ICISO 2015 Registration Form

The 16th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations

19-20 March 2015, Toulouse, France

ICISO 2015 will be held on the 19-20 March 2015 in Toulouse, France. Please note that it is essential for all participants to send in a completed Registration Form (with the Payment Options Page) and Camera Ready Papers (.doc) to before 30December 2014.

Personal Information

First Name: / Surname:
Register as a Presenter/co-author (non-presenter)/Participant without paper
(Delete as appropriate)
Position (e.g. Professor, Lecturer, PhD student):
Postal address:
City: / State: / Country: / Postcode:
Telephone: / Fax: / Mobile: / E-mail:
Special needs or dietary requirements:
Student ID number of your university (if registering as student):
Paper ID(if registering as Presenter/additional paper author):
Paper title:
Number of pages of your paper: / Additional pages:

Payment Information

Payment and Fees (early bird registration, i.e. paid before and on 30th of December 2014)

Unit price / Number / Sum
Conference ICISO2015 / Student / £300 / £
Non-student / £350 / £
Extra pages/Proceedings / Extra page (max 2) / £30 / page / £
Extra copy of proceedings / £40 / copy / £

If you would like to visit the city of space, please tick the box below and make payment via bank transfer.

(£16 including ticket and English guide)

Payment and Fees (after 30th of December 2014)

Unit price / Number / Sum
Conference ICISO2015 / Student / £350 / £
Non-student / £390 / £
Extra pages/Proceedings / Extra page (max. 2) / £30 / page / £
Extra copy of proceedings / £40 / copy / £

Payment Options

Conference bookings will not be confirmed until payment has been received infull.

All the participants should pay the registration fee in currencies UK Sterling.

 By Credit Card

 By Bank Transfer – If making a bank transfer please quote the following details:

Bank Sort Code / 20-71-03
Account Number / 10468509
Account Name / University of Reading
Bank Name / Barclays Bank PLC
Branch / Broad Street, Reading
IBAN / GB68 BARC 2071 0310 4685 09
BICS/Swift Code / BARCGB22
Paid in by / (Name of delegate)/ICISO 2015 Registration Fee

Request for Visa Invitation Letter

If you require an invitation letter for visa purposes please complete this page and e-mail to the address given below.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Prof, etc.)
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)
Proposed Date of Arrival (DD-MM-YYYY)
Proposed Date of Departure (DD-MM-YYYY)
Your Full Address
E-mail Address
Telephone Number (With Country Code)
Paper title

Conference Contacts:

Shixiong Liu (Leo)

Conference Secretary of ICISO 2015

Business Informatics Systems & Accounting,

Henley Business School,

University of Reading,

Reading, RG6 6UD |
