September 2008 Update

BUSINESS and ACTION PLAN 2007 – 2010

·  Key to indicators:

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

·  Additional work streams/projects have been added and highlighted pink

·  A summary of what has worked well, what issues have been experienced and key tasks during the next period are included at the end.

OBJ 1 - To TARGET high quality retailers to invest in the Town Centre..
·  Assess current health of ETCe. as a basis for measuring future growth (e.g. empty units, retailer mix) / Feb
2008 / ETMPB
Project 1 – Improving Retail Provision
·  Work with commercial agents to build a list of the town’s major freeholders. Try to understand their vision for Exmouth, and whether they would be willing to work with the ETMPB to attract targeted retailers / 1 / TM
Project 2 – Business Welcome/information pack
·  Produce Information Pack for new and existing businesses in ETCe. using existing medium such as ETM CD’s and to include contact information, sponsorship and advertising opportunities, calendar of events etc / 1 / TM/
·  Support the “Pretty Posh” event / Oct
2007 / TM
Project 3 – Source and secure additional funding streams
·  Identify and shortlist possible sources of funding (i.e. LPSA/AONB etc.) / Ongoing / TM
·  Target funding sources / 1 / TM
Project 5 – Use of Commercial Buildings design statement
·  Draft initial statement linking to shop front design guidelines / 2 / TM
·  Lobby EDDC to amend current policy / 2 / TM
·  Comment on business related planning applications / On-going / TM

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

Project 6 – Exmouth regeneration Programme / 1 / TM
·  Draft and support work on tools and governance for new Regeneration Board – dashboard etc. / 1 / TM/SB
·  Work with EDDC and DCC on wider attraction of retailers that fit the Exmouth identity / 1 / TM/ ERB
·  To include signage as part of environment enhancement to Town (including brown signage) / 3 / TM/ ERB
·  To include parking as a strategic issue for regeneration / 3 / TM/ ERB
·  Support major enhancement on The Strand through consultation process and role as a possible major project to the regeneration programme / 1 / TM/ ERB
·  Work with EDDC/DCC and via TM Comms Group to design and implement a comms plan that can be supported locally / 1 / MP&C,EDDC.DC

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

OBJ 2 - To make access improvements to the town centre …
Project 1 – Cycle route improvements
·  Support to Exmouth Cycle path Working Group in improvements to the current provision at the Exmouth end of estuary route. / 1 / TM/ MP&C
·  Agree timetable – to be complete no later than Feb 2008 / 1 / TM
·  Promote commercial opportunities into local economy / Ongoing / TM/ MP&C
·  Work with EDDC/DCC to carry out urgent signage and cycle parking provision for the 2008 season
·  Carry out walking audit w/c 19/5 / Ongoing / TM/EDDC/DCC
Project 4 – Land Train
·  Investigate viability of returning Land Train to Exmouth / 2 / TM

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

OBJ 3 - To raise the profile and image of Exmouth Town Centre …
·  Co-opt volunteers to ETMPB’s Marketing, Promotion and Communications Action Group (MP&C) / Dec
2007 / TM/ ETMPB
Revised Project 1 – Communications for TM
·  Design a structured comms plan for TM using e-newsletter, website, welcome pack.
·  Work with ASDA to ensure balanced comms and feedback from local shops / Ongoing / TM/
Project 2 - Exmouth Town Guide
·  Engage designer to produce new Exmouth Town Guide – to link with access information and business welcome pack /
1 / TM/ MP&C
·  Approve and launch new Guide / 1 / TM/ MP&C
Project 3 – Working with Partners on localised themed campaigns
·  Working with EDDC and other Partners to devise a co-ordinated programme of local campaigns – based on recent litter campaign and LPSA data /
2007 / TM/ MP&C
·  Cigarette butt campaign launched before Christmas and following litter campaign / Dec
2007 / TM
Project 4 – Website
·  Ensure website is kept updated and promoted wherever possible / Ongoing / TM
·  Build up the Links section / Ongoing / TM
Project 4a – Town Management E-newsletter
·  Construct database of Exmouth businesses / Ongoing / SB
·  Design and run e-newsletter / June
2008 / TM/MMc
Project 5 – Loyalty Schemes
·  Investigate likely take-up of an ET Loyalty Scheme (eg AONB pilot loyalty scheme) / 2 / TM/
Project 6 - Christmas Activity
·  Audit current Christmas activity with Christian’s Together / Dec
2007 / TM/ MP&C
·  Build on existing Christmas Town Centre events (within budget and to at least match if not exceed previous years’ visitor levels) / 2 / TM/ MP&C
·  Support the organisation of the town’s Christmas lights / Sept 2007 / TM/ MP&C
·  Work with local retailers to promote late night shopping / Oct 2007 / TM/ MP&C
Project 7 – Coach Drivers Information Pack
·  Investigate Viability of coach drivers information pack / 1 / TM
·  Gather support from local businesses to fund inclusion in spring version 2008 / 1 / TM/
Project 8 – Inclusion in the SW Coast Path virtual book
·  Investigate best approach to project and agree scope / Oct
2007 / TM/MP&C
·  Deliver project (This is the latest date for inclusion!) / Jan
2008 / TM/
Project 9 – Support Regional Coastal Towns Event – Nov 07
·  Source suitable venue / Sept
2007 / TM
·  Approach BBC for keynote speaker / Urgent / TM
·  Agree Programme / Urgent / TM/TC
·  Gain support from ED Coastal towns (and Lyme Regis) / Urgent / TM/TC
Project 10 – Support TIC business plan and activity
·  Work with TiC working group to design and implement business plan for the future of TiC / Ongoing / TiC working party
Project 11 – Local shopping guide
·  Design and update the existing guide to match the Devon branding style used on coach drivers info. pack / 1 / SB
OBJ 4. - To achieve a quality environment …
Project 1 – The Strand paving
·  To work with Street scene to implement a programme of street cleansing for The Strand and Town Centre / Oct
2007 / TM
·  Carry out “grumble walk” with Street Scene and analyse findings / Aug
2007 / TM
Project 2 – Community Radio (Bay FM)
·  Review and support if necessary, the provision of a community radio station, in consultation with the Police and Community Safety Partnership / Ongoing / TM
Project 4 – Improvements to sea/estuary side for watersport activity
·  To work with EDDC and key stakeholders, representing users of the slipway access, in order to review and recommend any reasonable improvements that can be made to access to the estuary/sea / 2 / TM
Project 5 – Exe Estuary project
·  Define with Exe Estuary Officer and LNR ranger scope of work for educative/promotion work of Exe estuary i.e. clean up days / 1 / TM
Project 6 – Magnolia Centre Feature to replace existing clock
·  Define options and cost
·  Support ECC to lead on project via College Council / 3 / TM
Project 7 – Pride in Exmouth Award (with Tidy Group)
·  Support Tidy Group to initiate award process / Ongoing / TM/Tidy group

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

OBJ 5. – To work with local Business organisations…
Project 1 – “Bags for life”
·  Identify scope for a “bag for life” project i.e. every household in town/ possible revenue generator for Festival or other projects /
1 / TM/ MP&C
·  Support implementation of project / 3 / TM/ MP&C
Project 2 - Exmouth in Bloom
·  Support to Exmouth in bloom to encourage businesses to sponsor hanging baskets / Ongoing / TM/ MP&C
Project 3 – Farmers Market
·  Work with Exmouth Farmers Market to enhance existing opportunities, in order to use the market to increase the town’s offering / Ongoing / TM/
Project 4 – Support the Quality Business Scheme
·  Promote the use by local businesses of the scheme / Oct
2007 / TM/ BD
·  Facilitate event to launch scheme locally / Oct
2007 / TM/ BD
·  Extend to wider business community through possible group workshops/one to one contact / 1 / TM
Project5 – Brixington Parade – promote shops & bring together shop keepers
·  Assess key project to deliver improvements to Parade / Oct
2007 / TM/ BD
·  Work with shop keepers to deliver project / Feb
2008 / TM
Project 6 – Exeter Road – promote shops & bring together shop keepers
·  Assess key project to deliver higher profile for Exeter Road / Nov
2007 / TM/ BD
·  Work with shop keepers to deliver project / Feb
2008 / TM
Proect 7 – Windsurfing Competition
·  Work as part of project team to support national event in July 2008 / July
2008 / TM with Project team

o  Green – on course, no issues

o  Yellow – some issues, but generally on course

o  Amber – major issues that will impact project/work stream

o  Red – project is likely to fail

o  Blue – complete

o  Mauve – project stopped/cancelled

o  No colour – project not yet started.

What has worked well – I do not want to repeat the information in the 60 second updates, so this report will feature main points only
·  Exeter Road and Brixington Parade projects – Meeting with EDDC/DCC to step up both projects with more permanent identity and promotional solution – 26/9 – significant funding involved
·  Business welcome pack – now out with businesses on test and for feedback
·  E-newsletter launched with good level of interest
·  Plans for Christmas and late night shopping looking good – working with Chris Woods, Festival Organiser to give the event a more festival feel. Also looking for additional funding to improve the impact of the event.
·  After much lobbying and cagouling we have some progress on the Jurassic Coast Quality Business Scheme – meeting DCC, World heritage team and West Dorset early October to reinvigorate this in Exmouth. 10 of the 11 businesses in East Devon with the JCQBS are in Exmouth.
·  Planning for the AGM – 23rd October
·  Joint work with Transition Town Exmouth on bags for life project and possible other environmental projects for 2009
·  Agreement with EDDC React and Street Scene to clean up takeaway area of Strand with ongoing work to maintain cleanliness – once again thanks to Steve, Andy the teams at EDDC.
·  By Mid October every project within current plan will be started, progressed or completed.
·  1st Multiple blue chip retailers meeting – next one planned for later this month
What has not worked so well
·  Still not happy with the work on cycleway signage and parking improvements which has lost focus – planning to add specific task based work into 2009 business plan
·  Niggling highways issues around street clutter, pavement cafes and A boards – meeting DCC on the 30/9 to try and resolve a process to improve local relations with shops.
Key actions next period
·  Finalise Christmas 08 event
·  Progress joint Exe estuary project around Heritage Trail
·  Continue to expand face to face contact with more businesses i.e. Liverton park and blue chip retailers
·  Draft 2009 Action Plan
·  AGM 23rd October
·  Finalise website – initial designs look great
·  Complete the commercial buildings statement to strengthen the shop front design guidance – agreement with Exmouth Society to work in partnership on this – starts mid October