English rough draft due: ______

Spanish rough draft due: ______

Final menu project due: ______

You will be creating a menu for your own restaurant. You will not be able to take the name of another restaurant and use that as your own. You will need the following items in your menu:

Ø  Name of your restaurant completely written in Spanish

Ø  8 or more pictures of items that you have in your restaurant

Ø  The following categories with the required amount of items and prices

·  2 different breakfast items

·  2 different appetizers (food to have before your meal)

·  2 different types of soup

·  2 different types of salad

·  2 different sandwiches

·  5 different main dishes that you would have for dinner

·  2 different types of desserts

·  3 different kinds of drinks/beverages

Ø  Be sure to follow the rubric and the check list to see if you have all the information that is needed.

Ø  As you pick out your foods and drinks, you may have subcategories for your menu – soda: A & W, Coke, Pepsi etc. The word soda needs to be in Spanish, but the subcategories may be in English if they are brand names. Another example would be - Ice Cream: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, but all these words would need to be in Spanish.

Ø  After the Spanish rough draft is graded, we will be going to the computer lab to work on projects. Your final project can be done on PowerPoint, Prezi, Publisher or Word. These will all be acceptable, but be sure to check the rubric as you are putting the project together.

Ø  You will need to turn in English draft with the Spanish draft on the due date as well as both drafts with the final project. Be sure to keep all the drafts and rubric safe. The rubric will be on my website, but you are responsible for the English and Spanish drafts. If you do not have these two items, you will lose 5 points on your final grade.

Ø  You will also need to self-score or you will lose 2 points on the final grade.

Ø  Most of all have fun and be creative with your project!

Nombre ______Fecha ______

MENU PROJECT Clase ______

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Self Score / Score from Mrs. Marks
Restaurant Name / Restaurant name is in Spanish and is displayed boldly, easy to read, is attractive to the customer, and shows creativity. / Restaurant name is displayed in Spanish in a way that is somewhat bold, easy to read, and attractive to the customer. / Restaurant name is in Spanish. The name has grammar/spelling problems. It is displayed but is not bold, easy to read or very attractive to the customer. / Restaurant name is in English. It is displayed but is not bold, easy to read, or attractive to the customer.
Menu / Menu has all 8 categories with the correct amount of items, correctly and clearly labeled with prices. / Menu has all sections that are clearly labeled correctly with all items but is missing 1 -2 items or prices. / Menu does not have all the sections with the correct amount of items or is missing 3 – 5 items in total. / Menu has few sections than needed and is missing more than 5 items.
Pictures in the menu / 8 or more pictures are in the menu in the section where the items are offered. They are colorful and attractive to the customer. / 6-7 pictures are included in the menu in the section where the items are offered. They are colorful and attractive to the customer. / 3-5 pictures are included and would be attractive to the customer.
Some pictures are of items not offered in the menu section. / 1-2 pictures are included in the menu sections.
No pictures will be a zero on this part of the rubric.
Grammar / Menu is grammatically sound and all in Spanish. No spelling errors. / Few grammatical/ spelling errors - Items are written in Spanish. (1-3 errors) / Some Spanish grammar/ spelling errors. Items are in Spanish. (4-6 errors) / Many Spanish grammar/ spelling errors. Items not all in Spanish (7+ errors)
Creativity/Effort / Clear evidence of effort put forth by the student. Menu is neat, organized, colorful, and very creative (pictures and/or backgrounds relate to the menu and are not random. / Some evidence of effort. Menu is somewhat neat, colorful, organized, and creative. / Some evidence of effort, but menu is not neat and/or creative (pictures and/or backgrounds are not related to the menu or theme – are random picutres). / No evidence of effort put forth by the student. Menu is not neat, organized, colorful, or creative.
Oral Presentation / Clear articulation;
proper volume; enthusiasm and confidence – knew most of the foods. Spoke for 2 minutes / Clear articulation, but not polished – a bit nervous – knew many of the foods. Spoke for 1-2 minutes / Mumbling, little or no expression -speaks too slow/fast – difficult to understand, knew only a few foods. Spoke for less than 1 minute / Oops, student made no attempt
-no presentation was given



English Rough Draft

Breakfast: 1. ______

2. ______

Appetizers: 1. ______

2. ______

Soups: 1. ______

2. ______

Salads: 1. ______

2. ______

Sandwiches 1. ______

2. ______

Main dishes: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Desserts 1. ______

2. ______

Beverages: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Spanish Rough Draft

Desayuno: 1. ______

2. ______

Apertivos: 1. ______

2. ______

Sopas: 1. ______

2. ______

ensaladas: 1. ______

2. ______

Sandwiches 1. ______

2. ______

Platos Principales: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Postres 1. ______

2. ______

Bebidas: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______