Number on roll – 281
Teaching Staff
Mr E L Davies / HeadteacherMr A G Owen / Upper Juniors 25
Mrs G Evans / Lower Juniors 29
Mrs N Elias/Mrs E Davies / Years 1 and 2 20
Mrs E Morris/Mrs C Rh Thomas / Llywelyn 25
Mrs C Thomas / Gwenllian 28
Mrs W Davies / Glyndŵr 19
Mrs A Vaughan Owen/Mrs M Llewelyn / Non 2 28
Mrs M Mason / Non 1 28
Mrs C Rh Thomas/Mrs E Davies / Dewi DerbynA 22
Miss N Davies / Dewi Derbyn B 17
Mrs B Richards / Dewi Meithrin 40
Miss T Jenkins
Mrs M Llewelyn
Miss E Evans / PPA Teachers
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO) – Mrs C Rh Thomas
Auxiliary Staff
Mrs A Bowen / NNEB NurseryMrs G Howells / NNEB Nursery
Mrs D Williams / NNEB Nursery
Mrs M Thomas / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Mrs H Roberts / Teaching Assistant
Mrs T Eldridge / Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Lewis / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Mrs M Williams / Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Rowlands / Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Williams / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Mrs A Thomas / Teaching Assistant
Miss T Patterson / Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Evans / Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Spagoni / Teaching Assistant
Miss S Thomas / Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Fraser-Jones / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Miss A Blight / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Mrs A Williams / Teaching Assistant Special Needs
Mrs J Lewis/Mrs A Thomas-School Administrative Officer
Peripatetic Staff
Mr R MassocchiWoodwind
Mr P MetcalfeGuitar
Miss J ThomasViolin
Miss N ClarkCello
Mr P MorrisBrass
School Meals average for the week ending 28 June2013
Free Meals 16
Packed Lunch100
Home 0
Finance and Budget
The total allocation of formula funding for 2013-14 is £943,961. The foundation phase grant of £118,463 gives a total funding of £1,062,424.
£50Mrs June Griffin
Repair and Maintenance
The following matters were reported to the authority during the Summer Term:-
18.4.13UPVC doors in Dewi Derbyn class need checking. We have difficulty locking and unlocking them.
30.4.13Request to reset intruder alarm.
3.5.13Broken window in Cylch Meithrin needs re-setting.
8.5.13Request for pest control officer for garden shed.
14.5.13Request to repair Dewi Meithrin urinal.
16.5.13Request to repair Cylch Meithrin door.
17.5.13Leak under sink in Derbyn toilets.
11.6.13Request to repair holes in junior corridor plasterboard due to doors being pushed hard and door stopper missing.
28.6.13Request to repair junior boys window.
11.7.13Window in Upper Juniors not closing.
Staff Bereavement
Mrs Hopkins, assistant school cleaner and wife of Mr Hopkins, school caretaker and cleaner, passed away on June 26th after a long and brave battle. Her funeral at St Peter’s church on Tuesday, July 2nd was well attended and a reflection of the esteem in which she was held in the locality.
Mr Hopkins has not returned to his duties yet but hopes to do so in the future. In his absence, the school cleaners are Mrs Ann West and Mrs Llinos Evans.
Governor Visits
Mr Darren Stevens undertook a PE and Games governor visit when he observed school’s sports days which were held on Wednesday, June 19th at 1pm for Foundation Phase classes and Thursday, June 20th at 1pm for KS2 classes.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons began for Years 3 and 4 pupils on the first day of the Summer Term, Monday, April 15th. Swimming lessons were to be given at the Leisure Centre every day for 3 weeks.
Numeracy for Parents
A once weekly numeracy session for parents began on Monday, 13th May, an LEA strategy to help parents understand numeracy work in schools.
Child Protection
A twilight (3.30 – 5pm) in-service training session was held on Monday evening, April 15th for staff regarding Child Protection.
Governing Body Meeting
The Finance Sub Committee met on the 25th of June to consider the draft budget for 2013-14. The main Governors meeting was held on July 2nd at 2pm.
Sponsored Walk
This was held on Friday, May 3rd and was really well supported by parents and grandparents alike. Dyfed-Powys police are to be thanked for their support on the day also. £2,087 was raised, to be shared between school funds and a donation to the Carmarthen and Llangunnor appeal for the National Eisteddfod 2014.
Numeracy Inspection
On Monday, June 24th education officers of the local authority visited school to undertake a Numeracy inspection of all classes. Mrs Gillian Evans and Mrs Angharad Vaughan-Owen were the peer assessors on behalf of the school. At the end of the day, the feedback was very encouraging.
Sports Days
Foundation Phase Sports Day was held on Wednesday, June 19th with the KS2 sports on the following day. Both afternoons were enthusiastically supported with large crowds present.
PTA Summer Fayre
The PTA Summer Fayre was cancelled this summer as a mark of respect for Mr Hopkins, our caretaker, who had recently lost his wife.
Leavers Service
This year’s Leavers Service was held at Llangunnor Church on Sunday morning July 14th at 10.45am. It was a lovely service, well attended by parents, pupils and staff.
Annual progress reports were sent home to parents on Friday, July 12th. Parents were invited in to discuss the contents on Monday evening, July 15th between 3.30 and 5pm.
Visitors to School
16.4.13Finnish education visitors via Trinity College. These were Sami people from Northern Finland in Wales to learn about bilingual education. In their midst was the first minister of their Assembly government.
17.4.13The Reverends Beti Wyn James and Tom Davis presented Welsh bibles to Blwyddyn 3 children. The Reverend Mike Sheppard and Mrs Helen Gibbon presented bibles to Year 3 pupils.
25.4.13Occupational Therapist.
29.4.13Mrs Carol Ayers – LEA Numeracy Adviser to staff twilight in-service training 3.30-5.30pm.
30.4.13Occupational Therapist.
Mrs Ruth Lewis, former parent, to speak to Years 3 and 4 pupils about creating a project on the history of Carmarthen to help Ungoed Thomas & King celebrate their centenary.
Audrey Hunt, Educational Psychologist.
Becky Icke, School Nurse.
Mr Rocke to coach soccer.
1.5.13Mrs Marian Morgan, School Improvement Officer.
2.5.13Emma Nicholas, Occupational Therapist.
13.5.13Mr Andi Morgan, Senior School Improvement Officer to speak to teaching staff about the NPQH qualification course available to those who wished to qualify for headship.
Shelley Clark, English as an Additional Language Officer.
22.5.13Helen Edwards, Healthy Teeth Co-ordinator.
Vicky Clatworthy, Educational Psychologist.
4.6.13Miss Rhiannon Hammond, Bro Myrddin, to speak to Bl 5 and 6.
6.6.13Carly Morris, Speech Therapist.
7.6.13Mrs Janet Hope, School Link Officer Special Needs.
10.6.13Ann Milligan, Speech Therapist.
11.6.13Pandemonium Theatre Group.
Carmarthen Journal photographer.
Mr Geraint Davies, Trinity St David’s tutor.
14.6.13Speech and Language Therapist.
17.6.13Sarah Bell, Occupational Therapist.
20.6.13Fiddaddle Music Theatre Group.
27.6.13Occupational Therapist.
3.7.13Mrs Becky Icke, school nurse.
9.7.13Mr Greg Morgan, Associate System Leader, ICT Carmarthenshire.
11.7.13Occupational Health Visitor.
12.7.13Speech and Language Therapist.
Extra Curricular Activities
16.4.13Infants trip to Dan-yr-Ogof Caves.
23.4.13Y6 Llywelyn bowling, Y6-7 trip via Bro Myrddin.
24.4.13Netball tournament at Trinity College.
Techniquest workshop for Years 5 and 6.
25.4.13Beach clean-up at Pembrey via Marks and Spencer.
3.5.13Carmarthen Town 6-a-side tournament at Richmond Park.
Sponsored walk.
9.5.13Puppet Theatre for Foundation classes.
13.5.13Carmarthenshire Primary Schools Athletics Championships.
23.5.13Dragon Sports Mini-tennis tournament.
6.6.13Years 3 and 4 history trail around Carmarthen town.
7.6.13Year 6 day visit to Q E High.
19.6.13Foundation Phase Sports Day.
20.6.13KS2 Sports Day.
24.6.13Carmarthenshire Primary Schools Athletics Championships.
2.7.13Raligamps in Bro Myrddin for Bl 5 pupils.
3.7.13Cycling proficiency.
4.7.13Bl6 second day visit to Bro Myrddin.
Year 5 day visit to Q E High.
8.7.13Tea party for new parents in September in Dosbarth Dewi.
10.7.13Cycling proficiency Year 6.
12.7.13Cycling proficiency Year 6.
14.7.13Leavers Service Year 6.
15.7.13Glyndwr and UJ visit to the Botanic Gardens.
16.7.13Year 6 to Q E High day visit.
17.7.13Year 6 day visit to Heatherton Park.
18.7.13End of Year Assembly.