Electronics Department / Accomplishments 2002 – 2003
# /Action Plan
/ Linkage to Other Plans /Year-End Status and Accomplishments
Goal 1:1a / Put together multimedia workstation / Completed January 2003
1b / Integrate multimedia workstations into curriculum / This is 75% finished by May 2003
1c / Assign Student w/Instructor promotional projects / Cal Expo State Fair project be entered by student (robotic hand)
Goal 2:
2a / Identify and document internship positions / Telecommunication Cabling positions coordinated for Telecom students
Goal 3:
3a / Identify H.S. Academies willing and capable of entry-level classes while maintaining or expanding current articulations. / Restructuring of Time and Course Content for High School offerings was begun
Goal 4:
4a / Update inventory of current training videos and software / Twelve new videos for various courses were received
4b / Identify new updated training material for purchase / Forty five additional videos and DVDs were identified for acquisition
Goal 5:
5a / Arrange staff training for department technician / Computer network course taken
5b / Pursue training for updating faculty skills / NA
Goal 6:
6a / Assign each department faculty to coordinate industry partner involvement / SMUD…S. Kumar FAA…M.Duvall
Goal 7:
7a / Assess available SCC data on students / Raw graduate number shared with industry partners
7b / Develop an ET graduate reunion / Still in the planning stages
Electronics Department / Accomplishments 2002 – 2003
Goal 8:
8a / Develop more uses for Electronic Workbench in department courses / Incorporated new virtual white board
8b / Develop course tutorials with the aid of multimedia workstation / Virtual white board and overhead PPT CDs have been started
Goal 9:
9a / Identify funding and personnel for evening class tool-room tech / PDF
priority #1 / Not funded
Goal 10:
10a / Inventory out of date department equipment being used. Start with items listed / CDF
Priority #2,3,4 / Arranged parts kits for students with parts supplier
10b / Receivers, transmitters, microwave lab-setups, audio generators, spectrum analyzers, microprocessor trainers and calibration equipment / CDF
Priority #2,3,4 / Not funded
Goal 11:
11a / Research and acquire equipment for wireless computer networks / CDF
Priority #1 / Not funded
Goal 12:
12a / Update 2-Meter radio repeater / Arrangements made with local Ham club for possible site usage12b / Investigate other radio station options / No change
Goal 13:
13a / Update computer lab equipment / CDF priority #1 / New donations integrated with workstations for RN338
13b / Memory, hard drives, mother boards, add zip drives and replace broken furniture / CDF
Priority #1 / No funding
Electronics Department / Accomplishments 2002 – 2003
# / Action Item / Linkage to Other Plans / Year-End Status and AccomplishmentsGoal 14:
14a / Convert CMOS Mask Design course to regular course / CMOS training has been move to West Sac ROP
14b / Convert Electronic Workbench course to a regular course / No change
14c / Convert PLC course to a regular course / Coordination with ARC program offerings have begun
Goal 15:
15a / Work with CIS staff to continue program development with hand on co-teaching options / Changes in CIS courses started a new round of certificate and degree program changes
15b / Work with MET and ATT staff to expand offerings to include Electronic Technology courses / No change
15c / Work with ESL staff to provide Electronic Department tours and presentations to the ESL students / No activities
Goal 16:
16a / Expand training into other areas of electronics needed by industry / Meetings with SMUD continued for Photovoltaic and Telecom training.
Other Accomplishments: