Department or Chair within the Faculty / DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE
Study level / 1st cycle
Course title / History 6: Modernism and Post-modernism
Course code / GL 0506
Language of instruction / Croatian / English
Course description / During the course following topics will be introduced and discussed: introduction, defining themes/topics and methodology; diachronical frame of the end of the century; giving definition of „modernism“ and „modern“; heritage of symbolism, expressionism; poetics of secession and anti-naturalistic reaction; Italian and Russian futurism; Craig and Appia; what is avant-garde; Mejerholjd; biomechanics; constructivism; O. Schlemmer and Bauhaus theatre; Artaud, Theatre of cruelty, Artaud's influence; theory of performance; Black Mountain College, Rauschenberg, Cage; neo avant-garde; the beginning of happenings, Fluxus, Living theatre, Allan Kaprow, anticipation of performance arts; how to define postmodernism, analysis and establishing diachronical frame of postmodernism; difference between representation and being presented; body and body performances, idea and concept of director’s theatre; theatre poetics: Robert Wilson, Jerzy Grotowski and Richard Foreman, Peter Brook, T. Kantor; poetics of movement theatre: P. Bausch, J. Nadj, J. Fabre, Xavier le Roy, Jerome Bel; theatre of anthropology: E. Barba, R. Schechner.
Form of teaching / Lectures, visual materials (newspaper cuts, articles, photos, pictures, videos), discussions - students are also involved in discussions.
Form of assessment / Students have to attend classes regularly. In order to have their student's book signed they have to attend at least 80% of classes and go to theatre to see at least two theatre performances. Their work is assessed during the whole semester and they can obtain 100 points out of a maximum of 100 points:
16 points: active participating in classes (discussions etc);
24 points: 6 pop quizzes (to check whether students read plays, pop quizzes are taken before analysis of a certain play; every pop quiz has maximum 4 points);
60 points: 4 written examinations (each can have maximum 15 points) or 50 points.
A final written examination at the end of the course/semester includes everything that has been taught during the course – it is meant for those students who did not pass, take or who failed one or more of the earlier written examinations during the semester.
Optional: the oral (for students who want to get a better grade) - maximum 10 points; oral presentation (to get a better grade, maximum 10 points), write a paper (this is a chance to get a positive grade if a student didn't pass one of the pop quizzes).
Number of ECTS / 3
Class hours per week / Lectures-2, Seminars-2
Minimum number of students / 2
Period of realization / Summer semester
Lecturer / Sanja Nikčević
Andrej Mirčev