Academic Year Course Descriptions - Psychological Guidance and Counseling

1st YEAR

RPD111 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to overview of the major fields within psychology with an emphasis on developing an understanding of psychology as the science of human thought and behavior. The course also aims to promote students to critically evaluate "common sense" knowledge about how people function.

RPD121 Physiological Psychology (3 credits) The purpose if this course is to provides introductory information on the different physiological systems involved in behavior and cognition and will allow students to understand the basic processes and applications of the physiology involved in psychology.

TRD101 Turkish Language I (2 credits) The purpose of the course is toexplain the features and functioning rules of Turkish language. The course demonstrates grammar rules of writing and speaking through samples. The course aims to improve students’ listening and reading skills, in addition to oral and written expression abilities. The course provides an introduction of Turkish and World Literature and Culture.

ATA101 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 credits) This course aims to teach the Republican reforms in the new Turkish Republic; the principles of Ataturk, the foreign policy, the multi-party regime period and the military coup detats. This course aims to let the student to acquire the ability of classification, description, explanation, analysis of the current social and individual problems in Turkey by taking rationality and science, norms of modernity into account with respect to the Kemalist thought and the Turkish Revolution.

ENF101 Computer I (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with computers and their applications that they will use throughout their college and future careers. In this course students will learn fundamental concepts of computer hardware, software and become familiar with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, spreadsheet, databases and multimedia presentations. Students will also investigate internet-based applications, working with email and learning how to browse the web. Coursework also includes activities that explore social and ethical issues related to computers.

SOS105 Sociology (2 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the field of sociology, the exploration of society and how it operates. Sociology broadens social insights, fosters critical thinking, trains students in methods of gathering and analyzing data, and helps students develop their writing skills. By thinking actively about the issues facing contemporary society, students will learn to examine life situations and the influence of society and groups on people’s lives and the basic processes that shape social life. The course will introduce sociological perspectives (how issues of everyday life and activities) relate to the way society is structured and introduce socialization, culture, social institutions, social stratification, race and ethnicity, gender, politics, education and social change.

EGT111 Introduction to Educational Sciences (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide students with a general knowledge about educational sciences. Through chapters, readings, and case analyses, we will discuss issues related to comparative environmental framework, theories and institutions about education science. During the lectures, students will be taking on leadership responsibilities and work with other people in teams while developing their oral communication abilities and presentation skills.

SOS210 Cultural Anthropology (3 credits) The purpose of the course is to offer an understanding of what an anthropological perspective on the world is, and how it would aid us in understanding the world we live in. The course will seek to do this through readings of classical and contemporary ethnographies. We will focus on several major themes in anthropology such as culture, family, language, gender, economy, religion, urban life and the body.

TRD101 Turkish Language II (2 credits) The purpose of the course is toexplain the features and functioning rules of Turkish language. The course demonstrates grammar rules of writing and speaking through samples. The course aims to improve students’ listening and reading skills, in addition to oral and written expression abilities. The course provides an introduction of Turkish and World Literature and Culture.

ATA101 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 credits) This course aims to teach the Republican reforms in the new Turkish Republic; the principles of Ataturk, the foreign policy, the multi-party regime period and the military coup detats. This course aims to let the student to acquire the ability of classification, description, explanation, analysis of the current social and individual problems in Turkey by taking rationality and science, norms of modernity into account with respect to the Kemalist thought and the Turkish Revolution

ENF102 Computer II (3 credits)The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with computers and their applications that they will use throughout their college and future careers. In this course students will learn fundamental concepts of computer hardware, software and become familiar with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, spreadsheet, databases and multimedia presentations. Students will also investigate internet-based applications, working with email and learning how to browse the web. Coursework also includes activities that explore social and ethical issues related to computers.

EGT122 Introduction to Philosophy (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce the philosophical thinking in general rather than to provide a full survey of philosophical disciplines, their methods, doctrines and leading ideas. Instead of trying to give a comprehensive account of all possible forms philosophy has assumed throughout its long history we shall zero in on several characteristic examples illustrating how classical and modern thinkers formulate their questions and how they grapple with their issues in contrast to ordinary, religious and scientific consciousness. In addition, the course will provide a preliminary orientation about the notion of philosophical argument, its various forms and the ways arguments should be analyzed.

EGT132 Literature Review and Report Writing (2 credits) This course focuses specifically on general experimental design methodology and corresponding writing and reporting skills. More than that, this course explores the important connections between research design and writing. The broader social and political context in which research is situated and must respond to and interact with is also explored.

EGT142 History of Turkish Education (2 credits) This course is designed to improve learners knowledge and skills through concepts regarding the importance of the Turkish Education, history of Turkish Education during the pre-Islamism period, history of Turkish education after Islamism, basic characteristics of education during the foundation of Turkish Republic, the educational reforms, teacher training methods from past to present, the organization and structure of Turkish Ministry of education, educational policies and developments in the Turkish education. During the lectures, students will be taking on leadership responsibilities and work with other people in teams while developing their oral communication abilities and presentation skills.

2nd YEAR

RPD211 Guidance and Psychological Counseling (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce a conceptual approach to the field of guidance and psychological counseling. In this course, the role of the guidance counselor, differing counseling orientations, basic assessment techniques, and the development of guidance and counseling services in Turkey are taught.

EGT211 Scientific Research Methods (2 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce statistical reasoning. Focuses primarily on the what and why rather than the how. Helps students gain an understanding of the rationale behind many statistical methods, as well as an appreciation of the use and misuse of statistics. Encourages and requires critical thinking.

RPD221 Developmental Psychology I (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to bring to the learner an overall view of the science of Developmental Psychology via the specific topical approach to life span development. The course is designed to assist the learner in mastering an understanding of various psychological and developmental concepts through several modalities and their applicability in the world around us focusing on the various areas of human development. Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to explain the basic qualifications of physical, social, emotional and cognitive developments in childhood and adolescence.

EGT251 Special Education (2 credits)The aim of the course is to present the history of special education and demonstrate the basic concepts of special needs students to disability groups (mental retardation, hearing impairment, visual impairment, attention deficit and hyperactivity, emotional behavioral disorders, autism spectrum disorders, chronic diseases, multiple disability, learning disabilities and gifted individuals) to gain the ability to distinguish. In this course, students will sort the general characteristics of the disability groups, classifies the general characteristics of the student's development and interpret the diagnostic process.

EGT231 Philosophy of Education (2 credits) The purpose of this course is to improve learner’s knowledge and skills through definition of philosophyand its fields, philosophy and the relationship between education and scientific and philosophical approach to education, philosophyand philosophy of education, philosophical effects of education, and philosophy of the Turkish educationsystem that based on. This course also will address how historical influences, settings, and ideas have influenced and continue to have relevance for education and life today. During the lectures, students will be taking on leadership responsibilities and work with other people in teams while developing their oral communication abilities and presentation skills.

EGT241 Principles and Methods of Teaching (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to allow students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes toward using the principles of learning and teaching, affective study skills, and learning and teaching methods and technics. This course design also aims to prepare students to plan and teach in different curricular and learning environments. During the lectures, students will be taking on leadership responsibilities and work with other people in teams while developing creative classroom environments.

EGT221 Statistics I (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce statistical reasoning. Focuses primarily on what and why rather than the how. Helps students gain an understanding of the rationale behind many statistical methods, as well as an appreciation of the use and misuse of statistics. Encourages and requires critical thinking.

EGT261 History of Science (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to evaluate of science from old ages to date; İonia, Helen, Muslim-Turk (Arabic, Horasan, Selçuk, Endülüs, Ottoman). In addition students will learn about the development of mathematic, medicine, biology and physic, revolution of science and technology in 20th century.

RPD212 Non-test Techniques (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding toward individual differences and appraisal techniques in general and develop skills and understanding toward non-test techniques in specific.

EGT212 Human Relations and Communication (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to offer a sound theoretical and experiential framework for maximizing human relations and communication within the educational domain including principles of persuasion, public information management, effective communication strategies and personal effectiveness with staff and the public.

EGT222 Statistics II (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce statistical reasoning. The course provides basic understanding, correct interpretation, and applications of commonly used statistical analyses with an understanding of the rationale behind these. In this course, in addition to conceptual knowledge, technical knowledge is provided through the use of SPSS software and students will learn applications of each statistical analysis covered by attending weekly lab sessions.

RPD222 Social Psychology (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce the field of empirical research that examines the individual in a social setting. It covers areas such as social cognition, social perception, attitudes, conformity, and aggression.

RPD232 Learning Psychology (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce students with major theories and empirical findings in the area of learning. Student will analyze the basic principles and research in human learning. Topics include problem solving, memory, reward and punishment, and reinforcement schedules as studied in animals, normal classrooms, and remedial settings.

RPD242 Developmental Psychology II (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to bring the learner an overall view of the science of Developmental Psychology via the specific topical approach to life span development. The course is designed to assist the learner in mastering an understanding of various psychological and developmental concepts through several modalities and their applicability in the world around us focusing on the various areas of human development. Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to explain the basic qualifications of physical, social, emotional and cognitive developments during adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, and old ages.

EGT232 Assessment and Evaluation (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to examine the purposes, paradigms and types of assessment and evaluation used in education, and in particular the innovations associated with them. Their roles in directing learning, provision of feedback to students, feedback strategies to enhance the delivery of instructions and curriculum evaluation, and ensuring standards are achieved are explored. Emerging alternative assessment and reporting processes and the underlying philosophies of selected curricula models/frameworks are highlighted. Specifically, the roles of learners/students, teachers/educators, curriculum designers and administrators/policy makers in assessment and evaluation are discussed.

3rd YEAR

RPD311 Principles and Techniques of Psychological Counseling (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic principles and techniques in psychological counseling, for example; confidentiality, volunteering and reflecting. In addition, this course provides an overview of the skills and styles needed for building healthy and therapeutic helping relationships, as well as techniques specific to a variety of psychological disorders and problems with living.

RPD321 Life-cycles and Adaptation Difficulties (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to instruct developmental characteristics of childhood, adolescent, youth adult, middle age and elders and their adaptation problems and coping ways. Students will determine the special/abnormal cases that interrupt the daily life of the individual or that have a negative impact on the individual's development process.

RPD331 Personality Theories (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the diverse ways of conceptualizing assessing, studying, and treating personality. Personality psychology is a scientific study of the whole person. In lecture and readings, we will consider trait, biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, cultural and behavioral approaches to understanding human personality. When discussing each of these approaches, we will focus on its ability to account for individual differences in emotions, thoughts, motivation and behavior, and their stability and change. Our class time will include lecture, watching and discussing video case studies and class discussions and exercises.

RPD341 Vocational Guidance and Counseling (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide a broad overview of the school counseling profession with an emphasis on both theoretical and practical aspects of comprehensive school counseling programs.

EGT311 Classroom Management (2 credits) The purpose of the course is to present the basic concepts and principles of classroom management, classroom management approaches, behavior modification methods and theories. Students will compare the classroom management approaches.

RPD312 Vocational Guidance and Counseling Practices (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide a broad overview of the school counseling profession with an emphasis on both theoretical and practical aspects of comprehensive school counseling programs. This is a continuous of RPD 341 coded course.

RPD322 Curriculum Development in Guidance (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide in-service teachers at primary level with basic concepts and principles of curriculum and instruction. Topics include curriculum development and implementation, teaching principles and strategies, teaching evaluation, and classroom conditions that influence teaching and learning. Students will be helped to link theories of curriculum and pedagogy with their teaching practice in setting objectives, selecting and organizing contents, and implementing and evaluating curriculum in various subjects they teach in primary schools.

RPD332 Behavioral Disorders (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding of key principles underlying child and adolescent development, including attachment, temperament, family and peer relationships, and the interplay between genes and environments. Then, examine several core disorders in child and adolescent mental health—ADHD, autism, depression and bipolar disorder, serious anxiety disorders, and self-injurious behavior. Focus on long-term outcomes, sex differences, recent treatment findings and reasons for the continued increases in nearly all mental disorders in recent years.

RPD342 Theories of Psychological Counseling (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to help students learn major theoretical systems of counseling and psychotherapy, with a special emphasis on how clients in therapy change and how to conceptualize clients’ presenting concerns from theoretical points of view. Issues related to application of theory in practice, especially those related to individual/cultural diversity will be addressed and emphasized.

RPD352 Group Counseling (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide students with the theories, concepts and experiences that will increase their competency of group counseling with adults. Students will engage in lecture, readings, in-class activities and observation as well as experiential training groups. Students will gain knowledge of group counseling theory and demonstrate the practical skills necessary for the dynamic application to various group counseling settings. Students will understand how to adapt various theories and skills to the unique circumstances they find themselves in as professionals and citizens.

4th YEAR