Flat Rock Middle School Number One in Student Growth HCPS 2014-2015?
Flat Rock Middle School
Weekly Focus
November 3rd-7th
v Pledge of Allegiance : Mr. Tobias
v Thank you for having EQ’s and learning targets posted in your room
v Welcome Sergeant Doug Hill to FRMS as our new SRO officer
v Election day is Tuesday. FRMS is a voting precinct so we are asking our staff to park in the gravel parking lot to the right of the school or in the back parking lot
v Please bring a current lesson plan to our training on Tuesday
Monday 3rd
ü Student Council meeting Mr. Campbell’s room 7:55
ü Flu Shot Clinic FRMS Cafeteria 3:30-6:00
ü SI T team member final vote deadline
ü Robotics team meeting Mr. Campbell’s room 3:15-5:00
ü Cheerleading parent meeting gym 5:15
Tuesday 4th
ü Early release for students 12:00
ü Faculty lunch media center 12:00-12:30 (TA’s will take afternoon duties)
ü Staff professional development (reaching the top performers) 12:30-2:30
ü November SIT meeting 3:00-4:00 ( will start meeting earlier if possible)
ü Cross Country awards at Bonclarken 6:00
Wednesday 5th
ü Fall make up pictures
ü No community meetings
ü Robotics team meeting Mr. Campbell’s room 3:15-5:00
ü November EC meeting B-6 3:20
Thursday 6th
ü Resource Raiders assembly during exploratory classes
ü Robotics team meeting Mr. Campbell’s room 3:15-5:00
ü Flu shot clinic Apple Valley Middle School 3:30-6:00
Friday 7th
ü Happy Friday
ü Eagle Exchange
Saturday 8th
ü FRMS Robotics team competition at BRCC 8:00-5:00
Highlights & Shout Outs
v Megan Ford for doing such a great job helping some of our new teachers
v Kelly Pratt and Don Musser for being selected as our October teachers of the month
v Scott Rhodes for being selected as HCPS Principal of the year!
v Karen McElrath, Lynn Lusk and Kelly Campbell for organizing a wonderful Student Council team-building day on October 22nd
v 8th grade teachers for their patience with all the School Net problems while trying to administer benchmarks
v Natalie Ezell for all of her help with benchmarks
v Kim Metcalf for organizing our Kids Voting for this week
v Ashley Lott, Megan Ford, Sara Mull, Jackie Campbell, Ana Nagreen, Steven Sarnie, Emily Coolbeth, Renee Davenport, Karen McElrath and Shalonda Ragusa for leading highly effective PD on October 27th
Flat Rock Middle School Number One in Student Growth HCPS 2014-2015?