Teacher: Mrs. M. Mason

Classroom Procedures

Procedures are not rules. They are methods for how things are done. In this classroom, efficiency and academic success are of great importance.

Entering the Classroom

Walk in calmly and quietly. Sharpen pencils if necessary, sit in your assigned seat, and begin the math review or daily activity immediately. If there was homework, it should be on your desk.

Tardy Policy

You are considered tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings. If you have an excuse, place it in the Inbox on my desk, sit down in your assigned seat, and begin the current assignment. If you do not have an excuse, sit down in your assigned seat and begin the current assignment. It is your responsibility to complete the math review or daily activity whether the tardy is excused or unexcused. The school tardy policy will be followed as stated in the Student Code of Conduct (3rd tardy is a referral; Tardies begin each new nine weeks) .

End of Class Dismissal

The teacher, not the bell, dismisses the class. The area around your desk, on top of your desk, and underneath your desk must be clean no matter the circumstance. All students must be seated and all rows/tables must be straight. Only then will the teacher dismiss the class.

Noise Level

The expectation is to use inside voices and whispering. If at any time I ask for your attention, you should be able to hear me. Yelling is not permitted.

Coming to Attention

When I ask for your attention or you hear the timer buzz, you will stop what you are doing, all noise and talking will cease, and every student will look at and listen to the teacher. Listen carefully to and follow all directions from the teacher quickly.

Class Discussion

You will participate by listening, taking notes if necessary, and contributing comments and questions. All contributions made to class discussion must be relevant to the topic. Be respectful of others when they are speaking and do not talk while they are talking. Equity sticks will be used to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to contribute to class discussions. Occasionally, I will ask for volunteers. A student may volunteer by raising his or her hand.

Obtaining Teacher’s Attention

This procedure will assign meaning to hand signals in order to communicate nonverbally which will minimize distraction. Raise 2 fingers if you need to leave your seat for tissue, supplies, or to sharpen pencils. Refrain from sharpening pencils during teacher-led instruction. Raise your hand if you wish to speak otherwise, which includes questions and comments during class discussion or instruction. In all cases, you must wait until you have permission from the teacher before you speak or leave your seat.

Class Supplies

With permission, by raising 2 fingers in the air and being acknowledged by the teacher, you may use classroom supplies. All materials, with the exception of consumable items such as paper, stay in the classroom in the designated area. If you need to borrow a pencil, put it back at the end of class. If the supplies end up broken or missing, they will not be replaced. This is a privilege, not a requirement. It is your responsibility to have ALL needed materials, including extra paper and pencils.


You may not get up to throw things in the garbage. Any trash accumulated during the class period will be thrown away on your way out the door at the end of class.


You will be given 4 Emergency passes for each semester. All 4 passes will be on one sheet of paper and the paper must remain whole. Use them wisely! If you do not use them, you will receive 4 extra credit grades of 25 points each. Lost passes will not be replaced. Stay organized. No passes will be given to leave the room during teacher led-instruction. (Illness only permitted)

Finished Work Early

If you finish an assignment early, you are to work on homework for this class, organize your notebook for this class, review math reviews or daily activities, or study. You may also create mental math problems to add to the pool of questions. Do not disturb others.

Movement of Papers

When distributing and collecting papers during class, the papers will be passed to the side and collected from the end of each row. No papers will be passed to the person in front or behind you. Tests and quizzes will be held at your desk until the end of the designated testing time. Each test or quiz will be collected individually by the teacher.

How to Head Your Paper

In the top right hand corner above the lines, your first and last name, the date, and your class period should be clearly written in three lines. Left adjusted on the top line, you should write the assignment title and/or page number. Papers with no name will receive a zero.

Make Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to check the missed assignments folder for handouts and/or ask the teacher for missed assignments. Students will have 3 days to complete missed assignments after an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to copy the daily activity or math review from a classmate. If a student misses a test or quiz, they will have to schedule a time before or after school to make up the grade. Students are not allowed to make up graded assignments with an unexcused absence.

Late Work/Missing Work

Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a zero. Missing assignments will result in a zero. Tests or quizzes that are not turned in at the end of the designated testing time will result in a zero.

Extra Credit

Bonus points and extra credit assignments are built into the class. The student may or may not choose to take advantage of the assignments. No other extra assignments will be given.

Writing and Passing Notes

Writing notes during class expresses that you are off task and therefore missing instruction. Passing notes expresses that you are off task and disturbing others, causing them to miss instruction. Writing notes and passing notes are not allowed.

Working on Other Assignments

Working on other class assignments during instructional time is not allowed.

Textbooks and Class Materials

Respect textbooks and class materials. Remember these items are not your property. You are borrowing them for the school year. Do not graffiti or damage textbooks or class materials. You may become financially responsible if you choose to do so.

If You Are Suddenly Sick

Illness is serious and I expect everyone to act accordingly. If you have a pre-existing condition, documentation should be on file at the office and you should ensure that your teacher is aware of the situation. If you are suddenly sick (i.e. nose bleed, nauseated near vomiting), tell the teacher if possible. Go to the nurse or the nearest restroom and follow up with the teacher when you are better. You should not be suddenly ill often.

Visitors in the Classroom

If a visitor enters the room, continue working unless I call for your attention. You should, at all times, continue to follow the classroom rules and procedures. If the visitor asks you questions, be polite. You want to make a good impression.

If the Teacher Steps Out

If the teacher must step out for a moment, continue to follow the classroom rules and procedures as normal. You will stay in your seats and keep the noise level down. Continue working on the current assignment.


Stop working and remain silent while any announcements are made.

Returning to a Task after a Disruption

After an announcement you will go back to work. If it is a drill or other type of disruption, you will, as with all things, listen to and follow your teacher’s instructions.

Responding to a Fire Alarm

When the alarm sounds, immediately stop everything and line up quickly and quietly. Do not try to pack up material items. They can be replaced, you cannot be replaced. Stay with the group and head to the designated safety area. The last person out is responsible for turning off the lights and closing the door. Once in the safety area, stand in a line, one behind the other, so that the teacher may take roll and be sure that every student is accounted for. Remain silent as you may be given further instructions. In case of a real fire, your life and the lives of others may depend upon following this procedure.

Responding to a Severe Weather Alert

When the alarm sounds, immediately stop everything and line up quickly and quietly. Remain silent and stay with the group as you proceed to the location indicated by the teacher. Sit as instructed. In case of real severe weather, your life may depend upon following this procedure. Remain silent and listen for further instructions.

Responding to a Lock-Down Alert

When the alert is given, it is imperative that you remain silent and follow all instructions immediately and as quietly as possible. In case of a real threat, your life and the lives of others may depend upon following this procedure.

Substitute Expectations

You will follow all classroom rules and procedures. You will be respectful and complete all assignments as instructed. Make a good impression.

New Students

You will help new students get acquainted with the rules and procedures of this classroom. Be respectful and welcoming.

Cooperative Learning (Group Work)

Students learn 70% of what they discuss and 95% of what they teach. Group work/partner work will be an important part of the learning process in this class. Learning to work with others regardless of feelings is a beneficial life skill. Each student in each group is expected to work together with the group to accomplish the goals/tasks. Everyone should participate in the group activities and respect everyone’s opinion. Listen carefully to directions and keep the noise level low. Each member of the group will have a role as follows:

Clock Watcher monitors time and pace of the group

Reader/Task Focuser reads directions aloud and helps the group maintain focus

Turn Maker monitors and ensures that all have an equal opportunity to participate

Recorder/Reporter takes notes and summarizes small group discussion for large group discussion

Peace Keeper/Encourager monitors noise and promotes positive climate

Starter/Math Review/Riddles & Trivia/Mental Math:

These assignments will be completed daily, kept in your notebook, and graded bi-weekly. Begin as soon as you sit down in your assigned seat. Write down the assignment and do the best that you can. You will have 3-5 minutes after the bell rings to do the assignment.

Note: The teacher reserves the right to amend classroom procedures as needed for the improvement of the class learning environment.