DRAFT Note of a Meeting of the Economic Action Group of the Essex Rural Partnership

Held at Ingatestone Hall at 10am on 5th October 2006


Keith Blackburn Suzanne Roast

Dianne Hardy Terry Taber

Dominic Petre Keith Hughes

John Murphy Phil Smith

Paul Williams

Apologies were received from Sarah Bell, Chris Allen and Ed Gregory

Notes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The notes of the last meeting were agreed. There were several matters arising.

DH reported back on the IiC consultation event held the previous day. This was the first stage of a three stage process including the summit on 8/9Nov and the submission of the 4 year business plan at the end of November, workshops had been held the previous day including one on access to services which embraced rural and rural shops. A report of the 4th October event would be available after 21st October on ExDRA’s website. The summit would involve CEs of Districts,and LSC, BL4E, Jobcentre+, Connexions and the VCS. LSC though would be looking for specific outcomes forits target group (16-19s)

It was recalled that IiC funding was relatively small(£7.5-£10.1 m over 4 years for mid and West Essex -7 Districts) ( ExDRA’s main area). Haven and Thames Gateway had indicated a wish to work in rural Essexled by ExDRA. The 3 themes of IiC were recalled : Employment, skills and enterprise as well as crosscutting themes such as access to services and communities.

SR mentioned a project being developed through RSCP to provide internet access in rural areas,perhaps through pubs and village halls.BT through the Broadband Partnership were involved and essex.info.net.

Action: DH and SR to meet to discuss project.

On village shops/Post Offices it was noted that Suffolk had put together a £130k fund to help village shops. It was agreed to ask EEDA what remained of the village shops fund.

It was noted that Braintree had recently organised a roadshow where all functions were represented

On encouraging local produce it was suggested we follow up on the contact established with Enform at the recent ERP meeting.

KH raised the future of theI DARE project. I DARE was preparing a robust analysis which would be given to the Project Board shortly He suggested this might be raised as a ‘soapbox ‘item at a forthcoming meeting of the Regional Rural Forum. Possibly the next stage of the project would involve the firms making a contribution to the cost of the assistance given.

ActionIt was agreed that the Group meet Dan Gascoyne after the I DARE Project Board to discuss how that project goes forward.

Action Plan

KB reported that some progress had been made on two further items on the Action Plan

Action Plan Update

KB reported that progress had been made on two other items on the Action

Plan. He had arranged to give presentations on the issues concerning planning and diversification to the Planning Policy and Development Control Fora of the Essex Planning Officers’ Association on October 27th and November 3rd respectively. He would circulate the presentation(s) when available.

He also tabled a document produced by ECC’s Crime and Disorder Unit setting out in more detail some background on rural crime and fear of crime in rural areas. While the statistics presented showed that Essex, and rural areas in Essex in particular, were very safe in comparison with most of the rest of the country. TT noted that the FSB had conducted a further crime survey from which he would share the results.

DP raised the question of fly tipping which didn’t seem to be covered in the report although it seemed to be a big and growing problem in rural Essex. It was agreed to add this and raise it with the Crime and Disorder Unit.

Action KB

On market towns it was noted that although Harwich and Saffron Walden had done well at the regional awards there were many other market towns in the county which didn’t have partnerships- it was not clear what could be done about this.

Action organise jointly with Community Group improved take-up of business skills training offered by AMT in Essex

It was suggested and agreed that as we appeared to be making progress on the items in the Action Plan that we look at the other items in the ERS to see if we should pick up

Action KB


KH noted Tesco’s recent announcement that it was to establish devolved buying offices as part of an effort to increase sales of local food which may be of interest to some local producers. Some Group members expressed some caution over the benefits of this initiative to local producers.

SR reminded members that RCCE was moving to its new offices over the

weekend of 13-16th October. New address, phone/fax numbers were


The Group thanked Dominic Petre for his hospitality in hosting the meeting.

Date of next meeting

Tentatively the next meeting was arranged for the new RCCE offices on

November 15 Subsequently changed to Monday 13th November at 4pm,

Venue new RCCE offices at Feering.