Scottish Charity No. SC002294


-______VOLUME X NUMBER 6 September, 2012



Dear Friends,


"Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand."Psalm 73:23

Have you ever wondered why many in the world seem to get on very well without God? You meet men and women who will do anything to become successful. They are filled with self-importance, arrogance and pride. They lie, cheat, and deceive their way to the top of the prosperity ladder (and get away with it!).

Take a glance at many Christians and you will meet those who are struggling in the Christian life. Many are beset by fears, doubts, temptations and hurts. They wrestle with their insecurities and anxieties, never getting out of the rut. They continually worry that they are unacceptable to God; their sins are ever before them. They feel that they will never be good enough. They live their Christian lives believing that God wants to punish them at every step in order to make them better Christians.

In Psalm 73 we meet with a man who honestly faces up to his fears and doubts. This is not the testimony of a man at a "pity party" or the testimony of a self condemned man. This is the story of a man who gets real with God. Here is the testimony of a man who was brought from despair to renewal; from discouragement and disappointment to a place of revival and fresh hope.

The Psalm opens with the psalmist's cry, "Surely God is Good!" Deep down he knew that God was good. Time and time again he would have experienced the goodness of God in his own life, but he now shares very openly and honestly how he almost lost everything. He was on the verge of giving up on God; "I had nearly lost my foothold."

Here was a season where dark clouds hovered over his life; a dark night of the soul! He felt the reality of a shadow come between himself and his God. God's goodness seemed hidden from his sight. All he could sense was the depravity of this world and the depravity of his own soul.

In his despair, suddenly his heart is strangely warmed. He is no longer worried about the things of this world but now enters a new dimension in prayer, he now comes into the nearer presence of God; "But as for me, it is good to be near God." What a dramatic change! From being on the slippery path of doubt, fear and intense despair, he now realises that God has him by the hand, "you hold me by my right hand... you guide me with your counsel and afterward you will take me into glory."

For the Psalmist, God became bigger than all his problems!

Bigger than all my problems,

Bigger than all my fears;

God is bigger than any mountain

that I can or cannot see.

Bigger than all my questions,

Bigger than anything;

God is bigger than any mountain

that I can or cannot see.

Here is comfort for the tried and tempted Christian. You are continually on His mind and on his heart. But we must also get real with Jesus and allow him to be on our mind and heart continually. Let Jesus be your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble!

Your Friend and Interim Moderator

Scott Cameron


Another summer is speeding by. Mostly they do. Suddenly, it seems, we are steaming inexorably into a new session in Church life when we may feel the freedom we enjoy has been curtailed or limited by the seemingly accelerated passing of time. A longed-for day makes us impatient, but when that day dawns, time passes amazingly quickly. However you may feel now, I hope that on reflection you were able to enjoy a restful and rewarding summer and that you approach the session about to begin refreshed and ready to face new challenges.

Our summer was exceptional as many of you already know in that we embarked on our first cruise. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Baltic States. The places we visited, not least St Petersburg, Riga, Tallinn and Stockholm, opened a window on a world we had never known. It was an amazing experience.

Another BIG birthday ranked highly with me when our family gathered for a celebratory lunch. They kindly provided the gift a golf outing on the Ailsa Championship Course at Turnberry, which I enjoyed tremendously. I am also grateful to those who marked my special day with a mountain of cards and good wishes.

Now that all this is behind us we look forward to the immediate and the longer term.

In no time at all, most of our organisations will be underway again. You may have been missing the company and are looking forward to sharing your summertime experiences. Our Young Church is up and running; it is encouraging to see them in their places on a Sunday morning.

In the longer term, I was hoping that, by this time, there would be some indication of progress towards the search for a new minister. The Presbytery is due to meet this month and it is anticipated that some news will be forthcoming. It is in your interest – as well as my own – that steps be taken to fill the vacancy. Much as I enjoy being with you in St Columba’s, fresh leadership will be of greater benefit to the congregation in the longer term.

But I am still with you...and I will do my best to ensure the work of the Church does not atrophy during my time with you. The journey towards that end may still be uncertain, but when that day dawns, a new impetus will carry the congregation forward into new experiences of faith.

In the meantime...we carry on. God never rests; and the work of the Church is endless, but never burdensome. As long as we feel we are growing in grace; and we are making progress in our faith, we will never be found wanting, nor will we lack in the satisfaction of knowing that we are doing God’s will.

Another summer may be speeding by, but let us journey at our own pace towards the goals God has set for us even if road ahead is not as predictable as we would like it to be.

God bless you all,

Bill Armstrong

WORSHIP CALENDAR: September 2012

Sunday 2nd September at 11.00am: Rev Bill Armstrong - “Sacrament of Holy Communion”

6.30pm: LCT Evening Service – Viking Festival Service in Clark Memorial Church

Sunday 9th September 11.00am: Rev Bill Armstrong

Sunday 16th September at 11.00am: Rev Bill Armstrong

3.00pm: Service at Warrenpark Nursing Home, Anthony Road

Sunday 23rd September at 11.00am: Rev Scott Cameron

Sunday 30th September at 11.00am: Rev Bill Armstrong – “Back to Church Sunday” and “Harvest Thanksgiving”

Sunday 7th October at 11.00am: Rev Bill Armstrong


Friday 7th September: Clydebuilt Puppet Theatre presents “ Myths of the Vikings” in the Church at 6.00pm.

Friday 28th September: Concert in the Church with the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra at 7.30pm.


The collection van will be parked in the Clark Memorial Church grounds on Thursday 13th September, between 2.00pm and 2.30pm, to uplift suitable goods. The uplift of larger items of furniture and books can be arranged by telephoning the depot at Hillington on 0141 882 0585.


Faithful Father,

in the coming session, make us people of faith!

ready to tackle new thoughts with enthusiasm, not wary caution;

ready to wrestle with demanding challenges, not sit on the sidelines;

ready to widen our horizons, not limit our experiences;

Make us ready to follow Christ, wherever He leads.



‘Back to Church Sunday’ is a well-establish feature in the National Calendar and in St Columba’s. This year the Back to Church Sunday Service is on 30th September. The point and purpose of this day is to offer an opportunity to members who may have lost the habit of attending worship, and who can’t seem to find their way back, to respond to an invitation to come. There may be someone living near you who could provide that opportunity by offering a welcoming hand.

Those who do attend worship regularly are encouraged to consider inviting a near neighbour who is a member of the congregation but finds it difficult to get back; non-members will also be made very welcome. It’s as simple as that.

It is likely that this service will be coupled with our regular Harvest Thanksgiving, thereby offering a double incentive to come.

We look forward to welcoming you back to St Columba’s on ‘Back to Church Sunday’.


Elders on duty for the ensuing month are: -

2nd Sep - Mr McNaught (Convenor), Mr Cram, Mr Jamieson, Mr D Jenkins, Mr I Jenkins, Mr Laing, Miss Gallettie, Miss Kennedy, Mrs Lyon, Mrs McEleny.

9th Sep - Mr Wallace (Convenor), Mr Currie, Mr Hewitt, Mr Lewis, Mr Rae, Mr Welch, Mrs Anderson, Mrs McManus, Mrs Rae.

16th Sep - Mr Jackson (Convenor), Mr Laurie, Mr Rankin, Mrs Bell, Mrs Butler, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Laurie, Miss McFarlane.

23rd Sep - Mr Boyle (Convenor), Mr Caldwell, Mr Hendry, Mr Kemp, Mr Murdoch, Miss Black, Mrs Counter, Mrs Houghton, Miss McKellar.

30th Sep - Mr McNaught (Convenor), Mr Cram, Mr Jamieson, Mr D Jenkins, Mr I Jenkins, Mr Laing, Miss Gallettie, Miss Kennedy, Mrs Lyon, Mrs McEleny.

7th Oct - Mr Wallace (Convenor), Mr Currie, Mr Hewitt, Mr Lewis, Mr Rae, Mr Welch, Mrs Anderson, Mrs McManus, Mrs Rae.



6th Jun - Mrs H Battison, Moorburn Manor Nursing Home, Moorburn Road.


On Friday 17th August, on a damp miserable morning, a group of 40 of us boarded the bus at the Church for our outing to Dumfries House. Along the way blue skies beckoned and by the time we arrived at Dumfries House the rain had stopped. On arrival, we were welcomed with tea/coffee and shortbread. Karen also shared a box of chocolates, which were kindly donated by Agnes (thanks to Agnes for those). After tea/coffee we were split into two groups for our tour round the house.

The tour was very impressive and the staff were really informative and helpful. They even provided seats on the tour round the house for those of us who were feeling a little bit tired. By the time the tour had finished, the sun was shining and we were free to visit the lovely café or have a walk in the grounds.

I would thoroughly recommend visiting Dumfries House, it is a really nice place for a day out, the staff were charming and helpful and the food in the café was good quality and fairly priced.

We left Dumfries House at 4.00pm for our return journey to Largs. I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

Watch the noticeboard for details of future events.

Jean Jackson

Social Committee Convenor


We started back on 19th August with a great attendance for our Tea Party. We made name badges and crowns and decorated the hall with paper chains and balloons. It was great to see several members of the congregation upstairs as well as the parents. We hope you enjoyed it!

We are planning to collect tins for Glasgow City Mission again this year at Harvest time. Last year’s collection was very successful and so we’re hoping to do as well this year. Notices will be put up soon to remind you what type of tins we are looking for and we hope that everyone will manage to bring along a tin or two.

The older group, the “Saints”, are heading to Millport on 2nd September. We have been invited to attend the Service there followed by a barbeque afterwards. We will also be joined by some of the older members of Fairlie’s Young Church. We are hoping for a dry day!

We are still collecting coppers for Water Aid; any donations can be handed in upstairs or to one of the leaders.

One other thing, if anyone has borrowed items from the Young Church cupboard over the summer we would be grateful if you could return/replace them.

Alison Tunnicliff


Sometime back one of our Young Church members, Lucas, happened to hearme saying that my legs were painful and I would go downstairs to church after everyone else. He came over to me and said, 'Margaret, give me your hand and I'llhelp you down. Before reaching the bottom of the stairs he had said to me three times, 'It's all right, Margaret, I've got your hand!' What a lovely thoughtful gesture. Recalling this incident recently I thought...what an immense privilege for the Young Church workers to help eager youngsters reach out and grasp the hand of the hand that will never let them go!!!

Margaret Barclay


MAC started back on 20th August when we discussed ideas for the coming session over a cuppa and homemade gingerbread. Our September meetings will be on the 3rd (Games Night) and 17th (Treasure Hunt). We continue to be a small group of 10 members, and will welcome any “Young” women who would like to join us. Our meetings start at 8.00pm in the Session Room.

Alison Tunnicliff


The KIT Club started on 16th April, meeting every second Monday at 1.30pm until 3.30pm.

We want to thank all the faithful men and women who join us every second Monday for tea or coffee and a good old blether. It’s good to hear the amount of noise they can make. We also get visitors to Largs from various parts of the country joining us for a cuppa and a chat.

We are hoping to organise a meal, for those who have attended regularly, again this year and will let you know about it at our last meeting, which will be held on Monday 17th September. Of course we will be meeting again before that date. Many thanks again for supporting us.