Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held in Goods Yard House on 18th May 2015 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllr J Edwarde, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr L Hatch, Cllr J Smith, Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr R Eastwood, and Cllr C Beare.

Absent: Cllr K Hawes

  1. To elect Chairman

Cllr Edwarde proposed Cllr Hawes seconded by Cllr Eastwood the council voted with 2 votes in favour 6 against.

Cllr Colenutt proposed Cllr Edwarde seconded by Cllr Higgins the council voted unanimously in favour.

Cllr Edwarde signed the declaration.

  1. To elect Vice Chair

Cllr Colenutt proposed Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.

  1. To sign declaration of interests

This was duly completed.

  1. To elect members to committees and as representatives to external bodies.

Planning – Cllrs Higgins, Smith, Hatch, Beare and Hawes.

Town Croft and Parish Assets – Cllrs Colenutt, Eastwood, Higgins, Edwarde and Smith.

Rights of Way – Cllrs Beare, Edwarde and Hatch

Transport and Environment / SLR – Cllrs Eastwood, Colenutt, Smith, Edwarde and Higgins.

Ashdown Forest Parish Liaison – Claire Risby (non Cllr) and Cllr Hatch

WDALC – This was deferred.

SALC – Cllrs Edwarde and Smith

The Clerk was asked to get more information from SALC re their requirements for representatives.

  1. To receive members declarations of interests

These were duly received.

  1. To accept apologies for absence.

Cllr Hawes

  1. Declarations of interest in respect of matters to be discussed.

The Chair reminded Cllrs of their duty to disclose interests.

  1. To approve the code of conduct

Unanimously approved.

  1. To approve standing orders

Unanimously approved.

  1. To approve financial regulations

Unanimously approved.

  1. To consent to receive agendas and documents electronically.

These were duly received.

  1. To Approve Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 14th April 2015

Proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Beare and unanimously approved.

  1. Matters Arising.

The Clerk reported on the tree quote but had not received advice from WDC.

The Chair queried the fingerpost under spend from last year. The Clerk would confirm where this had been allocated in the 2015/16 budget.

The Clerk confirmed she had responded to Brenda Brunsdon’s letter.

The position with the fete committee and the new chairs being stored elsewhere was confirmed and Cllr Smith agreed to remove the broken chairs from the barn.

  1. Correspondence.

Mr Reegan who was present outlined his proposal with ESCC for the remenants of the Pooh Bridge. The Parish Council confirmed they had no issues with this work.

The Clerk would write to confirm the position.

The correspondence regarding wedding parking from Steve Medhurst was discussed and the Council agreed it should not be allowedby a vote of 6 against and 1 abstention.

The Clerk would contact Steve Medhurst to outline the position.

James Lambeth had written to Cllr Colenutt re a memorial bench for Mary Mc Glew on the Croft this was welcomed.

Cllr Colenutt would confirm this to James Lambeth.

  1. Finance

(i)To report on account 2015/16.

This had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting.

The Clerk update the Council that the under spend on fingerposts was within the planned maintenance budget for 2015/16 as it was under spent from this heading in 2014/15.

The Clerk confirmed the current water leak issue at Goods Yard House and the possible expenditure issue.

The Clerk reported on non payment of rent from one of the flats and that action must be progressed to recover monies and flat is no payment was made. This would have a financial impact in coming months.

(ii)To approve expenditure as itemised on schedule.

All approved including one additional payment received since the payment list was circulated to Cllrsto Lamont and Lawerence please see schedule

(iii)To confirm movements in ear marked reserves.

None were required at present.

  1. Goods Yard House update and proposals to be considered.

The Clerk was asked to speak to Cllr Hawes and Helen Searle re possible action suggested. Cllr Smith offered his help if required.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan update

Cllr Hawes was absent so no update was available.

  1. Training update.

Cllr Eastwood was booked on new Cllr training and both the Clerk and Cllr Eastwood would attend the Finance and Legal training day.

  1. Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas

Cllr Colenutt reminded Cllrs and the public that the SLR meeting is at 9:30am on 8th June 2015.

Cllr Edwarde reported that the fun run raised approximately £1700 and thanked all the volunteers. She asked the Clerk to progress the defibrillator purchase.

The Cllrs agreed due to their limited numbers to combine the finance grants meeting with the main PC meeting on 1st June.

The Clerk confirmed new Cllrs could be co opted at the June meeting.

Dates of Next Meetings:

Parish Council 1st June 2015 7:30pm (to include finance meeting)

Finance 8th June 2015 7:30pm – CANCELLED

Rights of Way 22nd June 2015 7:30pm

Planning 25th June 2015 7:30pm

Meeting concluded at 8:55pm