Financial Algebra: Class Information and Expectations


What is Financial Algebra?

Financial Algebra is a fourth-year mathematics course designed for students who have completed Tech Algebra I, Tech Geometry, and Tech Algebra II. This course will prepare you for admission to a technical school or for the workforce. Financial Algebra uses algebra skills including but not limited to exponential functions, linear equations, linear inequalities, logarithms, and spreadsheets.

You will be expected to complete all assignments, readings, and computer work required on time. You should be responsible for your work, participate in class, and complete necessary tests and quizzes throughout the year.

Rules and Expectations: In addition to following the rules and guidelines set forth by the EHS Student Handbook and Comet P.R.I.D.E., there are two basic rules to follow:

1.  Be Prepared

2.  Show Respect

Consequences: If at any time the expected school or classroom rules are not followed, the following consequences may occur:

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Detention/Parents Notified

3.  Office Referral/Parents Notified

4.  Removal from Classroom/Parents Notified

The teacher reserves the right to give any of the above consequences given the severity of the action.

Incentives: When the rules are followed, classes tend to run more smoothly and students will have a more favorable environment in which to learn. The following incentives may be given at times as a reward for following the expected rules or meeting class expectations such as arriving to class on time and turning in all required work.

1.  Verbal Praise

2.  Parents Notified

3.  Drop Lowest Quiz: If a student has no class tardies and all homework has been completed and on time for a nine weeks grading period, then the student has the option of dropping the lowest quiz grade from that nine weeks.

Grades: Grades in Financial Algebra will be based on the following weighted scale:

Tests: 40%

Quizzes: 25%

Assignments: 15%

Binder: 10%

Projects: 10%

Materials: Students will be required to have a three-ring binder with dividers, a scientific calculator, notebook paper, and pencils. Book covers are optional but recommended. A graphing calculator is not required. The calculator available for use during class is the TI-30XIIS, which is available at several local stores. At times we will also use the classroom set of TI-Nspire graphing calculators. You must have at least a basic scientific calculator for Financial Algebra class.

Binders: You will be expected to have a three-ring binder with tabbed dividers. Your binder will contain the following sections organized by date: Assignments, Class Notes, and Quizzes. Unannounced quizzes will be given to check the quality of information in your binder periodically.

Assignments: Assignments will be given daily. You will need to complete all work in pencil. You also need to show all work for all problems. Sometimes assignment grades are based on the number of items correct, other times the grade may be based on effort. For full credit, assignments must be turned in during your class period the day the assignment is due – not later in the day. Assignments will be accepted for half credit for five school days after the due date. After this five-day grace period, the assignment is worth zero points.

Tests/Quizzes/Exams: Tests and Exams will be announced. If you are absent the day of a test or exam, you will be expected to take the test or exam when you return the next day during study hall, before school, or after school. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to take your quiz or test during your free time. Quizzes will be given periodically and may or may not be announced. Pop quizzes are always a possibility. All tests, quizzes, and exams must be done in pencil, and you MUST show all of your work!

If your grade on a quiz is 75% or below, you will be allowed to retake the quiz to try and earn a higher grade. The retake quiz will not be identical to the original quiz, although it will cover the same concepts as the original quiz. Retakes are available for quizzes only, not tests or binder checks, and only one retake is allowed per quiz. Retakes must be completed within one week of receiving the original graded quiz and must be done on your own time- not during class.

Projects: At the beginning of each project, you will be provided with the expectations for the project and how your work will be graded. Your responsibility is to complete the assignment as required by the due date.

Absences: You are responsible for all work missed when absent. You will be expected to check for make-up work when you return. You must copy class notes you miss from another student in the class. You will receive credit for work completed in a timely manner (number of days absent plus one). Students participating in a field trip or school-related function must have their work completed on time. (No extended time!) If an absence is unexcused or as a result of truancy or suspension, any grade missed will be recorded as a zero.

Classroom Procedures:

§  All policies and regulations found in the Elgin High School Student Handbook hold true for this class.

§  Be on time, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings at the start of class.

§  Come to class prepared with pencils, assignments, binder, paper, textbook, and calculator. (You should not be going to your locker once class starts.)

§  Students are expected to be courteous and will show respect for their classmates as well as their teacher. Inappropriate language, gestures, behaviors, or attitudes will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with as deemed appropriate (removed from classroom, sent to office, detention, call home, suspension…)

§  Students are to work on given assignments during any extra time in class. You are expected to work until the bell rings at the end of class- no wasting time, no working on assignments for another class, and absolutely no just sitting there!

§  Sleeping, food, and drinks will not be permitted. Gum is allowed as long is it is not a distraction.

§  Copying/sharing work on any assignment will result in a zero for all students involved. See further information in the student handbook under the “Honor Policy” section.

§  Great effort, positive classroom behavior, consistent study habits, and great attendance = Awesome Grades!

Keys To Being Successful in Financial Algebra:

§ COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNMENTS - Assignments are not given to waste a student’s time. Every problem assigned is to make sure you understand concepts presented and to allow you time to discover what you may or may not understand.

§ Keep an organized notebook with tabs for Assignments, Class Notes, and Quizzes.

§ LEARN THE VOCABULARY!!! Vocabulary plays a huge role in Algebra. If you do not understand what a question is asking, you will not be able to complete the problem accurately.


What I will do for you:

As your teacher, I am responsible for providing you with the best education that I can in the best way that I can. I will update my webpage weekly to inform you of your homework assignments, tests, announced quizzes, project dates, and so forth. I will be available before school (7:15 – 7:45) and after school (2:35 – 3:15) as well as during planning periods when requested. I WANT to help those who want and need help, however I will not search you out. Please feel free to come to me during the times I have available, or make an appointment.

Parents and Guardians:

Your student’s progress in Algebra is very important to me. If you have any questions or concerns about your student’s progress in my class feel free to contact me. You can contact me through e-mail at or call the school at 383-5118. Please keep in mind that this class is designed to be challenging at times and geared to make students think at a higher/independent level, so please allow for some frustration and questions.

Math is a building block, and we will be constantly building upon information throughout the year. If at any time questions arise, ask promptly so we can prevent any bigger problems later.

School Phone: 740-383-5118

E-mail Address:

High School Web Site:

Mrs. Aelker’s Web Site:



I have read and understand the rules and expectations for Mrs. Aelker’s Classroom.


Student Signature Date


Student Name (Printed)