TIS Community Council
Minutes for meeting of 17 January 2013
7:30 a.m.
In attendance: DeAnna Lloyd, Bruce Strom, Trisha Cook, Daniel Robison, Janette Hall, Kristy Bond, Korey Walker, Amy Siversten, Jean North
- Meeting called to order by Bruce Strom
- Committee reviewed minutes from November 15 meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes by Trisha Cook. Motion seconded by Bruce Strom. Motion carried unanimously.
- School Counselor, Amy Sivertsen, presented the committee with a report on the Utah Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Program. This program helps counselors to be on the same page, focus school wide, everyone working together; parents, teachers, administrators, community, and is data driven. She stated that our district is unique in that we have funding for elementary school counselors along with two at-risk counselors funded by the district. Four components of a Comprehensive Guidance Program are:
- Guidance Curriculum – Provides guidance content in a systematic manner
- Responsive Services – Addresses the concerns of students
- Individual Planning – Supports students in monitoring & understanding their own development
- System Support – Includes program management activities that establish the guidance program
in the school.
95 to 100% of counselor’s time is spent on guidance, 10% on individuals, 6% on groups and 5% on crisis response. School Counselors help students build bright futures. Bruce Strom was wondering how the school was addressing the latest shooting in Sandy Hook Connecticut. Ms. Siverstens response was that each student dealt with different emotions. Teachers reviewed and spoke with their classroom regarding our safety procedures. Bruce Strom expressed appreciation for the Chief of Police and Sheriff being visible in the schools and getting a better layout of each school. Corey Walker expressed his concerns on the preventive side of these tragedies. Ms. Sivertsen stated that by being in the elementary schools we recognize these mental health problems early on. The support in the schools is more prevalent and individuals get extra support here where they are not getting support from home. Families can be worked with getting both students and parents involved. Outside referrals are made for students needing professional help. Jannette Hall asked how the counselors tracked the students when they moved on to other schools. Ms. Siversten stated that the counselors have a district meeting where they keep track and share information throughout the district. Trisha Cook asked about the nutritional aspect of mental health. Ms. Siversten stated that food affects emotional needs especially with high anxiety. Ms. Lloyd shared that the P.E. teachers also cover the nutritional needs in a unit taught in their classrooms. The committee thanked Ms. Siversten for an excellent job and the insight that she gave them.
- School Safety Plans were reviewed by Ms. Lloyd. She shared the district manual that we follow. We have a school crisis team, command posts, and alternative locations in case of emergencies. We are working on the basics; limiting exits, looking at card readers, working on identification for both staff and visitors. Officers are doing a walk through each day and we are getting to know our officers as well as the officers getting to know our building. Lock down procedures are practiced at least once a year. Ms. Lloyd feels like we have excellent plans in place.
- Next meeting will be February 21st.
- Amy Sivertsen motioned to adjourn at 8:20 a.m. Kristy Bond seconded the motion.
Bruce Strom- Jen Ostergaard- Janette Hall- Kristy Bond- Trisha Cook- Korey Walker- Jared Hendry- Daniel Robison- Amy Sivertsen- DeAnna Lloyd