(adopted 2.09)

The components of the assessment plan generally span about a 5 year period. Program faculty should regularly discuss the plan and findings in order to identify strengths and make curricular improvements where needed. These findings also constitute an important component of most accreditation self reports as well as the Duquesne program review cycle. Please submit to your School dean by September 1, 2009.

Name of degree/department ______School ______

Date submitted ______Anticipated plan period ______(e.g., 2009-2014)

I. Student Learning Outcomes

1.  List the overarching learning outcomes for all degrees in this program. Write these in terms of what you expect students to know, to do, or to value.

2.  If your web pages describe the types of experiences that will result in these learning outcomes, please provide the URL(s) ______.

3.  Match each learning outcome to each degree program offered. Often, there is overlap- just note these areas on the form.

4.  Align each learning outcome with the appropriate Dimension(s) of a Duquesne Education These can be found at http://www.duq.edu/aloa/dimensions.cfm and fall into the following five general categories

1.  Understanding and Knowledge

2.  Intellectual Inquiry and Communication

3.  Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual Development

4.  Diversity and Global Mindedness

5.  Leadership and Service

Consider the following exemplar

Learning Outcome
(illustrations provided from Duquesne programs) / Degrees to Which This Learning Outcome Applies / Dimension(s) of a Duquesne Education
Communicate about physics effectively with an audience of physicists through oral and written means. / Physics BS
Physics BA
Binary Engineering BA / # 1,2
Develop leadership and management skills. / All undergraduate Business BS degrees / # 5
Demonstrate ability to make a persuasive, coherent argument. / Political Science BA / # 2
Demonstrate ability to engage in reasoned oral discussion of problems and texts. / Philosophy BA / # 1,2
Students will master the fundamentals of legal research and writing. / Law: JD / # 1,2,3
To prepare graduates to be civic minded and ethical contributors to the multimedia field and society. Graduates will be able to critically assess and articulate legal and ethical precepts as they pertain to digital media; and identify and articulate key issues of copyright and media in society. / Journalism & Multimedia Arts: Professional Media Practices MS / # 1,2,3,5

II. Assessment Methods & Timeline

List the methods (e.g., portfolio, survey, student interview, national exams, etc…) and type of data (e.g., direct- national exam scores; indirect- student survey about their perceptions of their learning) you are gathering to evidence degree-level learning outcomes. Describe how often data are collected and how resulting information is used in decision-making around degree or program planning/adjustments. Be sure to include both direct and indirect evidence of learning for each degree program (http://www.aloa.duq.edu/faq.html).