Kia Ora Koutou 19 May 2013
It is great to see students getting straight into their learning, engaged and enthusiastic ready for Term 2. It is one of the many attributes that makes this school one of the best. Our students are here to learn, very seldom do we have to deal with students who do not take their learning seriously.
We have had some really exciting things happen over the holidays. An upgrade to our senior playground. I am sure most have heard about this as it has been full every day with climbing bodies and sometimes falling bodies! Do not fret as we have spent over $6000 laying a soft ‘wood chip’ to provide a soft landing. The entire project cost over $20,000 with contributions from the Lion Foundation, The Board of Trustees and the Kotahitanga Fundraising group. A big thanks from our school community to you.
Dave Sedcole
/ Term 2
Week 1 & 2 /

The Principal’s Awards went to

Dakota Tomars-Webb - ‘The Tablet King’

Geraldine Hetaraka-Petersen for stepping up in learning

Kotuku (Rm 7) The Caught Being Good Duffy Book Awards went to Max Low consistently taking responsibility for his own learning. Harmonie Duval-Peterson for being an outstanding, dedicated person who is always willing to take on responsibilities. Certificates went to to Dakota Tomars-Webb, Kody Mayes & Harlen MacKenzie for their awesome computers skills on the new tables. Tara Jones for being a diligent focussed learner who has excellent work ethics. Shakaya Kaka for her ever growing confidence. Sheree Lange & Porscha Reid for being an awesome writer – I really enjoy reading your work. Well done!

Active Ferns (Rm 6) The Caught Being Good Duffy Book Awards went to ? for Certificates went to Will Hogan, Kara Walsh & Lakyra Bracken for 50 nights reading. Cooper Stone for 75 nights reading. Paige Jury for 100 nights reading. Dan Gorrie for 125 nights reading. Illyas Mdouari and Leah Robinson for 225 nights reading. Awesome!

Tuatara (Rm 5) The Caught Being Good Duffy Book Awards was given to Hunna Tomars-Webb – a very self motivated learner. (99% in our basic facts test as well!) Certificates went to Abigail Lee-Miller & Demitrious Duval for having a positive attitude to learning.

Kowhai (Rm 4) The Caught Being Good Duffy award went to Alexis Tiatoa for always doing her best in class and being a good friend in the playground. Kapai Alexis. A “Wonderful Work Award” went to Brooke Sparksman for fabulous writing and for following instructions.

Taonga (Rm 3) The Caught Being Good Duffy Book Award went to Te Waimarino Tait for perfect presentation on her Mother’s Day certificate. Certificates were given to Nevaeh Heta-Tomars for great netball. Lily Morgan for reading progress.

Nga Ringa (Rm 2) The Caught Being Good Duffy Book Awards went to Jason Errey for an awesome start to Term 2. Certificates went to Freddy Corden-Whyte for moving up to Level 4 in spelling. Carlos Lloyd for an awesome start to Term 2 – Welcome Carlos.

Pukeko (Rm 1) The Caught Being Good Book Awards went to Lara Newman - “Excellent”. Relating to others. Certificates went to Lola-Mae Hare - “Reading whizz!”. Jay Parikh for completing his ‘Early Words’ programme. Joshua Mtshena - Welcome to Mangonui School.

(con’t from front page)

Over the holidays we also upgraded our Website. The main reason for this is because of the ‘Newspaper’ option that is attached to the new website. It is very similar to the blogs that classrooms were beginning to use. Please visit the new site. Hit the newspaper option and have a look around. All classrooms are on the site and it is expected that classrooms regularly post articles and photos of what is happening in their room.

We also received a very generous grant from the Southern Trust to purchase Samsung tablets. These are amazing learning tools that our students are really benefiting from. The senior classroom students have one each and twenty five other tablets are spread throughout the school. There are a couple of ‘Samsung Schools’ in Auckland that we will be visiting to ensure that we get the very best from these devices.

Nominations to become a Board member close on the 16th of May. I have had a number of people approach me about becoming Board members. This is great. I have heard of many schools that are still at the ‘pushing’ stage where they do not have the people wanting to be on the Board. We are extremely lucky to have such a supportive and engaged school community. Please make sure you vote as these people have a very important role in the education of your child.

I would like to thank our existing Board for their contribution to the strength of our school. Mangonui School would not be the great school it is without their involvement in the direction of our kura.

Dave Sedcole


BOT Election - Voting papers issued Fri. 17 May

School Photos Tue. 21 May

Kiwi Netball Tournament – Kaitaia Courts Thu. 23 May

Celebration Assembly Fri. 24 May @ 1.30pm

BOT Election - Voting closes Thu. 30 May @ 12noon

Authors visit Thu. 30 May @ 10.30am

Reports go home Fri. 31 May

3 way conferences Tue. 4 June

BOT Election – Results declared Wed. 5 June

New BOT takes over Thu. 6 June

FunKey Friday Fri. 14 June @ 10.30am

Celebration Assembly Fri. 14 June @ 1.30pm

BOT – First meeting of new Board Mon. 17 June @ 4.30pm

Fun Key Friday Fri. 21 June @ 10.30am

Fun Key Friday Fri. 28 June @ 10.30am

Fun Key Friday Fri. 5 July @ 10.30am

Celebration Assembly Fri. 5 July @ 10.30am

‘Mangonui’s Got Talent’ – Mangonui Hall Fri. 5 July

Celebration of FunKey Thu. 11 July

Last day of Term 2 Fri. 12 July


If your child/children will be absent from school for any reason, please advise the school office - Ph 406.0182, or text the Principal 027 367.3613

Anzac Day 2013

Thank you to Todd Sparksman and Kara Walsh for doing a superb job laying our wreath

Dental Mobile is at Mangonui School!!

Phone 406.1917

After many years Kay Robinson the Dental Therapist who has treated your children in the old Dental Clinic has cut back ondays of workand is currently working in Kaitaia at the Hospital Monday-Wednesday.

We are thenew Dental ladies and our names are Kerry Blucher and Rachel Kenney. This is the first time either ofus have worked at Mangonui School andwe are bothvery impressed by the beautiful school, lovely staff & children and the view fromour Dental Mobile.

The Dental mobile is situated in front of the old Dental Clinic, we are open 8am-3:45pm.

Our phone number is 406.1917 or simply just pop into the mobile to make an appointment or discuss your children's treatment.

We treat any children from 0-18yrs old and it is all free!!! Any Year 9 child or overcan access care from private Dentists all over Northland. Give us a call for the phone number of the closest Dentist to you.

There is no time limit on how long the Dental Mobile will be at Mangonui, we will be here until all the children's teeth at Mangonui are seen & treated.

Please check your child's bags for forms that we might issue for treatment or just a letter to tell you how beautiful your child's teeth are!!

Look forward to seeing all your children!!

Mangonui Netball – Bradbury Bullets & Coasters

Our school netball teams in are desperate need of new uniforms.

Our awesome parents have started fundraising for these, beginning with the recent Kapa Haka festival at Taipa Area School.

We are hoping to hold a “Bake Day” next Friday the 24th at morning tea time ( 10am) Items will be 50c - $1

Your support would be much appreciated.

(A notice will be sent home next week as a reminder J)

Junior Basketball

This term we will be running Junior Basketball or Miniball Skill Development for ages 5-12. All skill levels are welcome, come along and register your interest from Friday 17th May 2013 onwards at Kaitaia College Gymnasium.
Sessions will run on Friday afternoons from 3.30pm-4.30pm for ages 5-7yrs and then 4.30pm-5.30pm for ages 8-12yrs. We will have registration forms there this week for parents to register their children.
If anyone is interested in coaching/assistant coaching any of these age groups, please contact Paulette Lewis 4080141 ext723 or Kape Murray 4082258 after hours.

Junior Wheels Day

Nits / Headlice – Are back again!

They are a common problem all over the world. They are small, flat insects about 2-3mm long & breed all year round.

·Live on the human scalp - which provides food and warmth for the eggs to hatch

·Feed on human blood through the scalp 5 or 6 times a day

·Cannot jump, fly or swim

·Do not carry disease

·Remain on the head after swimming or bathing/showering

Life cycle:

·Female lice lay about 7-10 eggs per night. Eggs are laid close to the scalp. Each egg is firmly glued to a hair.

·The eggs (nits) are small and hard (like a grain of sand) and are normally pale grey in colour. After hatching, the nits (empty egg cases are white).

·Eggs hatch in 9 days and a louse will live for 40 days.

Looking for Headlice:

·  In school age children, check for headlice regularly once a week. Look over the scalp for insects or eggs, especially: ***Around the hairline at the back of the neck *** Behind the ears *** On the crown

·  Use a fine tooth comb on wet hair to find lice. Scratch marks or a rash can be a sign that your child has headlice. Not all children complain of itchy heads. Eggs are laid next to the scalp and hair grown about 1cm per month. Therefore any eggs found more that 1cm from the scalp will have hatched and died.

When to treat:

·If you find a LIVE insect on the scalp ·If you find eggs within 1cm of the scalp

How to treat:

We do have natural products (supplied by KidsCan) available at no cost – Please see or phone Mrs S in the office Ph 406.0182

·Always follow the manufacturer recommendations supplied with individual treatments. Some treatments are used twice, 7-10 days apart.

·After using shampoo, dead eggs are left. Treatments and combs will not remove dead eggs. The eggs can each be removed between finger and thumb. Recheck your children’s heads after a week and make sure they brush their hair every night. ·PLEASE ALERT SCHOOL, CONTACTS AND FRIENDS

How to prevent headlice and reduce the spread:

It is impossible to prevent headlice completely because they are common in the community and children often come in contact with each other at school and at other activities.

·Brush hair every evening. This may help kill or injure lice and stop them from laying eggs. Bend the head forward with hair hanging down. Brush hair with a firm bristled brush from scalp outwards, especially around the hairline behind the ears and the back of the neck.

·Don’t share brushes and combs. Everyone in the family should use their own brush and comb.

·After treatment for headlice, clean brushes, combs, towels and pillowcases with hot water and detergents. If possible dry pillowcases in a hot dryer. (Because lice do not live beyond 48 hours it is rarely necessary for additional washing & cleaning of other articles).

·Children should keep their clothes separate from other children’s at school

·Tie back long hair or plait it - discourage children from playing with each other’s hair.