28th September 2015

Dear Pharmacy Manager

Re: NHS England Patient Returned Medicines Contract

I am writing to inform you that Kent & Medway NHS Facilities (KMF) have recently taken over the management of the patient returned medicines contract for your pharmacy on behalf of NHS England. We are an established facilities management company operating within the NHS; offering a range of buildingmaintenance services.

Our value for money services aim to enhance your patient environment and ensure that you have safe, secure buildings that are compliant with the Department of Health and CQC guidelines.

Contract Management

The KMF Waste & Environment Team hasbeen commissioned to manage the patient returned medicines contract and some needle exchange contracts across Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Please contact the team if you have any requests, complaints or queries regarding the contract or waste information in general. All contact should now be via phone or email and there is no need to fax requests.

So that we can accurately monitor the contract it is imperative that you do not contact SRCL or Cannon direct. They in turn should not contact you directly and if this happens please forward on the correspondence or refer them back to us.

The contract specification remains largely the same although you may notice some changes e.g. collection days, stock provision etc. as we seek to improve the service you receive. We will endeavour to keep you informed of these as the contract progresses.

In addition to contract management, KMFarecommissioned to provide;

  • Helpdesk -All service requests, complaints or queries should be directed to us.

Telephone 01634 335220 or email

We are open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30pm

  • Advice –Providing assistance to keep your pharmacy compliant with both the legislative and best pharmacy requirements for waste.
  • Waste Literature – Provision of internal and external posters and bin signs, FAQ sheets, policies, procedures and guidelines. These will be emailed to you so that you can print as many as are required for your site.

I have enclosed some information that you will find useful. If you do not have one already, then you should allocate a Waste Management File and use this to store the enclosed information and all paperwork provided by the waste contractor. This file must be accessible to all staff.

To assist us in ensuring a smooth transition of the contract management, please can you complete the enclosed Site Information Sheet and return it to us as soon as possible.

KMF look forward to working with you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Yours Faithfully

Laura Smith AIEMA, AssocMCIWM

Waste & Environment Manager

Kent & Medway NHS Facilities

Kent and Medway NHS Facilities is hosted by Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Trust Headquarters, Farm Villa, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9PH Tel: 01622 724100 Fax: 01622 724167

Chairman – Andrew Ling, Chief Executive– Angela McNab