Update to the Regions
Update from the NAFSA Education Abroad Regulatory Pratice Committee
Chair – Heather Thompson, University of Texas at Austin
•State Dept. Web Site for Students Going Abroad- in May 2008, the U.S. State Dept. launched its "Students Abroad" website [ for students, their parents, and education abroad professionals.
•Foreign visa delays & changes in policies- Visa delays have subsided, but be prepared for changes to UK immigration law. Education abroad programs will need to be licensed by November 2008 for students to obtain visas. See for more information.
•Simon Study Abroad Bill
Congress is currently in a pre-election recess, but is planning to come back into session following the elections. NAFSA will send out an Action Alert via ACT when there is an opportunity to influence the legislation again this year.
The Advocacy Centered Team (ACT) can provide you with valuable information to prepare personalized letters for your elected officials. Through ACT, NAFSAns have sent over 2300 letters in support of the Simon Study Abroad Bill.
Report government-related issues to IssueNet, including passport and visa issues for US students going abroad. The EA-RP Committee uses your input to prioritize NAFSA's liaison agenda, identify public policy issues to forward to the Vice President for Public Policy and Practice, and together with the KC, ascertain training and resource needs.
For up-to-date information on all EA-RP Committee work, see the EA-RP Monthly Update:
•Stay informed:[ and foreign visas [
•Get involved – Apply for one of the EA-RP Open Positions and update your Expertise Profile [ to be considered for future positions.
Sign up online at:
•Stay informed on EA policy:
•Has your state passed an International Education
The Education Abroad Regulatory Practice Committee (EA-RP)was formed to focus on liaison with government agencies for issues related to education abroad students and programs, including financial aid, U.S. travel regulations and documents, and liaison with foreign consulates related to visas for study abroad. The EA-RP works closely with the Knowledge Community.
•In addition to EA-RP, the Board also approved the Education Abroad Consular Affairs Liaison (EACAL) Subcommittee, the major initiative of the EA-RP Committee for the coming months. The EACAL subcommittee will include volunteers who serve as country coordinators or as liaisons to selected consulate locations. Liaisons will assist EA advisers by contacting consular offices to ask for clarification about new or inconsistent procedures or other questions or concerns. Look for announcements soon aboutthe subcommittee and open positions.
For more information, about the new committee, go to the NAFSA.news article at
•November 17-21, 2008
International Education Week
•March 25-26, 2009- Advocacy Day
•May 24-29, 2009- NAFSA National Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA