Participants: Ashley Mann, Amy
Hyde, Liz Belluz, Brad Trost, Jen Conrad, Katie Anderson
Date: May 1, 2013
Our Annual Goal: By June, every fifth grade student will show expected growth as measured by North Carolina EOG tests in math and reading.
Quarterly goals for core subjects would be written here for core subjects (also SMART Goals)
By end of 1st quarter in reading 75% of all students will be proficient as measured by teacher created common assessments.
By end of 1st quarter in math 75% of all students will be proficient as measured by teacher created common assessments.
By end of 1st quarter in science 75% of all students will be proficient as measured by teacher created common assessments.
I. Announcements…
- 5th Grade Planning Committee is working on dance and picnic- students voted on the Hollywood theme- are still looking into DJs and subs for the Picnic
- Barnes & Noble night tonight at 6:30
II. Kid Talk
- Measurement Check-Up- only focuses on converting within the same system and only for length, capacity, and weight/mass- unit assessment will be tomorrow after more review and practice with word problems- students who used the strategies of drawing the metric staircase and gallon land performed much better
Passed with 80%
Mann / 67%
Belluz / 47%
Hyde / 57%
Trost / 33%
Conrad / 64%
- Science- Factors of Temperature Quiz- we have used diagrams, notes, real world examples on videos, study jams, Discovery Education, and discussed using multiple examples in class- students are not studying their class notes or vocabulary which is causing them to struggle with these difficult concepts
Passed with 80%
Mann / 52%
Belluz / 35%
Hyde / 64%
Trost / 5%
Conrad / 45%
III. Planning/ Curriculum
- Katie Anderson- planned for her to come in to work with each class on Jacob’s Ladder- to help focus on specific details in the text and going back to the text to infer
- Aims Web- everyone should have already checked their roster to make sure all kids are on it- testing window is May 3-24- we will focus on completing reading AimsWeb while students are working on Civil War Research project
- “Mariah Keeps Cool”-questions with evidence based on text- students really struggled because they just want to write what they think they remember from the story instead of going back to the text
- Discussed what grades we have for interims to make sure we are all ready to work on interims this week- discussed the importance of really looking at work habits for interims because it effects their ticket to the dance- Hyde currently has 2 students who can attend the dance based on work habits
- As of the middle of next week we will have finished teaching all objectives for reading, math, and science and can start reviewing- have already set up review activities/stations for each of the core subjects- came up with a Carnival Theme to help motivate students- students will earn tickets for correct answers and then be able to cash them in at the carnival on May 17th
Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community:
What is it we expect our students to learn?
How will we know when they have learned it?
How will we support them when they don’t learn it?
How will we respond when they already know it?