2013 Joint Annual Meeting of the

American Baptist Churches of Michigan (ABC-MI) &

Michigan Baptist Convention (MBC)

September 21, 2013

Second Missionary Baptist Church

Battle Creek, Michigan


I. Welcome and Prayer President Russell Kirksey

The meeting was called to order and opened in prayer at approximately 11:04 a.m. by President Russell Kirksey.

II. Rules of Procedure for 2013 President Russell Kirksey

President Kirksey reviewed and explained the Rules of Procedure for the meeting. There were no questions, nor was there any discussion.

III. Minutes of 2012 Annual Meeting President Russell Kirksey

The minutes of the 2012 Annual meeting were presented to delegates for approval by President Kirksey. A motion was made to accept and approve the 2012 minutes as they had been presented.

Motion made by: Rev. David McMahon (FBC Cadillac)

Seconded by: Elizabeth Pierce (FBC Dearborn)

Vote: The motion was passed

IV. President's Report President Russell Kirksey

President Kirksey recapped the year from his perspective as president of the Executive Committee and as Region President, noting the various changes within the Region which have been implemented or planned for implementation during his term of office. Each change was necessary to meet the diverse culture and values expressed by the Region’s individual churches.

President Kirksey thanked the Region for the privilege of leading these efforts and serving as the Region President.

V. Presentation of Annual Reports Rev. Dr. Michael Williams

Dr. Michael Williams, ABC-MI Executive Minister, presented the Annual Report booklet, He noted to delegates the report was contained within their packets. Dr. Williams asked for a motion to accept the Annual reports as presented.

Motion to accept: Rev Laura Lee Strawser (Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, Saginaw)

Seconded by: Ms. Helen Johnson (Mt Olive Missionary Baptist Church, Flint)

Vote: Passed

VI. Report of Nominating Committee Mr. Mark Stephenson

President Kirksey informed meeting attendees that Mr. Stephenson, Immediate Past President and Nominating Committee Chair, was unable to be in attendance due to a scheduling conflict. President Kirksey presented the Nominating Committee report, calling attention to the PowerPoint highlighting the nominees. He also noted a hardcopy of the PowerPoint was in the delegate’s packets.

President Kirksey asked for a motion to approve the nominating committee slate of officers and nominees to various Ministry Teams.

Motion to accept Ms. Diana Thomson (FBC Dearborn)

The candidates

for the offices

as presented.

Vote: Passed

Further, President Kirksey asked the attendees and delegates to approve as presented, the officers for the Michigan Baptist Convention.

Motion to accept Ms. Alice Fishman (Burton Baptist, Grand Rapids)

the candidates

Vote: Passed

VII. Report of the Treasurer Mr. Ed Ritzler

Review of 2012 Budget: Mr. Ritzler invited delegates to review the Financial Reports booklet found in their packets. He began his presentation with a summary of budget year 2012. Referring to the Comparative Budget Report, Mr. Ritzler began with an explanation of the revenues for 2012. He noted the total of $617,807 against a budgeted amount of $583,196. He explained the revenues were greater than budgeted as a result of two items: (1) the Region borrowed ($36,000) from the Michigan Baptist Convention several years ago to provide funding during the transition to “greater managerial independence” of Camp Lael and Camp Lake Louise. In 2012, an action was taken by the officers of the Michigan Baptist Convention to provide the Region a grant in the same amount, $36,000, which was then used to satisfy the loan. This grant was listed as revenue to the Region (as required by the Auditor) on the 2012 budget although there was no exchange of actual cash; (2) the Region qualified for a Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Tax Credit for 2011 and 2012 with the funds received in 2012. At the time of the crafting of the 2012 budget, this tax credit was not anticipated.

Mr. Ritzler also noted the actual expenses for 2012 of $523,686 against budgeted expenses of $582,715 with most savings realized in the professional staff portion of the budget. The result was a net surplus of $94,000 for the year.

Questions and discussion were fielded from the floor.

Review of 2013 Budget: Mr. Ritzler called attention to the “Comparative Budget Report” found in the Financial Reports booklet. He highlighted the projected 2013 income/expenses against the 2013 budget approved by delegates to the 2012 Annual Meeting. He noted a projected shortfall in revenue of $30,000. He also noted projected expenses to be under the budget of $503,065.

2014 Proposed Budget: Mr. Ritzler presented to delegates the proposed 2014 budget as delineated in the Financial Reports booklet. He noted the delegates would be voting on the proposed budgeted revenue of $580,111 and proposed budgeted expenses of $579,565.00.

He noted the delegates’ vote on the “block grants” to the Ministry Teams. While the Financial Report booklet highlights how the Ministry Teams intend to spend their “block grant,” they are free to adjust among the line items in their budget as long as they do not exceed the total block grant amount.

There were questions and general discussion from the floor.

Mr. Ritzler brought a recommendation from the Executive Committee to the Annual Meeting delegates to accept the 2014 proposed Region budget as presented.

Motion made by: Mr. Ed Ritzler

Vote: Passed

Michigan Baptist Convention Budget: Mr. Ritzler invited delegates to review the proposed budget for the Michigan Baptist Convention as found on page 12 of the Financial Reports booklet. Following discussion, Mr. Ritzler, on behalf of the Executive Committee, recommended the adoption of the proposed 2014 budget for the Michigan Baptist Convention.

Motion made by: Mr. Ed Ritzler

Vote: Passed

VIII. Report of One Brand Studio Rev. Dr. Dave Nichols & Mr. D.J. Hurula

Dr. Nichols provided a handout to meeting delegates, which explained what One Brand Studio has been doing over the past several months. A copy is attached as Exhibit “A” to these minutes. He introduced Mr. DJ Hurula, of One Brand Studio, to share his “findings” and invite delegates to provide feedback.

Mr. Hurula provided an explanation of One Brand services and their purpose in the contract.

Mr. Hurula further explained One Brand Studio is seeking to assist the Region in clarifying: Who Are We? What Do We Do? Why Does It Matter? The answers to these questions will significantly shape focus and strategy for the Region going forward. The goal is to help Region constituents to be fully engaged, in sync with a common vision and set of values. Over the past several months, One Brand Studio has conducted several roundtable meetings with stakeholders, analyzed feedback, held work sessions, and are now creating language and visuals to communicate the Region’s “brand.”

Mr. Hurula invited delegates to review the handout to see the emerging vision, values, key impacts Mr. Hurula has developed as a result of these months of data gathering. He invites delegates to provide comments/feedback either by filling out the form provided to them and leave at the registration table or to communicate with him at the e-mail address listed.

IX. Recognitions Rev. Dr. Michael Williams

Dr. Williams expressed appreciation to DJ Hurula and his firm support for the One Brand Studio process which the ABC-MI Executive Committee voted to engage in some months ago now.

Ministry Leadership Groups (MLG) - Dr. Williams recognized the MLG Peer Leaders who were present at the meeting, explaining to delegates the purpose of our twelve MLGs. He encouraging all pastors to participate in an MLG somewhere within the Region.

Dr. Williams introduced and recognized the Rev. Dr. Kevin Turman as the new contract consultant for the Region's MLG program.

Contract Consultants - Dr. Williams invited delegates to reference the document in their packets highlighting the ABC-MI Contract Consultants. He reviewed the various consultants contracted with the Region and their responsibilities, thanking them for their efforts.

In brief, they are:

Rev. Dr. John Landis - Congregational health issues, including congregational health assessments and conflict transformation initiatives.

Rev. Dr. Joe Mortensen - for his work on the Region's E-link newsletter, an electronic, online publication produced every other Monday throughout the year. He encouraged delegates, if not currently receiving E-Link, to go by the registration desk and ask to be added to the distribution list. Dr. Williams expressed appreciation to Dr. Mortensen for his service to the Region.

Rev. Dr. Dave Nichols - serves the region in the area of Stewardship & Discipleship Ministries. He noted his work with a “Transformed by the Spirit” Action Learning Team in discipleship and the “Love Your Neighbor” initiative involving more than 100 people in sixteen congregations.

Ms. Lynn Punnett - consultant for Region Mission Teams, currently working with the region to put together another trip to Haiti early January, 2014.

Ms. Mary Beth Robertson - Consultant for Transitioning Ministries. Dr. Williams noted we now have fourteen congregations in the midst of seeking their next pastoral leader.

Rev. Laura Lee Strawser - Consultant for Women in Ministry.

Rev. William Walker - Consultant for Urban Ministries

Dr. Williams noted that there are many great things happening within the Region through our use of consultants, and he encouraged Region churches to become familiar with the various consultants and the services each offers.

Outgoing President - Dr. Williams expressed appreciation to President Russell Kirksey for his service to the Region and presented him with a plaque acknowledging his service. President Kirksey thanked Dr. Williams and the attendees for this opportunity to serve the Region.

X. Welcome New Pastors Rev. Dr. Michael Williams

Dr. Williams recognized new pastors whom have been called to an ABC-MI church since the 2012 Annual Meeting. They include:

Rev. James Ankerberg, Burton Baptist Church, Grand Rapids

Pastor Lara Heise, FBC, Midland - Pastor for Teaching and Preaching.

Pastor Galen Lowery – FBC, Monroe

Dr. Williams continued by thanking outgoing board members, thanking each for their service. Dr. Williams recognized those who were leaving their positions on the Board(s).

Rev. Dave Leisman – Secretary

Mr. Gary Gilmore – Administrative Ministries Team Chair

Rev. Dr. Morris Anderson – Administrative Ministry Team

Pastor Lee Austin – Congregational Ministries & Missions Team

Rev. Tom Roberts – Congregational Ministries & Missions Team Chair

Rev. Dr. Billie Beverly – Family Ministry Team

Mr. Ryan Madis – Family Ministry Team

Rev. Dr. Patricia Butler – Leadership Ministries Team

Rev. Richard Kinnamon – Leadership Ministry Team

Dr. Williams welcomed those who have been newly elected and thanked them for their service, looking forward to working with them.

Upcoming Events – Dr. Williams highlighted three upcoming events:

1. Boundary Tending & Border Crossing at St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt to be held Thursday, October 17, 2013. He encouraged pastors and lay leaders to attend this event where information and strategies for creating and maintaining a safe environment for vital ministry will be presented.

2. ABC-MI Annual Clergy Retreat, March 2-4, 2014. The theme for the Retreat will be, “Leading the Presence Driven Church.” This will be held at the St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt.

3. A risk management seminar to be held at FBC Charlotte, Thursday, May 8, 2014 emphasizing how churches can take seriously the safety, security, and legal liabilities facing churches in this day. A must event for Church Trustees, Pastors, and other church leaders.

XI. Adjournment Rev. Edgar Owens

Rev. Edgar Owens was introduced as the new Region President and the Rev. Mary Fair-Matthews was introduced as the new vice president. Rev. Fair-Matthews provided the meeting with closing comments and prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Rev. Dave R. Leisman, Secretary