U.S.D.A. Winter Meeting, January 19-20, 2007, Page 1
JANUARY 19-20, 2007
Meeting HostLen and Connie Houle, Vice Presidents, Eastern Region.
Meeting PlaceWest Springfield, Massachusetts, Best Western Sovereign Hotel
Meeting Time9 a.m. on January 19th & 20th, 2007
Call to order Presidents Si & Marilyn Kittle called the meeting to order.
InvocationLead by Edythe Weber
Pledge of Allegiance Lead by Si Kittle
President Si Kittle welcomed all members and formally introduced Eastern Region Vice President Len Houle, our host for the winter meeting. Len welcomed all to the cold and frosty north. He introduced the events for the days’ meetings, hospitality suite, and evening events (invited all to attend). He apologized for the Thursday evening mix up of events.
Lyle Beck welcomed all and gave an update on Past President Charlie Holley’s health condition.
Roll Call (In Attendance)
Presidents: / Si & Marilyn KittleEastern Region, Vice Presidents: / Len & Connie Houle
Central Region, Vice Presidents: / Bill & Bobbie Shepard (After Party Chairpersons)
Plains Region, Vice Presidents: / Mike & Mary Strub
Secretaries: / Monica & Ray Landry
Treasurer: / Bill Flick
Information Officer Chairpersons: / Lyle & Jean Beck
Parliamentarian: / Jim Maczko & Patty Wilcox
Education / Publications, USDA NEWS Editor, Apparel Chairpersons: / Jim & Edythe Weber
Prescription Card, Long-term Care Insurance, Showcase of Ideas Chairperson: / Kimberlee Streby
Credit Card, Badges, & USA Traveler Chairpersons: / Joe & Joy Vaccari
Roll Call (Not In Attendance):
West Region, Vice Presidents: / Jim & Kay RogersPast Presidents: / Charlie & Kitty Holley
Historian & Handicapable Dancers Chairpersons: / Al & Portia Bruning
Youth Advisor Chairpersons: / Alitia & John Becker
Facilities Chairpersons: / Pat & Ave’ Herndon
Insurance Coordinator: / Loraine Backus
Prescription Card, Long-term Care Insurance, Showcase of Ideas Chairperson: / Michael Streby
Minutes from the Annual Meeting held in San Antonio on June 20-24, 2006 were noted by group.
-Pre-Annual Meeting minutes (June 20, 2006) ~ were approved with minor corrections. Motioned by Jim Weber to approve as corrected, seconded by Connie Houle.
-Annual Meeting minutes (June 21, 2006) ~ were approved with minor corrections. Motioned by Jim Weber to approve as corrected, seconded by Connie Houle.
-Post Annual Meeting minutes (June 24, 2006) ~ were approved with minor corrections. Motioned by Jim Weber to approve as corrected, seconded by Connie Houle.
Treasurer Report
The Treasurer's Reports were distributed at the meeting and presented by Treasurer Bill Flick.
Balance Sheet as of 12/31/2006 reports Total Liabilities & Equity at $5,724.62 which includes both the Money Market account and the General Fund account.
Reviewed 2006 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual. Kimberlee Streby had questions about the shipping for the Showcase of Ideas. Shipping indicated was not for Showcase of Ideas. Bill will review and get back to the board. Bill further covered detailed budget expenses as of 12/31/06. Loraine Backus sent $5,000 from the Insurance Fund to the Treasurer for expense for the Winter Meeting.
Recommended to combine the Money Market Account and the General Fund account for easier record keeping. The Money Market would go away. The financial software can track all expenses.
Jim Weber motioned to close the money market account (as recommended by Bill Flick).
Connie Houle seconded.
Motion passed. (Rescinded later in minutes)
Question risen by Mike Strub – Why do separate accounts for the Money Market, the General Fund and Insurance exist?
The Insurance Fund must be kept separate from other expenses. The Insurance Fund financial report will be available later in the meeting.
Motion by Lyle Beck to approve the report and file for audit. Kimberlee Streby seconded. Motion passed.
Officers’ Reports
President's Report submitted in writing by Si and Marilyn Kittle. Nothing further to report other than was previously written.
Eastern Region, Vice President Report submitted in writing by Len and Connie Houle. Nothing further to report other than was previously written.
Central Region, Vice President Report submitted in writing by Bill & Bobbie Shepard. Nothing further to report other than was previously written.
Plains Region, Vice President Report submitted in writing by Mike and Mary Strub. Nothing further to report other than was previously written.
Western Region, Vice President Report submitted in writing by Jim and Kay Rogers.
Secretary's Report submitted in writing by Monica and Ray Landry. Nothing further to report other than was previously written.
Historian Report submitted in writing by Alan and Portia Bruning.
Information Officer Report submitted in writing by Lyle and Jean Beck. Addition to written materials: In 2006 the USDA posted 9 news releases. In the future, please send more information for release to our affiliates. Goal is to send 10 to 20 per year.
Created an information ad for Charlotte Convention program book; the USDA received a 25% discount.
The National Square Dance directory has changed dramatically and gone from paper to internet only. Ad situation is different on the website. Internet ad is $144. Temporary code to access to the site and to review the documents is 556677. Lifetime codes to the National Square Dance directory is $25 for USDA members.
Motion by Jim Weber to purchase lifetime membership to the National Square Dance directory for $25. Seconded by Len Houle.
Discussion around motion – share 1 membership between all board members.
Motion passed.
Past President Report was not submitted and not distributed at the meeting.
Parliamentarian Report was submitted in writing by Jim Maczko. Further noted that any suggested resolution or any item that the USDA needs to make a positive statement about can be done before the annual meeting with a note included in the meeting notice.
Committee Reports
Insurance Coordinator Report was distributed by Bill Flick at the meeting in writing. Report written by Loraine Backus (absent). Bank balance at the end of period is $34,356.51 as of 12/31/2006. Some of the $34K will go toward more insurance premiums for 2007 as many affiliates did not send in their reports until late in December and early in January. The insurance audit is performed by a professional audit firm.
Insurance forms are not appropriately filled out by the affiliates. Our affiliates are using different forms. Loraine must retype the information to the insurance NCR forms. Loraine budgeted for 60,000 dancers in 2007 and we reached 55,078. Although enrollment is down the non-affiliates are making up the gap.
Credit Card Report submitted in writing by Joe and Joy Vacarri. Discussed the report submitted in writing. Additional handouts: Financial Report and Survey Results’ Report.
Survey Results were low. Clubs that did respond used the Privacy Law as a way out not to submit names of their members. Affinity program has been discontinued in July 2006. US Bank still has the proposal on the table for the next 6 to 8 months but requires 60,000 names to begin the Affinity program. Discussion surrounded alternative methods to obtain lists from members or non members and whether the USDA should further investigate and devote money to this program.
Financial Credit Card Report as of 12/31/2006 has a total of $27,532.77.
Motion by Jim Macko – 2 parts (original motion).
Motion to cancel the program and stop future requests for member names.
Motion to make final credit card payment of $8,067.85 to all the affiliates noting that the Handicapable and Youth will still have 50% of the credit card funds.
Amended original motion: Discontinue the credit card program (Jim Weber).
Seconded by Kimberlee Streby.
Motion passed.
Discussion: No motion was made in June 2006 to discontinue program (Jim Weber, Lyle Beck and Jim Macko). Original motion in June 2006 was to generate a list using our affiliates as a source; the bank discontinued the program. Should we ask the Affiliates in June 2007 to purchase a general mail list to continue the program (Jim Weber)? The list should be target marketed to square dancers (Kimberlee Streby). Return rates on mail lists is 1% or less (Joe Vaccari & Monica Landry). If dancers are not going to support the program, the direct mail & the credit card program will fail again (Joy Vaccari). Reality is that banks don’t offer this type program anymore unless they have sufficient lists, and our dancers are not supporting these type programs (Lyle Beck). The credit card program is a dead issue (Lyle Beck). Joe and Joy Vaccari agree. We must find another way to fund programs (Joe Vaccari).
Amend original motion (Jim Macko noted above): Mike Strub asked that we bring the motion to the Board of Directors in June 2007 regarding the $8,067.85 held for the affiliates and to distribute the funds to the 2 other programs while we look for additional methods to generate funds.
Seconded by Lyle Beck.
Amend the Motion proposed by Mike Strub: Kimberlee Streby – we need to ask the board of directors and detail the 3 options available and put before a vote:
1)All Affiliates get a final distribution with specific amount stated
2)The Affiliates’ portion be split between the USDA Handicapable and Youth Programs
3)Put the Affiliates’ portion of the credit card funds into the general fund
Connie Houle seconded the amended motion.
Amended Motion passed 8 to 5.
Joe Vaccari noted that the funds are in a separate checking account. Administratively, we can move the money and track the funds accordingly using separate line items.
Motion by Joe Vaccari to transfer the credit card funds of $27,532.77 to the money market account since there is no longer a credit card program with 3 specific line items for the affiliates, youth and handicapable.
Seconded by Kimberlee Streby.
Motion passed.
Motion by Connie Houle to rescind previous motion to close the money market account.
Seconded by Bill Flick.
Motion passed.
Prescription CardReport was distributed by Kimberlee Streby at the meeting in writing. Kimberlee distributed more prescription cards to all board members and distribute to affiliates and clubs in their regions. In the report, Kimberlee indicated that the reports from the company cannot be actual because the commission received by Bill Flick is much higher. Kimberlee will further check with her contact to get the info on commission by county and to get more accurate information.
Getting the program information out to the affiliates cost for shipping is $268. If we include Long-term care and the Prescription Cards along with other USDA program news, shipping will cost $453. Food for thought – do we perform a mass mailing to the affiliates or push during the annual meeting?
Recommended from board members – put the script cards in bags for the state conventions, attach cards to papers explaining what the cards are used for, push the script card on the web site, and push both the script card and long-term care program together. Bill Flick suggested that we show the figures that members may save using the script card (outside of Medicare scripts). However, only 1% of population can use this card, since majority of the square dancers are on Medicare.
Youth Report was not submitted in writing. Report was given by proxy, Jim Weber, for Alitia Becker. Minor changes were mad in the Youth Competition trifolds and distributed to board for review; new brochures are on the web site to order. Jim discussed the use of the Greek letters and how the Youth appear to enjoy this aspect of youth square dance symbolism.
Education / Publications Report was submitted in writing by Jim and Edythe Weber. Further noted new tri-folds for Parliamentary Procedure, Youth Competition and On-Line Shopping Mall. The Parliamentary Procedure tri-fold is still up for review. Each of the board members have the Parliamentary brochure to review and make corrections. Display racks for the brochures – each VP should have them. We must promote all the brochures and programs available to the dancers. Jim & Edythe are resigning from Education and Publications (brochures) as of the June meeting in 2007.
Publication of USDA News Report was submitted in writing by Jim Weber. If any member would like extras printed, let the Webers know in advance and the overprinted items will be sent. 71 paid subscriptions. Print 650 of the 32 page book; cost $669.30; mailing $0.32 per copy. Annually, the cost to send this item out to all is more than $5.00 that the USDA charges for the book. Jim recommends that we increase the cost to $6.00 for the subscription. Jim is looking for information from each region to put in the publication (Lyle further noted that we can tweak the information and put out a press release). Updated bios needed for the publication.
ARTS Report was submitted in writing by Si and Marilyn Kittle. Kittles had nothing further to report. Jim Weber noted that the A.R.T.S. is trying to establish an email list for communication among the members. They will report back and let the board know how it’s working.
Handicapable Dancers Report was submitted in writing by Al and Portia Bruning.
Badge Report was submitted in writing by Joy Vaccari. Nothing further to report.
Facilities/Sound Report submitted in writing by Pat and Ave' Herndon. Jim Maczko suggested that the facility information should be sent to Wichita asap (before mid February). Headquarters hotel is $109 a night and is connected to the convention center. If we don’t stay in the headquarter hotel (Hyatt), you will need a bus pass or pay a premium for parking (free parking at the hotel). USDA may have the meetings in the Hyatt. The Wednesday meeting is going to be in the Convention Center.
Ways and Means Report was reported verbally by Len and Connie Houle. At the annual meeting, we have a very short window of 3 hours to sell USDA items. Furthered discussed other merchandising options (such as a calendar). Len will review, investigate and report back to the board.
USDA After-Party Report reported verbally by Bill Shepard. USDA has been granted a Plus After-Party in Charlotte, NC from 10 to midnight.
Showcase of IdeasReport was distributed by Kimberlee Streby at the meeting in writing. Tables are reserved in Charlotte, NC along side the ARTS’ table. Edythe Weber commented that many folks think that the USDA & the ARTS are one in the same. Edythe further suggested that we separate the tables and they should be manned by members from each group.
Dress and Jacket Report was submitted in writing by Edythe Weber. Nothing further to report.
USA Traveler Report was submitted in writing by Joy and Joy Vaccari. Report only illustrates dancers from 2005 forward and does not include those before 2005.
Long-Term Care Insurance Report was distributed by Kimberlee Streby at the meeting in writing. Nothing new to report.
Stationery Report was reported verbally. Send all requests to Loraine Backus for the June meeting.
Web Master Report submitted in writing by Jim Weber. Included information regarding the new Online Shopping Mall. Jim & Edythe further explained how the shopping mall works. The tri-fold text has been expanded to give more details on how to access the web shopping mall and how the U.S.D.A. receives commission. Web site has a constant flow of web surfers.
Unfinished Business
Reports for people absent from meetings: Presented by Si Kittle. Secretary’s guidelines notes that each member that is not in attendance should receive copies of the items handed out at the meeting.
Status of Application for 501 (c) (3): Presented by Bill Flick. Bill reviewed the letter received from our attorney. Attorney states that this statue (c) (3) is a complicated process and asks for clarification and why we would like to reconsider the (c) (4) filed many years ago. Attorney further asks “what has changed” to warrant a change in status.
Jim Weber – we don’t have the original application to know what has changed as far as the application is concerned. Further discussion – see 1/20/2007.
Meeting adjourned for evening. Resume on Saturday at 9 a.m.
Meeting Date:January 20, 2007
Meeting Time:9 a.m.
Meeting Place:Springfield, Massachusetts at the Best Western
Call to order: Presidents Si & Marilyn Kittle called the meeting to order.
Unfinished Business
Budget Report Review
2007 & 2008 Budget Review - Copies of the budget overview for 2007 & projected budget for 2008 were distributed along with the Profit & Loss Statement for 2006 from the Treasurer Bill Flick. Bill gave an explanation of how to read these reports.
Discussion surrounded many of the line items in each report.
Motion to accept the budget recommended by the committee was accepted by the board.