Arts Funding Update: October 2014

This Funding Update provides an overview of grant funding sources available for Arts Projects that have approaching deadlines.

External Funding Team

Halton Borough Council 0151 511 7960


Halton Borough Council has allocated a small amount of funds in 2014/15 to recognise contributions that support the Health & Wellbeing of Halton’s residents by Halton’s community, including schools and business. Deadlines for Applications are Friday 17th October 2014, Friday 19th December 2014 and Friday 27th March 2015.

Nominations and grant applications are invited to recognise individual contributions and to seek grants up to £500 (£300 for schools) either to commence or continue positive Health & Wellbeing initiatives. There are four categories of award that can be applied for:-

•Individual Recognition Award/Health Champion – nominations in this category recognise individuals who have made a special contribution to improving health and wellbeing either individually or as part of a team or group. This could also include individuals who have significantly improved their own health and wellbeing and have acted as a positive role model to others. (There is no funding attached to this category although a Health Champion may be a member of a community group seeking funding to continue their positive impact in the local community and may express a wish for their activity to be considered for funding by the panel linked to the next category).

•Community Group Award – this award will be aimed at community groups who, through the services or activities they deliver have improved the health & wellbeing of local people.

•Healthy Workplace Award – this award is aimed at local organisations and businesses who have developed; and are actively implementing health and wellbeing initiatives within the workplace.

•Healthy School Award – the Healthy Schools Initiative already works in Halton to improve the Health & Wellbeing of local children. These awards will complement the Healthy Schools initiative inviting nominations from local schools who feel they’ve made an outstanding contribution to health and wellbeing.

All applications should demonstrate how they contribute to one or more of the Health & Wellbeing Board priorities:

•Prevention and early detection of cancer

•Improved child development

•Reduction in the number of falls in adults

•Reduction in the harm from alcohol

•Prevention and early detection of mental health conditions

Initiatives that provide a health & wellbeing impact may indirectly contribute to the above priorities. Some examples of projects might be:-

•Water bottles for school children

•Gardening projects either in schools or in the community

•Social events excluding alcohol & brings the community together Initiatives that raise awareness of alcohol harm

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•Intergenerational activities

•Initiatives which support physical activities for adults

•Opportunities for fitness in the workplace

•Availability of fresh fruit and vegetables

•Access to health & wellbeing advice

•Volunteering opportunities

•Parent & Tots groups

•Structured activities for children

The above is not an exhaustive list, just some examples. The panel will be keen to support your ideas and welcome innovative and creative approaches to supporting wellbeing in Halton’s communities.

On the below form: Complete Part A for Recognition Awards, for funding to be awarded applicants must also complete Part B.

HWB Grant Form

Please send completed application forms to:

Or to the following address:

Community Development Manager, Runcorn Town Hall, Heath Road, Runcorn, WA7 5TD


The next closing date for grant applications to the Arts Council, England Strategic Touring Programme is the 24th October 2014.

The £45 million Strategic touring programme provides in excess of £15,000 for projects that encourage collaboration between organisations, so more people across England experience and are inspired by the arts, particularly in places which rely on touring for much of their arts provision. The funding is available to both organisations and individuals. Partnerships, networks and consortia can also apply. These can include:






•Marketing or audience development specialists

•Local authority representatives or any other kind of organisation or individual.

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The WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) invites your organisation to apply for a small grant, up to a maximum of £13,500, from the ESF Community Learning Grants programme. There will now be two closing dates for Round 7 – 12 noon on Monday 27 October, as already advertised - and an extra, fast track closing date of 12 noon on Monday 22 September 2014.

This is to fund activities and courses supporting individuals who are out of work, helping them to access employment or further learning and training.

You can apply for these grants if you are from a constituted community and voluntary group, registered charity or social enterprise that already plays an important role at grass roots level, providing intensive support to those individuals that are most disadvantaged in the labour market.

158 groups in the region have already received £2 million of ESF funding over four previous grant rounds in 2012-13, 199 more in two more rounds so far in 2014. Now it could be your turn!

For further information visit:


PRS for Music Foundation and Arts Council England have announced that the next application deadline for the Momentum Music Fund is the 28th October 2014.

The Momentum Music Fund is a £500,000 fund to develop the careers of talented artists and bands. It is anticipated that grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 will be awarded to between 50 and 75 artists/bands over the next 2 years. Applications can be submitted by the artists themselves or those who are working on their behalf, e.g. a manager, an independent label or publisher. Priority will be given to those that haven't been funded by PRS for Music Foundation in the previous 12 months. The funding can support:

•The purchase of a van or car

•International touring

•Shortfall/deficit funding not linked to development of a specific artist; etc.

For further information on the fund and on how to apply, please click on the link below.


The Wellcome Trust is inviting organisations and individuals to apply for funding through its Arts Awards. The next application deadline for small projects is the 28th November 2014.

The Arts Awards support projects that engage the public with biomedical science through the arts including dance, drama, performance arts, visual arts, music, film, craft, photography, creative writing or digital media. Applications are invited for projects of up to £30,000 through their small grants programme. The aim of the awards is to support arts projects that reach new audiences which may not traditionally be interested in science and provide new ways of thinking about the social, cultural and ethical issues around contemporary science. The scheme is open to a wide range of people including, among others, artists, scientists, curators, filmmakers, writers, producers, directors, academics, science communicators, teachers, arts workers and education officers.

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The Leche Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 20th December 2014.

The Trust makes grants:

•Towards the furtherance of education or academic research

•To support the National Trust and the preservation of rural England To help finance the visits of teachers and students abroad.

The main focuses of the Trusts grant making activities are the:

•Promotion of good relations between Britain and third world countries

•Assistance to academic, educational or other organisations concerned with music, drama, dance and the arts

•Preservation of buildings and their contents and the repair and conservation of church furniture  Preservation of the nation's countryside, towns, villages and historic landscapes.


The Radcliffe Trust has announced that the next deadline for applications to its Music masking grants programme is the 31st January 2015.

Through its grant making programme, the Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. The Trustees respond to applications and also initiate their own projects. Applicants must be a registered charity or an exempt charity.


The Idlewild Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications to its grant making programme is the 25th February 2015.

The Idlewild Trust is a grant making trust that supports registered charities concerned with the encouragement of the performing and fine arts and crafts, the advancement of education within the arts and the preservation for the benefit of the public of lands, buildings and other objects of beauty or historic interest in the United Kingdom. The Trust awards around £120,000 each year in grants and makes grants of up to £5,000.

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The Kelly Family Charitable Trust is open to applications from registered charities whose activities involve all or most family members in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members. The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2015.

The overall objective is to reinforce the potential benefit and support that family members as a unit can give to each other. The fund also welcomes applications from sports and health-related charities whose activities comply with the above criteria. Grants are of between £1,000 and £5,000, but higher grants may be considered.

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