ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A UNIFORM SHIRT on Monday through Thursday. Sizes, style and color choices are described by the Ma’ili School Vendor on information sheets provided.

NO MODIFICATIONS to the school uniform will be allowed. There are sufficient options to select from the order form which compensates for some individuality and gender.

Bottoms are not a required uniform item; however shorts, skirts, or skorts must conform to the established Dress Code listed below.


Non-compliance with the Uniform Dress Code Policy will be considered a Class C Offense (insubordination) and students will be disciplined according to Chapter 19 and School Discipline Guidelines. Parents will be asked to help male sure their children are in compliance with the uniform policy.


Ma’ili Elementary School believes that the standard of dress and grooming should be the primary responsibility of the parents and students as well as the staff members and other adults who work or volunteer at Ma’ili Elementary and with the understanding that appropriate clothing and grooming reflect good taste, does not violate rules of decency, does not offend the standards of others, nor distract from the educational program. Administrators may make exceptions to the dress code on an individual basis in order to accommodate extenuating circumstances.


The following type of clothing/accessories will NOT be allowed on campus:

-Vulgar or suggestive comments (provocative, profane), gang, drug (including tobacco and alcohol related pictures or words, or including alcohol and tobacco products),

-Hats/caps, visors are not to be worn indoors (classroom, office, library, dining room, etc.) Dark glasses – unless prescribed, are not to be worn to or at school.

-Clothing that exposes undergarments, shorts, skirts or skorts which are too short (shorter that the tip of the “pinky” finger when arms are extended alongside the body), exposes too much of the upper body (halter tops, undershirts), exposes midriff, navel or breasts/chest, spaghetti straps (unless a shirt or blouse is worn under or the top): lycra, spandex shorts, spandex type tops; or other clothing whichviolates the norms of decency should not be worn on campus.

Footwear: footwear must be worn when working in the serving kitchen, or when going on filed trips, or as required for physical education classes. Cleats or taps are not to be on shoes worn to school. Heelies or shoes that roll are not allowed in school.

Jewelry: jewelry should be kept to a minimum (this will avoid loss or breakage of the item.) For SAFETY reasons, long and dangling earrings should not be worn to school.