Family Tree Rubric
Project Expectation / Not Present / Needs Improvement / Excellent-Includes 8 total family members (including parents and self)
-Includes 8 pictures: one for each family member.
-Pictures are from the neck up and have been drawn, found in a magazine, are clip art or Google images. / 0 points
-No family members present
-No pictures are present. / 2.5 points
-4 family members are present.
-Parents and self are not included.
-4 pictures are present.
-Pictures are not from the neck up. / 5 points
-All 8 family members are present (including parents and self).
-All 8 pictures are present.
-Pictures are of each family member from the neck up.
Each picture is labeled with the appropriate family vocabulary word and the matching definite article (example: la abuela). / 0 points
No labels are present. / 0.5-9.5 points
Each label is worth 1 point for the following:
-appropriate label is present (½ point per picture)
-appropriate definite article is present (½ point per picture) / 10 points
All appropriate labels and definite articles are present for each picture.
-One sentence is included telling each pictured person’s age.
-Numbers are written out in word form.
-Sentences are written in Spanish. / 0 points
No sentences describing age are present. / 5 points
-4 age sentences have been included in Spanish.
-Spanish grammar and sentence structure is attempted but only partially accurate.
-Numbers are not written in word form. / 10 points
-All 8 sentences are written using correct Spanish and depict each pictured person’s age.
-All of the numbers are written correctly in Spanish.
One sentence is included describing each pictured person’s relationship with another family member. Sentences are written in Spanish.
(Example: My mom is the daughter of my grandmother.) / 0 points
No sentences describing familial relationships are present. / 5 points
-4 sentences describing familial relationships are included in Spanish.
-Spanish grammar and sentence structure is attempted but only partially accurate.
-Family vocabulary is included in Spanish but is only partially correct. / 10 points
-All 8 sentences are written using correct Spanish and describe a relationship of each pictured person with another family member.
-Family vocabulary is written correctly in Spanish.
-One sentence is included describing the physical appearance of each family member.
-Each sentence includes at least 2 adjectives per person.
-Sentences are written in Spanish. / 0 points
No sentences describing family members are present. / 5 points
-4 sentences are included describing the physical appearance of each family member.
--Spanish grammar and sentence structure is attempted but only partially accurate.
-Sentences do not include at least 2 adjectives per person. / 10 points
-All 8 sentences are included in Spanish and describe the physical appearance of each family member.
-Each sentence includes at least 2 adjectives.
Presentation / 0 point
-Very little effort has been made to create a good presentation for the project. / 2.5 points
-Pictures are drawn and/or cut out neatly.
-Project is fairly pleasing to the eye.
-Sentences are not typed. / 5 points
-Family tree stands out to viewers.
-Pictures and writing is included neatly.
-Sentences are typed.
-Project is very pleasing to the eye.
Spelling / ½ of a point is deducted for each spelling error.
Total: 50 points
A= 45-50 points
B= 40-44 points
C= 35-39 points
D= 30-34 points
F= <29 points