Chione resulted in the birth of the father of Anticleia and the taker of Sisyphus’ cattle, Autolycus. This character also appeared to give the herb moly to Odysseus on Circe’s island and, with his father, visited Baucis and Philemon. He also used a tortoiseshell and the guts of a cow to invent the first lyre. The son of Zeus and Maia, for 10 points, name this Greek god of shepherds and thieves, awarded the caduceus for his service as the gods’ wing-footed messenger.

ANSWER: Hermes [accept Eupolemeia early]

13. One emperor of this dynasty was captured in the crisis at Tumu Fortress. Its founder expanded imperial power to the former kingdom of Dali, set up a secret service known as Jinyi Wei, and abolished imperial examinations. That founder ascended as a result of the Red Turban revolt. The Shaanxi earthquake happened during this dynasty, once ruled by the Yongle Emperor who built the fleets used by Zheng He. Founded by Chu Yuan-chang, it was plagued by famine and succeeded by the Manchus who set up the Ching Dynasty. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty also remembered for its pottery.

ANSWER: MingDynasty

14. One character in this work claims that she is twenty-nine when there are pink shades, and thirty when there are not. In this work, Lord Berwick informs the title character that her husband has been giving large sums to another woman. The protagonist decides to leave her husband for an admirer, Lord Darlington, and throws a birthday party which is attended by a character whom Augustus is infatuated with. Cecil Graham discovers the titular object in Lord Darlington’s room, when the title character’s mother claims that she mistakenly takes that object from the protagonist. For ten points, name this play whose titular object is a birthday gift presented by Mrs. Erlynne, a work of Oscar Wilde.

ANSWER: Lady Windermere’s Fan (prompt on early buzz of: Buzzerlust #1: Lady Windermere's Hug)

15. One item by this name is stolen by Nasir and given to Ena, eventually making its way to Ashnard. That artifact, also known as Lehran’s Medallion, is carried by Mist, and another artifact by this name is the Stone of Rausten, which was used to seal away the Demon King by twin monarchs of Renais, Ephraim and Eirika. Yet another artifact by this name is used to anoint the monarch of Bern, and must be retrieved by Eliwood long before it is used to unlock the Sword of Seals. For ten points, give the common name of this artifact, which in one instance was retrieved by Ike, and gives its name to the series of games starring Roy and Marth.

ANSWER: Fire Emblem [Accept Lehran’s Medallion before mentioned]

16. He founded the Rafi party in protest of the settlement to Operation Susannah, which revolved around defense minister Pinhas Lavon. He was the main architect of the Haganah, which he allowed to cooperate with Irgun as part of theanti-British Hebrew Resistance Movement, although they split after this man opposed the bombing of the KingDavidHotel. He appointed his successor to be Levi Eshkol, though he later resigned from the Mapai party. For 10 points, name this Zionist leader who was the first prime minister of Israel and is the namesake of its airport.
ANSWER: David Ben-Gurion

17. This region is bordered on the far northeast by the KerulenRiver which empties into HulunLake. Parts of it once saw the breeding of wild horses known as takhi, while even farther north in the same country is the SelengeRiver and its tributary, the Orhon. This area is bordered by the Sayanmountains and the Yablonoi to the north, while the Greater Khingan mountains lay to the east. Itssouthernmost region is called the Ala Shan and the Tarim basin to its west lies across the Tien Shan mountains. Mostly composed of bare rock, for 10 points, name this huge desert which spans southern Mongolia and northern China.
ANSWER: GobiDesert

18. Data collection in Ethiopia’s Afar region suggests that this process may occur there, and some postulate that the evaporation inherent in the beginning of this process can create hydrocarbon reserves that may turn into fossil fuels. This process begins at areas known as triple junctions, in rift valleys. This idea postulated by Princeton’s Harry Hess refutes Alfred Wegener’s idea that continental plates “plow” through their oceanic counterparts; this theory centers on convection currents in the asthenosphere, and its namesake action is driven by the creation of oceanic crust. For 10 points, name this theory that suggests that continental drift is driven by action at mid-ocean ridges.
ANSWER: sea-floor spreading

19. One of the three pilgrimage festivals, rituals performed during this holiday include the water libation ceremony and the shaking of branches from four different species of trees. Probably originating as a harvest festival, it is referred to in the Bible as the “feast of the ingathering”, and it lasts for seven days beginning on the fifteenth day of Tishri, and is immediately followed by Shemini Atzeret. For 10 points, name this Jewish holiday, during which Jews are supposed to live in makeshift booths, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles.

ANSWER: Sukkot

20. In one poem, this author asked “Who is the East?/The Yellow Man/Who may be Purple if He can,” while another poem by this author that is shockingly not about playing NAQT questions opens with the line “BEE! I’m expecting you.” This poet notes that “Diadems drop and Doges surrender” in “Safe in their alabaster chambers,” while in another work, she claims to be “inebriate of air” and “debauchee of dew” after tasting “a liquor never brewed.” Other poems saw her note that “Hope is the thing with feathers” and also will “her keepsakes” away before hearing a fly buzz and dying. For 10 points, identify this introverted Amherst native, the narrator and author of “Because I could not stop for Death.”

ANSWER: Emily Dickinson

21. Justice Scalia notably attacked reliance on these in Jaffee v. Redmond. They differ from an intervener in that they are drafted by non-parties, and Rule 29 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure requires that, in order for a court to grant leave for them, they should raise relevant issues not raised by the parties in a case. The Bush administration submitted two during the University of Michigan affirmative action decisions and they are often filed by advocacy organizations. For 10 points, name this type of legal brief, from the Latin for “friend of the court.”

ANSWER: Amicus curiaebriefs

22. The walls in this work are a mustardy color, and the artist displays a knack for perspective in the lines in the ceiling and the two square columns behind this work’s most prominent figure. At the center of this work, a man in a black trenchcoat faces away from the viewer, looking towards a grey-clad man holding a phone to his ear, while a green “Exit” sign is on the ceiling above them both. A bluish object hovers in this work’s lower right corner, and to the left of center is a profile of a man identified only as “Steve from Chicago.” The central figure’s expression has been likened to that of Kim Jung-Il, and that figure has been comically photoshopped into a Kill Bill poster and the 9/11 attacks. For 10 points, name this masterpiece of Lily Vonderheide, that depicts a certain figure clad in his signature maroon-and-gold Redskins windbreaker barging onto the central scene.

ANSWER: That picture of Chris Ray barging at the Stanford Cardinal Classic [accept obvious equivalents]

2008 Minnesota Undergraduate Tournament- Packet 7

Packet by Minnesota (Andrew Bockover, Sean Skaar, Robert Westcott) and Ryan Westbrook

Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Gautam Kandlikar, and Charles Meigs


1. Multiplying current squared with this quantity gives the power dissipated in a circuit. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this quantity measured in Ohms and symbolized by omega.
ANSWER: Resistance
[10] The AC analogue of resistance, this property is symbolized by Z and contains an imaginary part for reactance.
ANSWER: impedance
[10] The inverse of impedance, this property is measured in Seimens, and its terms are called conductance and susceptance.
ANSWER: admittance

2. The title character of this story is an abused dwarf out for revenge. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this short story in which eight men are tricked into dressing up as ourangoutangs, lashed to a chandelier, and set on fire.
ANSWER: "Hop-Frog; Or, the Eight Chained Ourangoutangs"
[10] This author of The Pit and the Pendulum and The Black Cat wrote Hop-Frog
ANSWER: Edgar Allan Poe
C. This macabre Poe story takes place at a costume ball set in seven rooms lit by lamps of different colors in Prince Prospero's palace where guests the avoid titular plague. Too bad the personified plague gets in and kills everyone.
ANSWER: "The Masque of the Red Death"