Jared Zimmerman, Ben Abrahamsson, Jonny Abraham, Matt Thomas, and James Spina


B.)James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., Democratic party, 39th President of the United States, Inoffice January 20, 1977–January 20, 1981,



  • Jimmy Carter was born October 1, 1924 in Georgia
  • He lived in Georgia, and was gifted in his studies, and basketball skills
  • He went to Georgia Tech and GeorgiaSouthwesternStateUniversity before going to the United StatesNavalAcademy, where he graduated 59th out of a class of 850
  • After graduation he took over his family’s farming business
  • His start into politics began with various local boards, administrating schools, libraries and hospitals
  • Carter also became Governor for Georgia, and eventually became president in 1976


  • Walter Mondale was born January 5th 1928
  • He spent most of his childhood in small towns in Minnesota
  • Mondale became a senator in 1964
  • Mondale served on the Finance Committee, Labor and Public Welfare Committee, Budget Committee, and the Banking, Housing and Public Affairs Committee


President Carter entered the presidency with the goals of fighting the inflation that was occurring, as well as fighting rising unemployment. He was also dedicated to solving the energy crisis that resulted from OPEC reducing the amount of oil available on the world market. As a byproduct of the oil shortage, he advocated many alternate energy sources, such as nuclear and solar.

G: 1977-1980 – Rapid inflation occurs, rising to 12% by 1980. This was a severe problem for President Carter, who had promised to reduce the inflation rate after President Ford’s failure to do so.

1979 – President Carter put forth a program to help solve the energy problem. He proposed a reduction in foreign oil, decontrolling domestically produced oil in order to stimulate productivity, strict conservation programs, and investment in alternate energy sources.

1978 – The Airline Deregulation Act. This act removed the Civil Aeronautics Board, which had regulated airlines since 1938. The point of this act was to remove government control of the airline industry and subjugate it to market forces.


Economy: Under Carter, the economy struggled. When he entered office, the economy was experiencing inflation. The rate was 7.6% when he entered and 11% two years later. He requested for businesses to freeze prices and wages, but made no requirements. To create a short term change, he created modest public works programs and weak tax cuts. He also appointed Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve Board. However, they were not successful at regulating the reserve and both unemployment and bank interest rates climbed. After he signed a bill to regulate energy use and production, oil prices skyrocketed from $0.30 per gallon to $1.00 a gallon. Although he encouraged exploration of alternate sources, they were not able to come up with any solutions during his time in office.


The economy suffered double digit inflation, and productivity growth had declined to 1%, from 3.2% in the 1960s


Foreign Affairs: Carter believed that human rights had to shape foreign policy. In Panama, he produced treaties to transfer control of the Panama Canal to the Panamanians by 1999. Some of Carter’s most recognized efforts were in the Middle East. Carter facilitated peace negotiations between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin in 1978 at Camp David, MD. Although Egypt and Israel made great strides, the rest of the Arab nations were not too happy. Carter also supported Shah Pahlavi of Iran. However, when Shiite overthrew power the US tried to take control. This created a hostage crisis when around fifty Americans were taken hostage. Rescue attempts for the hostages failed and the US cut relations, including oil relations, with Iran. Carter’s last area of interest was the Soviet Union. When it came to this, Carter issued the Carter Doctrine. This stated that the US would repel any attempt to gain control of the Persian Gulf region “by any means necessary, including military force.” In order to take control of the Soviet situation, Carter called for increased military research to advance nuclear weapons.



Analysis- Rosalynn is showing support for her husband by giving him the sweater. The sweater contains the names of events which occurred during his time in office such as the Iran hostage crisis which occurred onNovember 4, 1979 when Iranian militants stormed the United States Embassy in Tehran and took approximately seventy Americans captive. This terrorist act caused a crisis for the Carter presidency and began a personal ordeal for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days. Carter also liked cardigan sweaters and wore a cardigan sweater when he delivered his first national television address on energy policy.

l. In General Jimmy Carter’s presidential legacy was considered bad. There were many major issues during the Carter presidency which many people feel Carter handled poorly. One example is the Panama Canal Treaty which transferred control of the canal to Panama. Carter also removed the Shah of Iran and replaced him with the Ayatollah, who is currently extremely anti-American. During Carters presidency the economy was also poor. The term stagflation was used to describe the economy during this period, because it was stagnant and there was a lot of price inflation.