
most are interested in rewards…Jesus promised the faithful

servant rewards….future rewards…motives for rewards can

be selfish…v.32-34;Jesus speaks for the 3rd time about His

impending death…Jesus mind on the cross;James and John

on a crown….Jesus was thinking about the hour of redempt-

ion & James & John was thinking of the hour of reward….

I-The Seats They Were Preferring (v.35-37)

-“A man asked God how long a million years was to Him.

God replied,”It’s just like a single second of your time,my

Child.”The man then aske,”What about a million dollars?”

The Lord replie,”To me,It’s like a single penny.”The man

Gathered himself up and sai,”Wel,Lord,could I have one

Of your pennies?”God said,”Certainly,my child,just a


A-the selfishness of their request (v.35)

1-v.38a…James4:3-“Ye ask,and receive not,because ye

ask amiss,that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”

2-**100,000-10,000 into the Lord’s work;10,000 not

what motivates us;it’s the other 90,000***********

3-prayer is getting God’s will done on earth

4-do what we do for the gifts or for the glory of God?

B-the selectiveness of their request (v.37)

1-really felt they deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2-forgot about Peter and the others!!!!!!!!!

3-***churches tore up because people had to have it

their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4-**”This is not Burger King ( GOD’S WAY)******

II-The Suffering they were Promised

A-the determination of rewards (v.38-39)


2-***Muhammed Ali was on a plane and the stewardess

asked him to buckle his seat-belt.He said to her,

“Superman don’t need no seat-belt.”The stewardness

quickly replied,”Superman don’t need no plane either.”

3-Our Lord spoke of His sufferings and death

4-“the cup”-living to do what He wants

5-“the baptism”-dying to what we want

6-pathway to rewards is serving God

B-the distribution of rewards (v.40)

III-The Serving they were Prescribed (v.41-45)

A-the explanation of service (v.42-44)

1-more then professors that know we are saved;we are to

be confessors,that show we are saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2-more than saved sinners;we are to be serving saints!!!!!!!

B--the example of serving (v.45)

1-Jesus lived a selfless life

2- “ “ “ caring life

3-***statue of Christ damaged in a bombing raid….

Inscription-“He has no hands but our hands.”

Close:we want seats-God wants servants…crowns-cross…….

For rewards to be received;service is required!!!!!!!!

Freedom:10-1-00 s.m.