Rehoboth Ranch Ministries

Resident Application

The confidential information you share on this application will not be held against you or used to judge you. The Rehoboth Ranch Ministries staff simply needs to know the facts about you and where you are in life right now. Please remember that we will not be able to help you if you are not completely honest when you answer the questions below. Please understand that we absolutely cannot review this application if anything is left blank. If you do not understand what is being requested, please call us and we will be happy to assist you. If a question does not apply it is very important that you mark N/A.

Prior to filling out this application you must have read and understand each of the following documents. Please initial next to each document to indicate you have done so. Pages requiring signatures are indicated by an * in the list below. All applications submitted must include a copy of signature pages from each supporting document.

Applicant Letter *Medical Procedures

*Sample Daily Schedule Visitor Policy

Application Overview Expectations for Residents

*Time Commitment & Phase System *Integrity Commitment

*Resident Application What you can expect to learn at RRM

Name: ______Date: ______

Present Address: ______

Street Address City State Zip

Is this your permanent address? ______(If not, please list your permanent address below)

Permanent Address:______

Street Address City State Zip

Telephone # ( )______Cell Phone # ( )______

Work # ( ) ______Message Phone # ( ) ______

Please describe your current living arrangements: ______

All email addresses where you may be reached: ______

Are you on Facebook? ______Under what names? ______

Are you active on Twitter? ______Under what usernames? ______

Are you active on any blogs / chat rooms / support group websites? (list websites and usernames)


Have you ever applied to Rehoboth Ranch Ministries in the past? _____If yes, please give the date ______

Your Main Problems (check all that apply)

_____ Drug Abuse

_____ Drug Addiction

_____ Other: ______

Summary of your current situation:

Why would you like to come to Rehoboth Ranch? ______


Why is a faith-based treatment center the best approach for you? ______


What are you hoping to gain while at Rehoboth Ranch? ______


List your 5 biggest goals in coming to Rehoboth Ranch.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

List your 5 biggest fears in coming to Rehoboth Ranch.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Referral Source:

_____ Social Services _____ Courts _____ Parents ______Church

_____ Self _____ Probation _____ Counselor ______Other ______

Name of the person who referred you: ______

Contact Info the person who referred you Phone: ( ) ______Email: ______

Information About You

Date of Birth: ______Age: ______City and State of Birthplace: ______

Social Security Number: ______Driver’s License # and expiration date: ______

Height: ______Weight: ______Eye Color: ______Hair Color: ______

Spiritual Background

Do you feel that you have a need for God? ______Explain: ______


What is your present relationship with God? ______


Have you committed your life to following God?______Date: ______Place: ______

Are you a member of any church or religion? ______

Denominational background: ______

Where do you attend church? ______How often? ______
Do you read the Bible? ______How often? ______
Do you ever pray? ______How often? ______

Have you ever witnessed or been involved with occult activities? (Satan worship, Ouija boards, levitation, rituals, séances, sacrifices, spiritism, voodoo, witchcraft, etc) ______If yes, explain each ______


Have you ever been abused in any of these activities? ______

Have you ever been involved in any of the following cults?

_____ Christian Science _____ Mormonism _____ Eastern Religions

_____ Scientology _____ Jehovah’s Witness _____ Kabbalah

_____ Brotherhood _____ New Age Movement _____ Transcendental Meditation

Write a brief explanation of your involvement with each: ______


Do your family and friends describe themselves as Christians? ______

Denomination and name of family’s church: ______

Family Relationships

Describe how you get along with your family______

# of siblings you have? ____ sisters ____brothers ____ step / half sisters _____ step / half brothers

Are you adopted? ______Describe your reaction to being adopted: ______


Intimate Relationships / Marital Status

____ Single ____ Married ____ Divorced _____ Separated _____ Engaged _____ Serious Relationship

If you are married, is your wife in agreement with you applying to RRM? ______

Are you seeking marital counseling right now? ______Where? ______

Are you currently seriously dating anyone? ______


Do you have any children? ______How many? ______

List names and ages of all children you have given birth to:

1. ______Age: ______DOB: ______

2. ______Age: ______DOB: ______

Who has custody of your children? ______

What arrangements are being made for your children while you are at Rehoboth Ranch? ______


Are you on any type of government or financial assistance such as Disability, Food Stamps, etc.? If so, what kind?

Will coming to Rehoboth Ranch have any effect on this assistance? ______


Do you find that you are able to make and keep friends easily? ______

How well do you resolve conflict and deal with problems in relationships? ______


Do you get along well with people in general? ______

Do you struggle with any of the following?: (check all that apply)

_____ Outbursts of anger _____ Physical violence toward others _____ Aggression

_____ Isolation _____ People pleasing _____ Codependency

_____ Quiet simmering anger _____ Bitterness / Unsolved Problems _____ Jealousy of others

Overall Physical and Medical Health

Are you in general good health? ______

Do you have any medical problems? ______

List any physical limitation that you may have as indicated by a physician: ______


Do you have any conditions or events in your past that would limit your ability to fully participate in the

standard RRM program? ______

Do you have any allergies? ______List: ______

List any and all medication that you take:

Medication / Dosage / For what reason? / For how long?

List all past surgeries or medical hospitalizations (include dates): ______


Past and Current Substance Abuse

Have you ever experimented with the following substances? (Write in the date that you last used that substance.)

_____ Alcohol _____ Hallucinogenic (Acid, LSD, etc) _____ Morphine _____ Inhalants

_____ Crank _____ Amphetamines (Uppers) _____ Opiates _____ Crack

_____ Crystal Meth _____ Barbiturates (Downers) _____ Heroin _____ Tobacco

_____ Marijuana _____ Meth Amphetamines _____ Cocaine _____ Ecstasy

_____ Other (Specify:______)

Drugs of Choice:

1. ______Frequency of use: ______Date of last use? ______

2. ______Frequency of use: ______Date of last use? ______

3. ______Frequency of use: ______Date of last use? ______

4. ______Frequency of use: ______Date of last use? ______

Maximum habit cost per day? ______Longest period clean? ______

Have you ever been in an alcohol, drug, or detox program before? ______

Was it faith based or secular? ______

Date of Entry / Program Name / City / State / Reason for Leaving / Date of Discharge

Overall Psychological Health / Past Counseling or Treatment Experience

Have you ever been diagnosed or treated for (please mark yes or no):

_____ DID / Dissociative Disorder _____ ADHD / ADD _____ Schizophrenia

_____ Bi-Polar Disorder _____ Borderline Personality _____ PTSD

_____ Severe Trauma in past _____ Depression Other (______)

Have you ever experienced a life altering traumatic event that still affects your mental health? ______

Please describe: ______

Do experience: _____ Flashbacks _____ Body Memories _____ Nightmares _____ Night Terrors

Do you have trouble sleeping? _____ Why? ______

Have you ever experienced periods of fantasizing / daydreaming for long periods? ______

On a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best), how would you evaluate your life? ______

Have you ever tried to commit suicide? ______Why? ______

Have you ever been to counseling? ______Why? ______(List facilities / counselors)
Have you ever received psychiatric care or been in a psychiatric hospital? ______(List facilities)

Date of Entry / Program Name / City / State / Reason for Leaving / Date of Discharge

Please sign release forms with the above facilities/counselors and have your records forwarded to Rehoboth Ranch Ministries.

Sexual Health

Are you sexually active? ______Since what age? ______

Under what conditions? ______

Have you ever been a victim of sexual abuse? ______physical abuse? ______or ritual abuse? ______

Have you ever been a victim of rape? ______or incest? ______How old were you? ______

Have you ever been involved in prostitution? ______For what reasons? ______

Have you ever been in an intimate relationship with another man? ______To what extent? ______

______When? ______How many different relationships? ______

Have you ever contracted an STD? ______Explain:______

Have you ever tested positive for HIV / AIDS? ______Explain:______

Educational Background

Name of last school attended? ______Dates of attendance? ______

Did you graduate? ______If not, what was last grade completed? ______

Have you ever been in special education classes? ______If yes, please list: ______

Do you have plans to further your education? ______

Current Financial Status

Do you have any outstanding debts? ______Explain: ______


What arrangements will you make for their payment while you are at RRM? ______


Will the finances for your personal needs while at Rehoboth Ranch Ministries be sponsored by a church, ministry,

family, or individual? ______If yes, who? ______

Rehoboth Ranch Ministries provides food and shelter, but we are not responsible for medical expenses or prescriptions. It is your responsibility to cover these expenses. Arrangements should be made prior to residency. If NONE of the above is available to you, please inform the intake coordinator during your interview.

Legal Background
Please send copies of all legal/court documents for all charges, open or closed.

Arrest History

Date / Charge / Legal Outcome / Current Status

Do you have any pending court dates? ______Explain: ______

Are you currently incarcerated? ____ Total Sentence____ Length of time remaining? ______

Name of Attorney or Legal Representative:______

Telephone # ( )______

Have you ever been on probation or parole? ______Are you now? ______

How long? ______Length of time remaining: ______

How often do you report? ______In person or through mail? ______

Name of probation or parole officer? ______

Address: ______

Telephone # ( ) ______

Is there anything else you feel the staff at Rehoboth Ranch Ministries needs to know about you, your situation, or your application for residency?



I have read the rules of Rehoboth Ranch Ministries and agree to submit to the rules and staff at Rehoboth Ranch Ministries. I understand that if I have failed to answer these questions truthfully or purposely withheld information, it can be grounds for either refusal or dismissal from the program.

Please include two 4 x 6 photos of yourself. One needs to be a head shot and one needs to be a full body head-to-toe shot. These do not need to be professionally taken. Upon submission, PLEASE remember to include signature pages of our supporting documents as well as all legal/court documents of open or closed legal charges, if applicable.


Applicant Signature Date


Witness Signature Date