Seattle Auxiliary Communications Services (ACS) /
Seattle Hub Digital Messaging /
Version 1.3 /
Hubs Communications Working Group /
2/21/2012 /
The data architecture of digital messaging and the digital messaging procedures employed by hubs, hub net control, and ACS operators for emergency communications in Seattle. /



Software requirements

License requirements

Digital data architecture

ACS message storage folder location

Message numbering

Field message number

EOC message number

Viewing the ACS message archive

ACS message order in the archive

Preparation for the exercise

Configure fldigi on each laptop

Enable opening flmsg automatically

Select the MT63-2000 mode

Identify the laptop’s microphone and speaker devices

Configure video identification, Reed-Solomon identification, and pre-signal tone

Put the ACS message form template in the fldigi templates folder

Put the MST hospital supply form template in the fldigi templates folder

Create the sent folder

Set up the laptop connection and EasySuite file transfer application at hub net control (if applicable)

Illustration of digital messaging workflow

Digital message handling procedures

Sending an ACS message flmsg from a hub to hub net control

Receiving the ACS message flmsg from a hub

Receiving the ACS message by voice from a hub

Transferring the ACS message flmsg from hub net control to the ACS link operator using the EasySuite file transfer application

Transferring the ACS message flmsg from hub net control to the ACS link operator using a USB flash drive

Sending the ACS message flmsg to EOC net control

Recording the EOC number for a transmitted ACS message flmsg

Sending requested follow up information back to the hub

Appendix: SEA.ACS.msg.form.template.p2t



This document provides the data architecture and procedures for carryingSeattle Auxiliary Communications Services (ACS) emergency message traffic from neighborhood hubs to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)using digital modes over amateur radio links.

For those ACS messages transmitted by voice from the hub to hub net control, the hub net control operator will transcribe them into digital form for digital transmission over the ACS link to theEOC.

Sending ACS messagesdigitallyfrom the hub substantially reduces the labor and time required for message transmission from hub to EOC. The ACS message data are entered into the digital application once at the hub site; the second transcription of message data at the hub net control for hand off to the ACS link operator is eliminated. The message data are transmitted digitally between hub and hub net control and again to the EOC, replacing the two voice transmissions by speedier data transmissions. The likelihood of error, already small, becomes nil due to checksums on message content. Message transmission time is reduced.

The cost of saving that labor and time is:

  • A laptop at each participating hub
  • A laptop at hub net control
  • A laptop at the ACS link position
  • The USB cabling needed between the hub net control and ACS link position laptops, or alternatively, a USB flash drive.
  • The power needed to run the laptops
  • Training required in the digital message applications and procedures
  • A dedicated citywide channel for ACS digital data traffic, referred to as the digital data channel
  • A dedicated citywide voice channel for coordinating traffic on the digital data channel, referred to as the digital control channel

The committee’s approach is conservative:emergency digital message handling employs the standard message handling workflow developed for simulated emergency test (SET) exercises. The digital traffic between hub and hub net control is carried on the same channels as the traditional voice message traffic. This means no additional channels or radios are needed for the neighborhood hub sub-networks.

As in the standard voice message handling workflow, digital ACS messages from the hubs are funneled in priority order through the hub net control. They are then quality checked and transmitted to the EOC in priority order by the ACS link operator.

The following diagram provides a high level view of the network elements discussed in this guide.

Hardware requirements

Each participating hub, hub net control, and ACS link position requires the following hardware:

  • A laptop with microphone and speaker.
  • An amateur radio transceiver (referred to here as HT).

A second HT is required at the ACS link position.

A USB connection is required between the co-located hub net control and ACS link laptops. For the proof of concept test of these procedures during the Seattle citywide SET on October 29, 2011, the CHiPhubs use the Radio Shack Gigaware USB Transfer Cable 2601713. The Plug and Play driver for this cable includes the EasySuite file transfer application, which simplifies transferring ACS message files between hub net control laptop and the ACS link laptop.

Alternatively, a USB flash drive could be used to transfer ACS message files between the hub net control laptop and the ACS link laptop.

Software requirements

Each laptop must be loaded with the latest versions of the fldigi, flwrap, and flmsgapplications, available from the following website:

License requirements

  • Each hub using digital message handling must have a licensed radio amateur present to serve as the control operator.
  • The hub net control operator must be a licensed radio amateur.
  • As before, the ACS link operator is a licensed radio amateur.

Digital data architecture

ACS messages are constructed using the flmsg application and are based on the SEA.ACS.msg.form.template.p2tflmsg template (see the Appendix for template content).

MSThospital supply messages are constructed using the flmsg application and are based on the template (see the Appendix for template content).

They are archived as flmsg files with a .p2s file extension. The .p2s flmsg files are readable and editable usingflmsg or text editors such as Notepad.

ACS message storage folder location

ACS message storage is based on the folder structure established by fldigi. By default, fldigi places all receivedACS message flmsgfiles in the following folder on the laptops:

  • On Windows─C:/Users/{username}/NBEMS.files/ICS/messages
  • On OS X/Mac─/Users/{username}/.nbems/ICS/messages

To the fldigi folder structure we add an additional sent folder to hold those messages that have been sent from the laptop through the hub network. Sent messages are archived in the following folder on the laptops:

  • On Windows─C:/Users/{username}/NBEMS.files/ICS/messages/sent
  • On OS X/Mac─/Users/{username}/.nbems/ICS/messages/sent

These two folders serve as the ACS message archive. Flmsg file time stamps provide the chronology of ACS messaging activity.

Note that when using Finder on the Mac, the .nbems folder is hidden, so the folders below, including the messages folder, are also hidden in Finder.

Message numbering

Field and EOC message numbers are captured in the flmsg file name.

Field message number

As the hub message handler constructs the ACS message flmsg for transmission to hub net control, they specify the field message number as the name of the flmsg.

The field number consists of a two letter neighborhood prefix, a two letter hub prefix, and a four digit serial number.

For example, the Capitol Hill neighborhood prefix is CH.The hub prefixes follow:

  • CA – Cal Anderson hub. Field message numbers begin with CHCA.
  • MP – Miller Park hub. Field message numbers begin with CHMP.
  • VP – Volunteer Park hub. Field message numbers begin with CHVP.

Neighborhood groups should work together to insure that their field message number prefixes are unique citywide. For example, the West Seattleneighborhood prefix could be WS.

EOC message number

After the ACS link operator transmits the ACS messageflmsg to ACS net control, a WebEOC number is generated and returned to the ACS link operator. The ACS link operator prepends the string “EOC” and the EOC message number onto the name of the flmsgfile received from hub net control (that is, onto the field message number of the flmsg).

For example, if the Capitol Hill ACS link operator transmitsflmsgCHCA0028.p2s to ACS net control and its EOC message number is 234, they then rename CHCA0028.p2s as EOC234.CHCA0028.p2s. This naming convention correlates the EOC number with the neighborhood field message number.

Viewing the ACS message archive

  1. Startflmsg.
  2. On the FLMSGmenu bar, click File. In the drop down menu, select Open. An Open data file window opens in the messages folder, showing the received ACS message flmsg files (with their .p2s file extension). Double click on the sent folder to see the list of ACS message flmsg files(with their .p2s file extension) sent from the laptop through the hub network.
  3. In the Open data file window, select theflmsg file of interest and click the Open button. The FLMSG window displays the contents of the message.

ACS message order in the archive

On their respective laptops, in theOpen data file window:

  • Hub message handlers see theirACS message flmsg files in the above folders ordered by field message number.
  • Hub net control sees theirACS message flmsg filesin the above folders ordered by hub, then by field message number.
  • TheACS link operator sees their ACS message flmsg files in the above folders ordered by EOC message number.
  • EOC net control sees their ACS message flmsg files in the above folders ordered by neighborhood, then by hub, then by field message number.

Preparation for the exercise

Install and configurefldigi on each laptop

Install fldigi

When you setup fldigi, the Fldigi configuration wizard guides you through initial configuration of fldigi. Provide your input on the following Fldigi configuration wizard pages:

  1. Operator information
  2. In the Callsign: field, enter your callsign.
  3. In the Name: field, enter your name.
  4. In the QTH: field, enter your city and state.
  5. In the Locator: field, enter your Maidenhead grid square (probably CN87).
  6. In the Antenna: field, enter your antenna.
  7. Click the Next button.

Note: This data can also be entered from the main fldigiwindow, by clicking Configure on the fldigi menu bar and selecting Operator from the drop down menu.

  1. Audio devices
  2. Check PortAudio.
  3. In the Capture: and Playback: drop down menus, select the laptop's microphone and speakers, respectively.
  4. Click the Next button.

Note 1: If you are using an audio interface device like the SignaLink, in the Capture: and Playback: drop down menus select the USB Audio CODEC choices for the soundcard in the interface device.

Note 2: This data can also be entered from the main fldigiwindow, by clicking Configure on the fldigi menu bar and selecting Sound Card from the drop down menu.

  1. Transceiver control
  2. This guide does not cover the optional transceiver control. Click the Finish button. The Fldigi configuration wizard window closes.

Select the MT63-2000 mode

  1. Start fldigi. The mainfldigi window opens.
  2. On the fldigimenu bar, click Op Mode. In the drop down menu, select MT-63. In the next drop down menu, select MT63-2000.
  3. On the fldigimenu bar click Configure, and on the drop down select Modems. The Fldigi configuration window opens to the Modems tab.
  4. Select the MT-63subtab.
  5. Uncheck the Allow manual tuning box.
  6. Click the Close button. The Fldigi configuration window closes.

Identify the laptop’s microphone and speaker devices

If you performed the procedure in Installfldigi above, skip this section.

  1. On the fldigimenu bar click Configure, and on the drop down click Sound Card. The Fldigi configuration window opens to the Audio tab and the Devicessubtab.
  2. Check Port audio, then in the Capture and Playback drop down menus select the laptop's microphone and speakers, respectively.
  3. Click the Save button, then click the Close button. The Fldigi configuration window closes.

Configure video identification, Reed-Solomon identification, and pre-signal tone

  1. On the fldigimenu bar click Configure, and on the drop down click IDs. The Fldigi configuration window opens to the Id tab.
  2. In the top section (Video Preamble ID):
  3. Check Transmit video text.
  4. Uncheck Use small font.
  5. In the field next to Transmit Video text:, enter your call sign.
  6. In Chars/Row, use the slider to set the numerical value to the number of characters in your call sign.
  7. Uncheck 500 Hz limit.
  8. Check Mode width limit.
  9. In the lower left section (Reed-Solomon ID Rx):
  10. Check Detector searches entire passband.
  11. Check Mark previous frequency and mode.
  12. In the lower right section (Pre-Signal Tone), use the arrows to set the value to 2.0 seconds.
  13. Click the Save button, then click the Close button. The Fldigi configuration window closes.

Enable opening flmsg automatically

  1. On the fldigimenu bar click Configure, and on the drop down click Misc. The Fldigi configuration window opens to the Misc tab and the CPUsubtab.
  2. Click the NBEMSsubtab. In the top section (NBEMS data file interface) check Enable.
  3. In the bottom section (Reception of flmsg file) check Open with flmsg, then click the Locate button. A Locate flmsg executable window opens.
  4. Navigate to the folder containing the flmsg executable.

On Windows─The flmsg.exe executable is found here:

C:/Program Files/flmsg{version number}

On OS X/Mac─

  1. Navigate to the flmsg{version number} application.
  2. Press and hold the Control key and select flmsg {version number}.
  3. From the menu, select Show package contents.
  4. Navigate to /Contents/MacOS/flmsg.
  5. Populate the Flmsg: field with the flmsg executable.
  1. On Windows─ Select the executable, then click the Open button.

On OS X/Mac─Drag the flmsg application to the Flmsg: field.

  1. The Flmsg: field is populated with the path to the flmsg executable.
  2. Click the Save button, then click the Close button. The Fldigi configuration window closes.

Put the ACS message form template in thefldigi templates folder

On the hub laptops, place the ACS message form template SEA.ACS.msg.form.template.p2t in the following folder:

  • On Windows─C:/Users/{username}/NBEMS.files/ICS/templates
  • On OS X/Mac─/Users/{username}/.nbems/ICS/templates

TheSEA.ACS.msg.form.template.p2t file is included in the appendix. Click on the embedded file icon to open the template, then save it in the above folder.

NOTE: The final block in the SEA.ACS.msg.form.template.p2t template file must contain your two letter neighborhood prefix. For example, the Capitol Hill prefix is CH.

Put the MST hospital supply form template in the fldigi templates folder

On the MST laptops, place the MST hospital supplyform template the following folder:

  • On Windows─C:/Users/{username}/NBEMS.files/ICS/templates
  • On OS X/Mac─ /Users/{username}/.nbems/ICS/templates

The file is included in the appendix. Click on the embedded file icon to open the template, then save it in the above folder.

Create the sent folder

  1. Start flmsg.
  2. On the FLMSGmenu bar, click File. In the drop down menu, select Open. An Open data file window opens in the messages folder.
  3. On the Open data filemenu bar, click New folder. A new folder is created in the messages folder with the cursor in the name field.
  4. Enter the new folder name sent. Press theEnter key. The new folder is renamed sent.
  5. Close the Open data file window and the FLMSG window.

Set up the laptop connectionand EasySuitefile transferapplication at hub net control (if applicable)

This procedure applies to laptops running Windows.

  1. Connectthe Gigaware USB Transfer Cable between hub net control and ACS link laptops.

On bothlaptops:

  1. From the Start menu, click Computer. In the drop down menu select CD Drive EasySuite.A window opens asking if you want to allow EasySuite to make changes to the computer.
  2. Click Yes.The EasySuite window opens, displaying the file system of the Remote Host (the laptop of the other operator) at the top and the file system of the Local Host (yourlaptop) at the bottom.
  3. Leave the EasySuite application running on both laptops for the duration of the drill.

On the hub net control laptop: