September 12th, 2016
Selectboard Meeting called to Order at 7:00by Chair Lou Beam.
Present: Lou Beam, Bud Ross andRon Batchelder.
Minutes of theAugust 29th meeting accepted as written. (Unanimous)
Chair, Lou Beam, reviewed the Town Calendar.
Old Business:
1. The Board decided to have copies made of the Town Audit draft and review and discuss at next weeks’ meeting.
2. The Board discussed the Ac motor. Bill Botting said that the motor had been ordered and was expected in the next day. The cost was $369.00 and shipping; the school will bill the town. Bill and the Board discussed the other AC units in the building. Bill mentioned that the units are discontinued and parts are difficult to find for repairs. Ron mentioned that perhaps they should consider replacing one unit a year. Lou asked Bill if he had any other concerns about the building. Bill said they had only received complaints about the AC and the heat had gone off a couple times last winter but he believes that problem is resolved. Bill also mentioned that he would like to test the generators once a month to ensure that they are working properly. Lou mentioned that the Town had resigned with Cota as the propane distributer and will work out a plan for reimbursement with the school.
3. Bud asked if the letter to the Alstead Selectboard concerning the transfer station equipment had been sent. The letter was mailed and there has been no reply as of yet.
4. Lou brought up that the Beaudry application for a permit had been reviewed and resolved at the last Planning Board Meeting. He said that the permit had been paid and they were planning a discussion with the engineer at the next meeting.
New Business:
1. The Board discussed the bill from Powers Generators for $1,078.50. Ron thought the bill was excessive. Lou said he would call to go over the bill with the company but the Town did not have much recourse. The Board decided to hold off approving the payment until next week.
Lou recognized visitors: Lori Landry, Bill Botting, Jim Fenn, and Mary Henry.
Lori thanked the Board and said that the School Board really enjoyed their space in the building. The Board and visitors discussed that there were no major issues to resolve for the next year. The feedback from the townspeople has been positive about extending the lease. They discussed that the Selectboard would like to have a couple public meetings with the voters concerning the future of the building; Ron added that it would be best if the School Board and Lori attended these meetings. The Selectboard agreed that late this year or early next year would work. Lori mentioned that the School Board has been putting money aside to potentially buy the building in the next 5 years. They discussed the town offices staying in the building as a condition of sale. Lori did bring up that the lease renewing itself for another year was fine but that they would like to add in a prorated reimbursement schedule for the money the school will put into replacing the windows and adding in a first right of refusal; should the Town decide to sell.
The Boards went on to discuss rent being paid quarterly to the Town. Lori also mentioned that the School is having difficulties with storage space. They discussed possibilities that may work. The Board and Lori also agreed to have a meeting in December with Ray and Jim to discuss a new contract for the SRO Officer. The Selectboard thanked everyone for coming.
2. The Board reviewed and signed a Forest Fire reimbursement form for Langdon Firemen helping out with the Acworth fire.
3. The Board reviewed a summons from Fairpoint concerning taxes.
4. The Board reviewed a PO for the Road Agent.
5. The Board discussed plans for a booth at the Fall Festival. They will also be available to help set up and break down.
6. The Board looked over information on chloride spreaders for the Road agent. It was decided to make copies and read through the proposals.
Mary Henry rejoined the meeting to reiterate that the School Board was very happy in this building.
8. The Board discussed an injury sustained by an employee.
9. The Board reviewed and signed orders.
8:26 Motion to enter into nonpublic session under RSA 91-a:3, II (c). (Ron, Bud)
8:32Ron Moved to close the nonpublic session.
8:32Motion to seal minutes. (Ron, Bud)
8:32 Motion to Adjourn. (Ron, Bud)
Respectfully submitted by Jessica Jarvis