St. Louise Parish School

133 – 156th Avenue S.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

(425) 746-4220 fax (425) 644-3294

Email: Phone: 425-214-5432


Philosophy: The St. Louise Parish School music program is designed to bring out each student’s musical best. Every person is blessed with gifts, and every student has musical ability. The study of music allows us to celebrate and preserve our cultural heritage, as well as explore the realms of expression, imagination, and creation. Experiencing the study of music involves analysis, problem solving, history, culture, perception, presentations, performance, appreciation, and positive social interaction. Participation in vocal and instrumental music helps students develop a basic musical language and stimulates the student’s entire brain. The student will comprehend and interpret various contexts of music to make interdisciplinary connections.

Music Standards:

1. Singing, alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.

2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.

3. Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments.

4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.

5. Reading and notating music.

6. Listening to, analyzing and describing music.

7. Evaluating music and music performances.

8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts.

9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Classroom Expectations:

Be Prompt

-on time, in seat, ready for class

-exhibit extra effort to study for tests, presentations and performances

Be Prepared

-have materials ready for work

-complete all assignments on time

-on time with assignments and activities

Be Positive

-put ups, enthusiasm, and positive concentration is expected by all

-positive participation is essential to our working environment

Be a Participant

-participate positively in all activities, class discussion, guest lectures and field trips

-complete all assignments with care during class and for homework

Be Polite

-respect people’s property, space, and ideas

-respect and follow school rules

-appreciate new learning opportunities

-use best manners with all guests and on field trips

Classroom Management and Positive Interventions:

These are some of the interventions which may be used.

·  Verbal and visual reminders

·  Change of seat

·  Conference with teacher and student

·  Referral to School Principal or Vice Principal

·  Phone call or email home to parent or student

·  Time out from class

·  Written contracts

·  Stay after class or school with teacher

Texts: Silver Burdett Ginn K-6 program

Silver Burdett Making Music provides developmentally appropriate music learning activities for students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight. This sequential curriculum builds students' knowledge and skills within and across grade levels and engages ALL students in the music making process.

K-6 Magazine Volume 24-Plank Road Publishing

Spirit and Song 1 & 2 Song Texts and Prayers-


Additional Materials

·  Kodaly and Orff Methods

·  Recorder and Hand Chime Methods

·  Various composers for instrumental/vocal selections

·  Music Theory Methods

·  Various CD’s VHS, and DVD’s on related musical themes

Instruments available for General Music Classes

·  Classroom set of various pitched and unpitched percussion instruments

·  Recorders for Grade Three through Six

·  Class Room Set of various Xylophones/Metallophones/Glockenspiels

·  Class Room Set of Tubano Drums

·  Boom Whackers

·  Two sets Schulmerich two-octave Hand Chimes, 1 set third octave chimes

·  Three autoharps, two guitars

Concert Dates

Oct. 28 Pumpkin Carving Pre-K, K 6:30 in Parish Hall

Dec. 17 Christmas Concert Grades 3 &4 6:30 p.m. in the church

March 5 Spring Concert Grades 5 & 6 6:30 p.m. in the church

May 14 May Concert Grades 1 &2 6:30 p.m. in the Church

May 29 Big Blue Planet K 8:30 a.m. in Parish Hall

*Performers report to their Homeroom Classroom at 6:00 p.m.

Grade 6-8 Spring Play

Dec-March Rehearsals Parish Hall Mondays-2:00-4:00

Parish Hall Wednesdays-3:00-5:00

March 5-19 Thursday Rehearsals Parish Hall Thursday-3;00-5:00

March 26,27 Tentative Performance Dates Interlake Theatre 7:00 p.m.

Class Time: Weekly Music varies depending on the grade level.

·  Pre-K= 20 minutes weekly. Kindergarten-25 minutes bi-weekly Grades 1through 5= 40 minutes weekly

·  Grade 6=45 minutes weekly

Choir: This after school activity sings at all prayer services and liturgies. We meet Mondays 2:00-3:00 in Music Room.

Volunteers: Music could use the help of volunteers during the course of the year. If you would like to volunteer please let me know. Volunteers can help with props, costumes and sets for concerts and the school play, scanning and running off materials for choir, music classes, and the play, playing instruments, etc.


Homework may be given occasionally. It may involve reading new information about composers, memorizing performance speaking or singing parts, practicing a performing task, getting information signed and returned, studying for quizzes, tests, and researching on internet, etc.


Music follows St. Louise Grading Policy and the Attendance and Tardy Policy. Progress in Grades 4-6 can be viewed on Skyward. Each assignment carries its own weight and points depending on the assessment. Possible grades may include: positive participation/attendance points, assigned work, journal writing, major projects, quizzes, tests, written and oral work, computer print-outs, memorization, exit slips, substitute teacher reports, field trips, etc.

Guests and Fieldtrips:

Guests may visit our class from time to time. Students are to treat all guests with respect and appreciation. This includes guest teachers (substitutes), fieldtrips to musical performances, retreats, community service events such as caroling may also be incorporated. Students are positive community members at all times. If a student misses other classes due to a field trip or absence, they need to pre-arrange and complete any missing assignments. Students should check Skyward for grade updates.

Video and Audio Taping:

Our class may video or audio tape performances and presentation projects in class and a concerts. These video and audio tapes are used as learning opportunities. Notice may or may not be given prior to recording.

Questions & Contact Information:

If you have any questions or need to reach me, you may email: or call: 425-214-5432. I teach at St. Louise on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

God Bless,


Terry La Russa Banton (Mrs. LB)

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(Please Detach)

Signature Page

Student Name______Grade/Section______

Please sign and return your child’s course syllabus and expectation letter to their Homeroom Teacher by Sept. 6th.

I have read the Music Syllabus and Expectations.

Please Check: ____ I am willingly to volunteer. Availability: ______

Parent Signature: ______Home Phone:______