Latin 2101AA Intermediate Latin II Spring 2003

Tues. & Thurs.. 2:30-3:45 p.m.Fahy 303

Professor: Fred Booth 973-275-5822

Office Hour: 234 Fahy Hall Tues. 8:45-9:45 a.m. and by appointment

Text: Wheelock’s Latin, 6th edition

Groton, Anne Hand James M. May 38 Latin Stories

Helpful website:

Welcome to Intermediate Latin!

Intermediate Latin II is a continuation of Intermediate Latin I. The prerequisite for the class is either the successful completion of Intermediate Latin I or placement through testing into the course.

The course will concentrate on building vocabulary and increasing your knowledge of Latin grammar, including 4th and 5th declension nouns, indirect statements, ablative absolutes, gerunds and gerundives. You will be exposed to more verb forms, including the passive voice and the subjunctive mood.

We will continue to work on Latin reading, and you will read both edited and original passages from a variety of poets and prose writers, including Cicero, Horace, Pliny and Vergil. This will prepare you for the fun we have in third-year Latin!

Grades will be based on quizzes, a midterm and final exam, class participation, attendance and homework. Be sure to come to class even if you are unprepared, since we will go over old material and new material will be introduced. Three cuts are allowed; more will affect your grade. If you miss a quiz your grade will be 0, but I will drop the lowest quiz grade when figuring your final grade. There will be no make-ups for the quizzes. If you miss the midterm for a legitimate reason, you must make it up within a week, or else lose points on that grade.

You are responsible for checking your e-mail and downloading the material I will be sending you over the course of the semester, which will be used in class. You should bring hard copies of the documents with you to class. I suggest you keep them together in a folder or binder, and use them as a parallel textbook.

The class will be conducted according to the guidelines for academic integrity as they are outlined in the Seton Hall catalogue.

Since the vocabulary and forms will build up week by week, it is essential that you keep up with the schedule and let me know if you are having any trouble right away. It is very difficult to catch up if you fall behind.

Our goal is to cover the chapters 31-40 of our text. We will spend more time on some than others, since the chapters vary in length and difficulty. You can expect two quizzes per chapter.

I hope that you will enjoy the class. We will be doing a lot of group work in class, and I find that as you get to know each other you will have a good time as you learn Latin.