Unit 1GEN6/10(F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

This Unit is about cleaning the inside and outside of a merchandising vending machine,testing the machine, and completing any relevant documentation. The Unit also coverssimilar activities for drinks machines, procedures for filling chilled food, drinks, andambient vending machines, and the methods for presenting vending goods.
When you have completed this unit, you will have proved you can:
1GEN6/10.1 Clean a merchandising vending machine
1GEN6/10.2 Clean a drinks vending machine
1GEN6/10.3 Fill a vending machine
1GEN6/10.4 Display vending goods
Assessor feedback on completion of Unit

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

I confirm that the evidence detailed in this Unit is my own work and meets the requirements of the National Occupational standards.

Candidate SignatureDate

I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this Unit.

Assessor SignatureDate

Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable)Date

I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this Unit and may be presented for external verification.

Internal Verifier SignatureDate

Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable)Date

External Verifier Initial and Date(if sampled)

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

What you have to do / What you have to do (cont)
The assessor must assess statements P1 – P8 by direct observation.
Element 1 — Clean a merchandising vending machine
P1Isolate the electricity supply in line with the manufacturers’ instructions.
P2Select cleaning equipment and materials that are appropriate to the task and prepare them for use.
P3Wear protective clothing in line with the manufacturer’s instructions.
P4Clean the machine according to the specified cleaning schedule.
P5Leave the interior and exterior of the machine clean, dry and smear free.
P6Test the vending machine for normal operation
P7Complete all necessary records.
P8Leave the area immediately around the machine clean, tidy and free from rubbish.
The assessor must assess statements P9 – P17 by direct observation.
Element 2 — Clean a drinks vending machine
P9Isolate the electricity supply safely, in line with the manufacturer’s instructions.
P10Select cleaning equipment and materials that are appropriate for the task and prepare them for use.
P11Wear protective clothing in line with manufacturers’ instructions.
P12Dismantle key internal working parts for cleaning
P13Prepare the machine and its internal working parts for cleaning.
P14Clean the machine and its internal working parts in line with the specified cleaning schedules and the appropriate health and safety requirements. / P15Leave the interior and exterior of the machine clean, dry and smear free.
P16Complete all necessary records.
P17Test the vending machine for correct operation.
The assessor must assess statements P18 – P22 by direct observation.
Element 3 — Fill a vending machine
P18Isolate the electricity safely, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
P19Remove and dispose of any stock that is already in the machine and has passed its expiry date.
P20Supply enough stock to meet demand, and position it correctly in the machine.
P21Follow stock rotation procedures.
P22Test the vending machine for normal operation.
P23Complete all necessary records.
The assessor must assess statements P24 – P25 by direct observation.
Element 4 — Display vending goods
P24Place the correct quantity and types of items in the machine.
P25Display the items using appropriate presentation methods that will maximise machine sales.
P26Use suitable replacements for unavailable items.
P27Make information changes.

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

What you must cover / What you must cover (cont)
There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate’s work for:
Element 1 — Clean a merchandising vending machine
C1Cleaning materials(at least one from)
(a) sanitiser
(b) sterilant
C2Machine(at least one from)
(a)chilled food machine
(b) can machine
(c) ambient machine
Element 2 — Clean a drinks vending machine
C3Cleaning materials(at least one from)
(a) sanitizer
(b) sterilant
C4Working parts(at least one from)
(a) ingredient canister
(b) the brewer unit
(c) carbon dioxide gas cylinder
C5Machine(at least one from)
(a) in-cup/sachet/cartridge/dispenser
(b) instant machines
(c) fresh brew / Element 3 – Fill a vending machine
C6Machine(at least one from)
(a) chilled food machine
(b) drinks machine
(c) ambient machine
Element 4 – Display vending goods
C7 Presentation methods (at least one from)
(a)Label visibility
(b)Product variety
C8 Information changes (at least one from)
(b)Menu information
(c)Pricing information
Evidence for the remaining points under ‘what you must cover’ may be assessed through questioning, witness testimony or simulation.

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you have to do
P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 / P8 / P9 / P10 / P11 / P12 / P13 / P14 / P15 / P16 / P17 / P18 / P19 / P20 / P21 / P22 / P23 / P24 / P25 / P26 / P27

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you must cover
At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from / At least one observation from
C1a / C1b / C2a / C2b / C2c / C3a / C3b / C4a / C4b / C4c / C5a / C5b / C5c / C6a / C6b / C6c / C7 a / C7 b / C8 a / C8 b

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

What you have to know
Knowledge Statements marked by cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
K1*Safe and hygienic practices to follow when cleaning a merchandising vending machine.
K2*Why it is important to check the electricity supply is safely isolated, if applicable to the machine.
K3*Why it is important to wear protective clothing.
K4*Why it is important not to mix chemicals.
K5*What the appropriate usage measures are for the cleaning agents.
K6*Why it is important that the interior and exterior of the machine is left clean, dry and free from smears.
K7*Why it is important to keep the area immediately around the vending machine clean and tidy.
K8*Why work routines and sequences need to be followed.
K9*Why it is important to conduct a test vend.
K10*Unexpected situations that may occur when cleaning a merchandising vending machine and how to deal with these.
K11*Safe and hygienic working practices when cleaning a drinks vending machine.
K12*Why it is important to keep the area immediately around the vending machine clean and tidy.
K13*Why work routines and sequences need to be followed.
K14*Why it is important that the interior and exterior of the machine is left clean, dry and free from smears.

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

What you have to know (cont)
Knowledge Statements marked by  cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
K15*Unexpected situations that may occur when cleaning a drinks vending machine and why these are important.
K16*Safe and hygienic working practices that may occur when filling a vending machine and vending machine.
K17*What procedures need to be followed if faults or problems are identified?
K18*Why it is important that the interior of the machine is clean prior to re-stocking.
K19*Why it is necessary to carry out temperature tests.
K20*Why stock rotation procedures need to be followed.
K21What documentation needs to be accurately completed?
K22*What the daily schedules are.
K23*Unexpected situations why these are important.
K24*Why merchandising plans are used.
K25*How items should be presented to maximise sales.
K26*Why information changes should be accurate.

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine

Supplementary evidence

Evidence/Question / Answer / Date

Evidence must come from candidate’s work in the associated work area. There must be sufficient evidence for the assessor to judge that the candidate can achieve the learning outcomes and assessment criteria on a consistent basis.

Unit 1GEN6/10 (F97R 04)Maintain a Vending Machine1

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