RRM 386-Practicum

Students must have instructor over ride to register for the course.

Prerequisite: RRM101

Course Description:

RRM 386 is a work practicum for the Hospitality program. Students can sign up for this practicum while working in any hourly position, in any segment of the hospitality industry. Working in the industry provides HM students with exposure to numerous elements of management, customer service, employee relations, and the various jobs available in the industry.

Course Goals:

The primary goal is to facilitate student understanding of the practical issues of a working hospitality organization. This field experience is designed to help students:

·  Begin to recognize the demands of the industry.

·  Analyze their career goals in this industry through self-evaluation.

·  Identify the various segments they may wish to, or not, build their careers in.

Course Objectives and Competencies

Depending on the segment of hospitality and the position held within the organization, you may learn, experience, or accomplish several of the following:

1.  The hiring process-from application, to interviewing, to hiring, training, orientation and training, or any combination of these elements.

2.  Work with other employees in team-based environments.

3.  Observe and participate in various task-related activities from greeting guests, to serving food, to producing food and beverage.

4.  Learn about safe food handling.

5.  Learn about the legal aspects of serving alcohol.

6.  Learn about operational systems.

7.  Work with proprietary and industry specific software programs.

8.  Learn how to use equipment specific to the segment you are in.

9.  Review and interpret government regulations pertaining to your specific industry segment.

10. Identify costs specific to your operation such as food, liquor, and labor costs.

11. Learn about company policies and procedures and why they are important to the industry.

12. Learn about job descriptions and job specifications.

13. Learn about effective and efficient scheduling of employees.

14. Learn about the skills necessary for successful management in the segment.

15. Observe the interaction of employees, guests, and management.

Course Structure:

To fulfill the practicum requirements for this hospitality practicum, students must work a minimum of 130 hours over the course of a semester or summer period.

·  A hospitality environment job means anywhere the student is involved with lodging, food and beverage, or entertainment where either of these is present.

·  It is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

·  It cannot be used to substitute for any other course

·  It may only be taken one (1) time.

The following must be completed to receive a “Satisfactory” in the course.

·  Daily work log

·  Weekly journaling until 130 work hours are met.

·  Critical thinking exercise

·  130 workplace hours must be supported by payroll documentation. Once 130 working hours have been achieved, the student can write the critical thinking exercise and submit their package.

Practicum Journals.

Students will complete a journal entry each week of their employment which is centered on:

1.  Their personal performance that week as it relates to their job. These should be objective observations of how you did in your job, and

2.  An overview of what took place at their job. This can be about the operation itself, training, managers, guests, problems you encountered or great experiences you had.

3.  The journal entries will be evaluated on completeness, observations and integration of information (i.e., think about what happened). At the beginning of each entry, list the date, time and practicum location.

4.  Each weekly entry must be dated and be 500+ words, typed, double spaced.

5.  It should be emailed to Dr. Bill Franz

6.  Type “PRACTICUM” in the subject line.

7.  They are due by Sunday nights every week until 130 working hours have been achieved.

Critical Thinking Exercise-Self Evaluation

This exercise is designed to act as a summary of your experience during your practicum. It should be no less than 2,000 words and cover the following topics:

·  Besides a pay check, what do you feel you gained from this experience which supports your career goals?

·  What similarities and/or differences did you recognize between your job and your classroom learning at CSU?

·  What do you feel will be the most challenging aspect of management in this segment of hospitality?

·  What was it about this job that you found to be the most fun, challenging, disappointing, and rewarding?

College level writing is expected for all submitted journals and the critical thinking exercise.

At the end of your practicum, please submit the following as a single word document:

·  Title page which includes:

o  Your name, course name and number, your place of work, name, title, and complete contact information of your immediate supervisor.

·  Completed Work log (type directly into the matrix provided)

·  All weekly journals previously sent via email

·  Critical thinking Exercise

Send a separate, scanned document of your pay stub(s) which shows dates covering your employment period. 130 hours is required to complete the practicum.

Other important information:

Accidents and insurance:

Colorado State University Workman's Compensation does not apply if you are participating in any of the on-campus practicum sites. It is your responsibility to be sure that you have adequate health coverage to cover any medical injuries should you be injured while working.

Please also note that Workman’s Compensation (CSU) does not apply if you are compensated in any way by the work site at which you are injured. Compensation includes money, housing and/or meals, and any other compensation that has financial value.


Daily work log

Name: Joe Student Position: Server Location: Red Robin, Westminster, CO

Student Phone Number: 405-958-8956

Keep a record of the hours worked. Must match payroll records

Date / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thur. / Fri. / Sat. / Sun. / TOTAL
June 1-7 / 4-10 / off / off / 11-3
6-10 / 5-9 / 5-9 / 11-5 / 28
June 8-14 / off / 5:30-10 / 5:30-10 / off / off / 5-9 / 11-5 / 19
June 15-21 / 4-10 / 5-10 / 6-11 / 11-3
6-10 / off / 5-10 / off / 29
June 22-28 / off / off / 5-10 / 5-10 / 5-9 / 5-9 / 5-10 / 23
June 29-July 5 / off / off / 5-11 / 5-11 / 5-10 / 4-10 / 4-10 / 29
July 6-12 / off / 5:30-10 / 5:30-10 / off / off / 5-9 / 11-5 / 19
July 13-19 / off / 5:30-10 / 5:30-10 / off / off / 5-9 / 11-5 / 19
July 20-26 / 4-10 / 5-10 / 6-11 / 11-3
6-10 / off / 5-10 / off / 29
July 27-Aug. 2 / off / off / 5-10 / 5-10 / 5-9 / 5-9 / 5-10 / 23
August 4-9 / 4-10 / off / off / 11-3
6-10 / 5-9 / 5-9 / 11-5 / 28
Total hours / Total hours / 246


Daily work log

Name: Position: Location:

Student Phone Number:

date / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday / TOTAL