
SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY – A Nation Soars! Launch

Created by: Lorraine Gouin Last Update: September 27, 2016


·  Summary: A Nation Soars documentary launch

·  Timeframe: timing for social media promotion tbc

o  Event Tuesday Nov 1, 2016, during the day (museum is closed


·  awareness amongst media and stakeholders about the documentary

·  promote CASM's involvement & earn brownie points


·  Mentions the partners that will be at the event

·  Emphasis on ????


·  CASM / MAEC Social media followers

·  ????


Types / Purpose
Facebook / ·  Share info about the partners and event
Instagram / ·  Share info about the partners and event
Twitter / ·  Share info about the partners and event (Sept 8 – 18)
·  Sharing images before, during and after the event
·  Share “live” content the day of


Activity/task / Start date / End date / Responsible
Content creator - Prepare content for the CSTM social media channels – see content schedule document
Content editor – edit content and prep to share
Social media community manager – share content, manage social media community and respond to questions


·  Use images from the Google Drive folder - photos of the giant floor map, stories that have run in Canadian Geographic magazine, advertisements that were designed, and logos.

o  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6JFaPnmVslHalZ0SURmcVVmVE0

·  Hashtags to use: ??? What are they using?

·  Contacts:

o  Alex Pope, Social Media Editor, Royal Canadian Geographical Society

o  Kendra Stieler, our Production Coordinator, Royal Canadian Geographical Society

o  Ellen Curtis, Director, Education, The Royal Canadian Geographical Society

·  What RCGS will be doing:

o  Promote the launch on Twitter and Facebook once the details are finalized and share photos from the event itself during/after the fact, being sure to tag/mention all our partner accounts.

o  Also looking into the possibility of having Sound Venture cut a short trailer for YouTube and Facebook

·  Documentary content:

o  "Wings of Courage" documentary launch http://www.anationsoars.ca/

o  3 "episodes", which discusses the different aspects of aviation during WWI

o  Production of Sound Venture, funded by RCGS and by dept of Canadian Heritage.

o  What life was like as a pilot during the World Wars


·  Find partners social media account information: See content schedule for list


Supporting channels / Who is responsible? / Start/end date