DATE:July 12, 2012

TO: Vickie Chamberlain, Executive Director, TSPC

Keith Menk, Deputy Director, TSPC

From: Marilyn Gense, Member, Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mickey Pardew, Member, Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder and Professor, Western Oregon University

Hilda Rosselli, Dean, Western Oregon University

RE:Information Item: Proposed Oregon ASD Proficiency Based Alternative Pathway Consortium

Following the recent approval by TSPC of the Autism Specialization, there has been discussion about the need for an alternative pathway based on proficiency documentation that would be available for individuals who already have extensive experience working in all aspects of ASD. Several individuals have met to propose how a collaborative system based on proficiency might operate and how fidelity could be insured across participating campuses. For lack of a better name, the initiative to collaboratively develop such a pathway is called: OregonASD Proficiency Based Alternative Pathway Consortium.

An Alternative Pathway process would not impact individuals seeking to acquire the Autism Specialization through a traditional sequence of courses similar to what some institutions already have in place. In fact it is envisioned that only a small number of individuals in the state would really have the existing experience level to successfully pass a proficiency based approach to the specialization. Individuals not able to pass the Alternative Pathway would receive individualized advising on available coursework aligned to areas requiring additional documentation.

Initial conversations have occurred with faculty and deansat Lewis and Clark, PSU, SOU, UO, and WOU and there is already interest on the part of several to participate this summer/fall in a pilot for an ASD Proficiency Based Alternative Pathway. Here are some of the proposed features that are currently being discussed:


  • Each participating institution/agencywould use the same criteria to select an representative/reviewer affiliated with an IHE to participate in training and the pilot:
  • Minimum of three years experience working with a range of learners with ASD
  • Evidence of presentations or instruction on ASD to audiences at a regional, state, or national level
  • Evidence of contribution/s on ASD to a professional publication, and
  • Experience designing and implementing a program for ASD
  • Each participating institution/agencywould send one representative/reviewer to a one day meeting during the late Summer 2012 to collaboratively develop a prototype template and scoring rubric for the ASD Alternative Pathway.
  • Each participating representative/reviewer would attend two face-to-face meetings and score up to 10 portfolios during the late Summer and Early Fall 2012 using a collectively developed scoring rubric and template based on the TSPC approved ASD Standards.
  • Each participating institution/agency sending a representative wouldbe responsible for covering their own institutional representative’s honorarium, travel, and other costs affiliated with the training and pilot review process.
  • Each participating representative/reviewer will have opportunities to provide input and feedback on the process both before, during, and after the pilot.
  • Each participating institution would help recruit participants for the pilot using an agreed upon fee ($350) and timelines. (A zero based budget developed for the pilot period would be used to fund the validation process.)

Honorarium and travel costs for reviewers (N = 5) covered by home institutions / $0
Facilitators and staff (inkind) / $0
Training of reviewers (validation specialist, refreshments) / $3,000
Supplies and services / $250
Psychometric review of protocols and final protocols and recommendations / $2,000
Total Expense: / $5,250
Revenue: / 15 / $350 / Total Revenue: / $5,250
Difference / NET: / $0


  • Following the pilot, the tested protocol/rubric and results would be summarized in November 2012 as part of a proposal by the participating institutions submitted to TSPC for approval of an Alternative Pathway.
  • Each institution approved to offer this said Alternative Pathway program would agree to abide by the TSPC approved protocol resulting from the pilot for continued implementation as needed.
  • Each institution offering the Alternative Pathway would require candidates to enroll in the equivalent of three quarter hour graduate credits to cover the expenses needed for a portfolio review process following the approved protocol.
  • If the need existed, additional institutionscould send potential reviewers for training hosted by the ASD Proficiency Based Alternative Pathway Consortium during the 2013-14 year.
  • As a result of the portfolio review, additional credit hours might be recommended to address an individual candidate’s areas determined in need of strengthening.
  • Each institution would have the right to charge their established tuition rate based on their own institutional graduate tuition rates.
  • A common set of guiding goals and outcomes would be adopted for the Alternative Pathway Portfolio syllabus used at each institution. Any needed changes to the syllabus would be determined by consensus.
  • Each institution would agree to participate in an annual meeting to review the Alternative Pathway and to recommend any needed revisions.
  • Any revisions resulting from this annual meeting will impact implementation at all sites.


Data Classification Level: 1—Published 3.7a