Doc. Ref. No. / Issue Version / Date
UoN-FI-CTAP / 1 / July 2016


Course Details
Semester / Summer 2015-2016
Course Code / L1
Course Name / Level 1
IELP Instructor’s Details
Name / Laszlo Tilinger / Office Hours/Anjiz/Voice
Office / 2c-5c / Tue. 13-13.50 Office hour
Extension / 527 / Wed. 13-13.50 Office hour
Email /
Day / Times - IELP / Room
Thursday / 8-9.50, 10-11.50, 14-15, 15-15.50( in class)
8-9.50, 10-11.50, 14-15, 1.5-15.50( in class)
10-11.50, 14-15.50
10-11.50, 14-15, 15-15.50( in class)
8-9.50, 12-13., 13-13.50( in class) / Build. 3 3A-2
Required Materials
IELP Textbooks: / Foundation English 1Book,
Foundation English 1 Workbook / Teacher
requirements / Extra Material
Units / 1-6
Level 1 and Level 1 Consolidation Course Outline
A student-centered intensive English course designed to help students with limited proficiency in English to develop oral fluency and accuracy through speaking and listening, to develop and practice reading skills and expand vocabulary, to write paragraphs coherently, and to improve students’ ability to study in an English-medium institution. By the end of the course, students will be able to fulfill the requirements.

Course Assessment

Continuous Assessment / Exams
Class participation / 10% / Skills / Final
Term Project Written / 10% / Language Knowledge / 8%
Term Project Presentation / 5% / Reading / 12%
Skills Quizzes (3x10%) / 30% / Listening / 10%
Writing / 15%
Totals / 55% / 45%

Level 1 and Level 1 Consolidation Outcomes

Speaking Skills

S.L1.1 / The student can exchange information about himself and others and familiar topics.
S.L1.2 / The student can take part in discussions -expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
S.L1.3 / The student can describe and make comparisons of people, places and things.
S.L1.4 / The student can give or ask for advice.
S.L1.5 / The student can sustain 3-5 minute conversation on familiar topics (including turn-taking, interrupting etc.)
S.L1.6 / The student can give a presentation of at least 5 minutes on familiar topics (using notes and visuals, appropriate body language etc.)

Listening Skills

L.L1.1 / The student can understand verbal cues requesting information on familiar topics.
L.L1.2 / The student can follow instructions, warnings and requests of up to 5 steps.
L.L1.3 / The student can understand context and gist (main ideas) in dialogues of 2-4 minutes.
L.L1.4 / The student can identify key words and specific details in dialogues of 2-4 minutes.
L.L1.5 / The student can identify sequence (chronological/magnitude) in dialogues of 2-4 minutes.

Reading Skills

R.L1.1 / The student can read an informative text of 550-650 words in 45 minutes and answer questions on context and gist (main ideas), key words and specific details, headings and topic sentences, sequence, etc.
R.L1.2 / The student can read an informative text of 550-650 words in 45 minutes and make predictions about the text, draw inferences from the text
R.L1.3 / The student can read an extended text of 1-2 pages and answer questions relating to content and purpose.
R.L1.4 / The student can read texts from a variety of sources and present the information orally (S2.1, S2.2, S1.8), or in written form such as notes/sentences or a paragraph.(W2.1, W2.4, SS2.1)

Writing Skills

W.L1.1 / The student can brainstorm, plan, develop and refine paragraphs and essays.
W.L1.2 / The student can make effective notes and summaries from different sources.
W.L1.3 / The student can produce a cohesiveessay of a minimum of 200 words with introduction, body and conclusion. Description, Comparison (person, place, thing), Opinion or argument
W.L1.4 / The student can summarize, paraphrase, quote and reference information.
W.L1.5 / The student can write a report of 200-300 words showing evidence of research.

Study Skills

SS.L1.1 / The student can synthesize information from different sources into a new whole.
SS.L1.2 / The student can identify current, appropriate and reliable sources of information.
SS.L1.3 / The student can develop strategies for independent learning.

Grammar Outcomes

The student can demonstrate written and spoken mastery of
G.L1.1 / Verbs: be and have as main or auxiliary verb
G.L1.2 / Subject pronouns; object pronouns
G.L1.3 / The possessive
G.L1.4 / Question words, question forms.
G.L1.5 / Linking words: and, but, so, because, although, until, where, which, who, whose, that
G.L1.6 / Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives
G.L1.7 / Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, some, other; Quantifiers: much, many, some, any, none, few, a few, little, a little, lots, a lot.
G.L1.8 / Prepositions of place and movement (Other than what is covered in previous levels).
G.L1.9 / Discourse markers: also, too, as well, such as, for example, for instance, in addition, moreover, furthermore, first/firstly, second/secondly, next, while, after that, finally, in short, to sum up, in conclusion, similarly, conversely, on the other hand, whereas, however.
G.L1.10 / Adverbs of frequency: never, sometimes, often, usually, always; time expressions
G.L1.11 / Mechanics: full stops, capital letters, commas, apostrophes, exclamation marks, question marks.
G.L1.12 / The imperative
G.L1.13 / Present simple and present perfect positive, negative, interrogative
G.L1.14 / Past simple and past continuous positive, negative, interrogative
G.L1.15 / Present continuous, going to and will positive, negative, interrogative
G.L1.16 / Word forms

Level 1 Writing Rubric

An essay should receive 0 if

  • completely off topic
  • plagiarized from text or script
  • the writing task has not been attempted

Word Count
1 / Is less than 140 words
2 / Is 140 to 159 words
3 / Is 160 to 179 words
4 / Is 180 to 199 words
5 / Fully achieves the required word count (200 words)
Structure (introduction paragraph with thesis statement, supporting paragraphs and concluding paragraph)
1 / Lacks complete structure (doesn’t resemble an essay in any way)
2 / Attempt at structure requirements (one of the required paragraphs is missing)
3 / Adequately meets structure requirements (contains introduction, supporting and concluding paragraphs but is missing thesis statement)
4 / Mostly meets structure requirements (contains introduction with thesis statement, supporting and concluding paragraphs but one is not clear)
5 / Fully meets structure requirements (introduction with thesis statement, supporting paragraph and concluding paragraph)
1 / Question is poorly answered (totally irrelevant thesis statement and details or examples)
2 / Essay mostly doesn’t answer the question (inappropriate thesis statement with poorly developed details and examples)
3 / Essay adequately answers the question but has some irrelevant details or examples
4 / Essay mostly answers the question with a few irrelevant details or examples
5 / Essay completely answers question (relevant thesis statement, details and examples)
Linearity and Cohesion
1 / Baffling (no organization and cohesion)
2 / Little apparent organization of ideas
3 / Some organization of ideas
4 / Generally well organized and cohesive
5 / Excellent organization; supporting sentences logical and cohesive
Mechanics (spelling, punctuation and capitalization)
1 / Dominated by errors (less than 50% error-free)
2 / Frequent errors (50-69% error-free)
3 / Some errors (70-79% error-free)
4 / Occasional errors (80-89% error-free)
5 / Largely error free (90-100% error-free)
Level Appropriate Grammar (Sentence structure and verb forms)
1 / Serious errors which totally obstruct meaning. (less than 50% error-free)
2 / Frequent errors which sometimes obstruct meaning. 50-69% error-free)
3 / Some errors but meaning is not obstructed. (70-79% error-free)
4 / Few errors which do not obstruct meaning. (80-89% error-free)
5 / Minor errors which do not obstruct meaning. (90-100% error-free)
Level Appropriate Vocabulary (usage)
1 / Incoherent because of inappropriate use of vocabulary (wrong context)
2 / Limited use and range of vocabulary (repetition and/or vocabulary below level)
3 / Adequate use of a range of vocabulary but some context isn’t clear
4 / Mostly effective use of a range of vocabulary with a few words used incorrectly
5 / Effective use of a wide range of vocabulary
Attendance Policy
As per the University Absentee Regulations Uon-RR-AP-1-2009, Absentee warning notices will be issued to the student as follows:
  1. Absentee Warning 1 is issued to a student who has missed 5% of course contact hours.
  2. Absentee Warning 2 is issued to a student who has missed 10% of course contact hours.
  3. Absentee Warning 3 is issued to a student who has missed 15% of course contact hours.
  4. Barred from Examination is issued to a student who has missed 25% of course contact hours.

Classroom Behavior Policies
University Policy on classroom behavior can be found on page 40 of your Student Handbook and is translated there.
Classroom Behavior
The classroom is a place for learning where a teacher meets her/his students to access and share information and knowledge in different educational fields. Therefore, the student should take into consideration the rules of respect and appreciation of the classroom and not to break any of these rules. Therefore, any inappropriate classroom behavior carries penalties. The university has established legislation to control classroom behavior. The teacher has the right to take necessary procedures under this legislation to control the classroom and stop any violation of the rules on behavior.
The following are prohibited inside classrooms and will be penalized by the regulations of the university:
  • Arriving more than 5 minutes after the start of a class.
  • Eating or drinking in classrooms or teaching areas.
  • Speaking in Arabic or any language other than English in the presence of the teacher unless expressly permitted.
  • Failure to bring learning materials such as textbooks, pens etc.
  • Bringing a friend to the class unless permitted by the teacher.
  • Using cell phones: they should be in “off” mode during class time.
  • Leaving the classroom without permission.
  • Sleeping in the classroom and in the presence of the teacher.
  • Use bad or inappropriate language to or in front of the teacher, students, university staff, maintenance and cleaning staff.
  • Writing on the walls, tables or any place that is not assigned for writing.
  • Leaving rubbish on the classroom floor tables or chairs.
  • Interrupting the teacher by any means.
  • Any form of physical contact with the teacher, the students or any other person.
Since the university is an educational institution, the priority is given to the educational procedures in dealing with such misbehaviour. Penalties will be considered if a student fails to cooperate with educational procedures. Procedures for dealing with misconduct differ between the instructor, Student Advisor and Student Affairs as follows:
Teacher's Procedure
  • Provide advice and guidance to misbehaving students
  • If misconduct is repeated, the teacher will issue a report and refer it to the Student Advisor.
  • The teacher will keep documentary evidence of misconduct.

Student Advisor's Procedure
  • The student advisor will talk to the student about the incident. If the student is found wrong the Student Advisor will take the first step of giving advice and guidance to the student and keep a record of the incident.
  • If the student commits misbehavior, the Student Advisor will issue a first written warning and keep a copy in the student's file.
  • A second warning will be issued when the student misbehaves a second time and a copy will be saved in the student's file.
  • If misbehaviour occurs a third time, the Student Advisor will send a report explaining the misbehaviour to Student Affairs who will take the necessary legal procedures.

Student Affairs' Procedure
Students Affairs are authorized to do the following:
  • Give advice and guidance to the student.
  • Give a verbal warning.
  • Give a written warning.
  • Inform parents in respect of the incidents.
  • Suspend the student from attending classes.
  • Expel the student.

Cheating / Plagiarism Policy
As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions (not a complete list), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties:
  1. Copying directly any part of another person’s work;
  2. Summarizing another person’s work;
  3. Using or developing an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work;
  4. Using experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person;
  5. Copying the work of another student;
  6. Demonstrating academic misconduct during an exam.
Penalties include failing an assignment, failing a quiz or exam, failing the course or expulsion from the University.
Students should refer to their student Handbook for further information.
IMPORTANT: Students must regularly check their attendance on Eduwave. Any errors must be notified to their instructor immediately.
اعلان هام
يرجى من الطلاب ضرورة مراجعة الاديوف بشكل دائما المتعلقة بالحضور والغياب. في حالة وجود ملاحظات غياب خاطئة يجب أخطار المعلم في أقرب وقت ممكن.
Student Advising
Each teacher is responsible for giving academic advice to his/her students. If the teacher is unable to address the student’s needs, the student should be referred to the Level Coordinator who in turn may refer students to the Assistant Directors as needed. Students who need advice should first approach the teacher in the classroom, during office hours or by appointment.

Signed (Teacher)……………………………………………………………Date…………..

Signed (Level Coordinator) ………………………………………………..Date…………..