Application for Admission

Doctoral Program in Psychology

University of Kentucky

Please print or type

Name (last, first, MI):
Current address:
Telephone: / Best times to call:
E-mail address:
Permanent address:

Interests: Please fill in the box next to your primary area(s) of interest. A list of representative research specialties follows each program title.

G Animal Learning, Cognition, & Behavior (e.g., Pavlovian conditioning, animal cognition, mate selection)

G Behavioral Neuroscience & Psychopharmacology (e.g., drug abuse, prenatal drug exposure)

G Clinical Psychology (Please indicate specific interests using the list on the next page.)

G Cognitive Psychology (e.g., human factors, memory, text processing, attention, cognitive ergonomics)

G Developmental Psychology (e.g., cognitive development, perceptual development, infancy)

G Social Psychology (e.g., interpersonal expectancies, social comparison, self, prejudice, psychology & law, negotiation)

Graduate Record Examination: Please record scores and percentiles for each time you took the GRE.

Date / Verbal / Quantitative / Analytical / Psychology*
Score / Percentile / Score / Percentile / Score / Percentile / Score / Percentile
Most recent

*Psychology subject test not required

Academic Record:

Institution / Dates Attended / Major / Degree / Year Received
or Expected / GPA
What is/was your GPA for psychology courses only at the
institution where you received your bachelor=s degree?

As transcripts are often slow to be processed through the Graduate School, we would appreciate it if you would record the grade you received for any of these undergraduate psychology courses you have taken.

Experimental Psych/Methods / Animal Behavior / Cognitive Psychology
Statistics / Learning / Developmental Psychology
Sensation/Perception / Behavioral Neuroscience / Social Psychology

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Experience: (please continue on a clean sheet of paper if necessary)

If you have presented at a conference (local, regional, or national) or co-authored any manuscripts (including a senior thesis), please provide citations and a brief description below:

Please describe any psychology-related research experience you have gained:

Clinical Psychology Applicants Only:

Please describe any psychology-related clinical experience you have gained:

Please rank your primary areas of interest from 1 to 3:

/ Assessment / Neuropsychology / Minority mental health /
/ Child / Personality / Substance abuse /
/ Health Psychology / Psychopathology/diagnosis / Eating disorders /

Other Information:

Each year, the faculty invite selected applicants to campus for interviews. Although students who cannot arrange such an interview will not be excluded from consideration, the faculty regards these interviews as an important component in admission decisions. If we were to request an interview with you at the /
University of Kentucky, would you be willing to meet with us? / no / yes /
Special consideration will be given to ethnic minorities and applicants with disabilities. /
Would you like to be considered as an ethnic minority? / no / yes /
If so, what is your ethnic background (optional)?
Would you like to be considered as an applicant with a disability? / no / yes
If so, what is the basis for such consideration?

How did you learn about the doctoral program in psychology at the University of Kentucky?

Please visit our web site for additional application materials, application deadlines, information about the faculty, and more information about the training areas:

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