U.S. & Canada Review

* Answer the questions below.

1. What form of government does the United States have?

2. What form of government does Canada have?

3. What type of economy can be found in both the United States and Canada, and describe this type of economic system?

4. What years were the Civil War fought, and that was the purpose of this war?

5. What is the most industrialized region in the United States?

6. What are the two official languages in Canada?

7. What is NAFTA, and what is the purpose of this agreement?

* Match the region with the correct information.

8. U.S. Northeast A. most densely populated region in Canada

9. U.S. South B. Tundra & Ice Cap Climates

10. Atlantic Provinces C. Bread Basket of the United States

11. Heartland Provinces D. most densely populated region in the United States

12. Prairie Provinces E. Known as the Hinterland, & Canada’s poorest region

13. U.S. Midwest F. Major agriculture area in Canada

14. Northern Territories G. Humid Subtropical Climate in the United States

* Answer the following questions

15. Who were the first Europeans to explore Canada, and which province directly reflects that culture?

16. List Canada’s 10 provinces and 3 Territories.

17. What is the reason that the western part of the United States is subjected to frequent earthquakes?

18. Which group of people inhabits the territory of Nunavut, and when was this territory created?

19. Which 3 states are a part of the dairy belt?

20. What is the major religion in the United States & Canada?

21. Which 5 major cities make up the megalopolis in the United States?

22. How has NAFTA affected trade in North America?

23. In the United States, which is the leading state for gold mining?

24. The Western Region in the United States has a serious shortage of which natural resource?

A. coal B. oil C. water D. oxygen

25. The Beringia Land Bridge was used by the earliest settlers crossing into North America. This land bridge connected Alaska and ______.

A. Greenland B. Iceland C. Russia D. China

26. The St. Lawrence River connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, which of the following is a major port town on this river?

A. Montreal B. Ottawa C. Toronto D. Windsor

27. Which province in Canada has a coastline with the Pacific Ocean, and has the Rocky Mountains in it?

A. Alberta B. British Colombia C. Quebec D. Ontario

28. The first Europeans to settle North America were from ______.

A. Great Britain B. France C. Germany D. Spain

* Vocabulary to know

- Democracy/Federal System

- Market Economy

- Monarch

- Inuit



- Bilingual

- Trade Deficit

- Plantations

- Textiles

- Colony

- Megalopolis

- Arable

- Superpower

- Seattle

- Gentrification

- Natural Resource

- Command Economy