Disability Justice Project

Local Community LiaisonGroup

Meeting Minutes

Date: / Thursday, 27 March 2014
Venue: / 4.30 – 5.25pm
2 Keene Street, Midland
Attendees: / Wendy Cox, Executive Director: Accommodation Services (Acting Chair)
Gail McCahon, Senior Project Support Officer – Disability Justice Service
Connie Drew
Elizabeth Drew
Jenny Waterhouse
Cr Mick Wainwright, Deputy Mayor, City of Swan
Brian La Fontaine, Architect
Apologies: / Crystal Andrea D’Silva
Marc Dale
Cr David Lucas, City of Swan
Deborah Spittle, Senior Communications and Media Officer


  1. Attendance, apologies, minutes and actions

Formal apologies were received from Deb Spittle. Crystal D’Silva had indicated at the last meeting she would not be able to attend on Thursdays. Minutes from February were approved with changes requested.

An update was given on the following actions:

Action / Status
Marc requested that local residents be employed in the construction of the Centres if possible. / BMW advised it cannot advise the building contractor who to employ.
Queries were raised as to the progress of the feasibility study for the Kiara site. / The feasibility study of the Kiara site is discussed below.
Enquiries were to be made as to the availability of the meeting room. / The meeting room is available on Wednesdays.
Wendy was to provide research in relation to the Canadian model of community engagement. / Links to the research paper related to the Canadian citizen engagement model referenced at the February LCLG meeting will be circulated for next month’s meeting.
Members queried when the minutes would appear on the DSC website. / All the approved minutes (except for February) have now been uploaded onto the Commissions website.
  1. Update
  • Legislation - debate is still to take place.
  • Project - the tender process has been finalised. Announcement still due late April 2014.
  • Feasibility process for Kiara not finalised as yet.
  • Announcement of the Disability Justice Service Manager is imminent.
  • A briefing on the major artwork chosen for the grounds of the Centre will be given next month.
  • Two new members of the expert panel were noted as Associate Professor Guy Hall (Murdoch University) and Dr Anthony Duncan, National Adviser, Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003.
  1. Presentation by Brian La Fontaine, Peter Hunt Architects

Brian gave a very informative verbal and pictorial presentation on the design and construction of the Centres. Queries were raised as to the elevation of the Lord Street site. It was agreed that the group would meet at the Lord Street site for the April meeting.

Action: Wendy will arrange for a site visit to Lord Street on 17 April 2014.

  1. Dates for Boronia and Mentally Impaired Review Board (MIARB) visits

Gail has received advice from Jan Allen that members are invited to visit Boronia on Thursday 8 May 2014 at a time to be advised. Mick, Liz and Connie would like to visit Boronia. The group were asked to advise if they wished to attend the MIARB hearing on 11 April and 20 May 2014.

Action: Gail to arrange MIARB attendance. The Board has advised that 11 April 2014 is no longer able to be accommodated; Mick to attend on 20 May 2014. Gail has spoken to Jan Allen and arranged a visit to Boronia by Liz, Connie and Mick on 8 May 2014.

  1. Attendance at MIARB meeting – report from Liz/Gail
    Liz and Gail appraised the Group of their attendance at MIARB.
  2. Future role of the group

The links to the research paper on this model will be circulated before the next meeting.

Action: Gail to circulate relevant links.

  1. DSC website – update

The group were advised that a process had now been put in place for uploading the minutes to the Commissions website. All approved minutes had now been uploaded (except for February).

  1. Guest speaker schedule – April 2014
    The group had previously expressed an interest in hearing from a corrections officer. Liz mentioned Mr Robyn Chan (a corrections officer) had attended the MIARB hearing and was very informative. A list of potential guest speakers will be compiled for discussion at next meeting.
    Action: Gail to make enquiries to see if Mr Chan is available to address the Group.
  2. Other business
  3. Date of the next meeting – Thursday 17 April 2014 at the Lord Street site.

Meeting closed at 5.25pm

Gail McCahon

Senior Project Support Officer– DJS: Recorder