BarlowOctober 2004


October 2011

Current Employment:

Professor and Chair

Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies

Central Washington University

400 E.University Way

Ellensburg, WA 98926-7544


1985 Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California, San Diego

Dissertation: “Learning Cultural Meanings through Social Relationships: An Ethnography of Childhood in the Murik Lakes of Papua New Guinea.”

Advisor: Prof. Roy G. D’Andrade

1980 C. Phil. Anthropology, University of California, San Diego

1971 Elementary Teaching Credential, United States International University, San Diego

1969 B.A., cum laude, English and American Literature, Pomona College


Interests: Psychological Anthropology, Learning and Culture, Childhood, Gender,

Museum Anthropology, Symbolism, Art and Aesthetics, Material Culture, Regional Ethnography

Areas: Melanesia, Oceania, United States.

Field Research: United States Midwest 1994-present; Murik Lakes, East Sepik Province,

Papua New Guinea, Feb. 1981-Aug. 1982, Sepik Coast, June-Aug 1986, Lower Sepik River July-Sept 1988, Middle Sepik, Siassi Island, Trobriand Islands, Feb.-Mar 1996, Manam Island, Settlements and Murik Lakes – June 2011.



Chapters in Books and Journal Articles

(* indicates refereed publication)

2011 Kathleen Barlow. "Attachment and Culture in Murik Society," IN Cross-cultural Challenges to Attachment Theory, Naomi Quinn and Jeannette Mageo, eds. Under review, Palgrave series, "Culture, Mind and Society."

*2010 Kathleen Barlow and Bambi Chapin, guest editors. Special issue of Ethos 38:4, on “The Practice of Mothering.” Introduction, p. 1-20.

-- "Sharing Food, Sharing Values: Mothering and Empathy in Murik Society."

pp. 339-353.

2009*Kathleen Barlow and Elaine Dunbar , “Race, Class and Whiteness in Gifted and Talented Identification: A Case Study." Berkeley Review of Education, 1(1)


2009 *“Sharing Food, Sharing Values: Mothering and Empathy in Murik Society.”

Ethos, Special Issue “The Practice of Mothering.” Forthcoming, Dec. 2010.

2004 *“Critiquing the ‘Good Enough’Mother: A Perspective based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea”Ethos, Special Issue “Contributions to a Feminist

Psychological Anthropology, Dec. 32(4):514-537.

2003 Reprint of “Dialogics of Material Culture: Male and Female in Murik

Outrigger Canoes.” with David M. Lipset. 1997. American Ethnologist.

24(1):4-36. IN Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln, The American

Tradition in Qualitative Research. Sage, 2001.

2002* “Beyond the Taboo: Imagining Incest.” Meigs, Anna and Kathleen Barlow.

American Anthropologist 104(1):38-49.

2000* “Working Mothers and the Work of Culture in a Papua New Guinea Society,”

Ethos 29(1):1-30.

1998* Reprint of Special Issue of The Contemporary Pacific, Barlow, K. and Winduo, S.

Guest Eds. “Logging the Southwestern Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Solomon

Islands, Vanuatu.” 1997. Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Spring 9(1).

1997* Guest editor, with Steven Winduo. Special Issue of The Contemporary Pacific,

“Logging the Southwestern Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands,

Vanuatu.” Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa,

Spring 9(1).

1997* “Introduction” - with Steven Winduo. Special Issue of The Contemporary

Pacific, “Logging the Southwestern Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Solomon

Islands,Vanuatu.” Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Spring 9(1):1-25.

1997* “The Role of the Legal System in Regulating Forestry: An Interview with

Brian Brunton,” Special Issue of The Contemporary Pacific, “Logging the

Southwestern Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu.” Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Spring 9(1):149-156.

1997* “Dialogics of Material Culture: Male and Female in Murik Outrigger Canoes.”

with David M. Lipset. American Ethnologist. 24(1):4-36.

1997“Growing Up Murik.” Cutting Edge column of Anthropology Newsletter. April.

p. 15. Invited contribution.

1995 “Recouping Status: The Use of Formal Authority and Unassigned Power by a

High Status Woman among the Murik of Papua New Guinea.” Gender in Cross-

CulturalPerspective, a reader. Pp. 61-74. Nancy J. Black and Betsy Leach, editors. Metropolitan State University: St. Paul. Invited article.

1995* “Achieving Womanhood and the Achievements of Women in Murik Society:

Puberty Rites, Cult Initiation and the Cultural Construction of Gender.”

Gender Rituals: “Female Initiation” in Melanesia. Pp. 85-113. Nancy C.

Lutkehaus and Paul B. Roscoe, eds. New York: Routledge. Invited chapter in book.

1992* “’Dance When I Die!’: Context and Role in the Clowning of Murik Women.” Clowning as Critical Practice: Performance Humor in the South Pacific.

Pp.58-87. William E. Mitchell, editor. ASAO Monograph Series, Pittsburgh:

Univ. of Pittsburgh Press. Chapter in book.

1991 “The Murik, A Cultural Summary.” Volume 2. OCEANIA, T. Hays, ed.

Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Pp. 220-223. David Levinson, ed. New York:

G. K.Hall-MacMillan. Invited contribution.

1990* “The Dynamics of Siblingship: Nurturance and Authority in Murik Society.”

Sepik Heritage: Tradition and Change in Papua New Guinea. Pp. 325-336.

Nancy Lutkehaus et al., eds. Durham: Carolina University Press. Invited

Book chapter

1990 “Collections, Sources and Further Research: Some examples from the

Lower Sepik.” COMA Bulletin (Jan.) No. 23:12-21. Conference of Museum

Anthropologists, Australia. Invited article.

1989 (with David Lipset) “The Value of Culture.” Australian Cultural History 23(2):

156-163. (Second author.)

1987 “Murik Magic.” Faces: the Magazine about People. March. III(VI):30-33.

Invited article.

1986* (with Michael Meeker and David Lipset) “Culture, Exchange and Gender:

Lessons from the Murik.” Cultural Anthropology 1(1): 6-78. (co-second author.)

1985 * “The Role of Women in Intertribal Trade among the Murik of Papua New

Guinea.” Research in Economic Anthropology 7:95-122. Invited article.

1985* “The Social Context of Infant Feeding in the Murik Lakes of Papua New Guinea.”

Infant Care and Feeding in the South Pacific. Pp. 137-154. Leslie B. Marshall,

ed. New York: Gordon and Breach. Invited chapter in book.

1984 “Coming of Age Ceremonies.” Faces: the Magazine about People. Feb.

IV(V):4-8. Invited article.


2011 "Review of The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion from Birth through Adolescence." Richard A. Shweder, ed. Ethos 39(4):1-3 online.

2010 “Review of Bones of the Ancestors: The Ambum Stone: From the New Guinea

Highlands to the Antiquities Market to Australia.” Brian Egloff. Lanham and New York: Altamira Press. Museum Anthropology. Vol 33(1) Spring 2010, pp 83-85.

2009“Review of A Companion to Psychological Anthropology.” Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton, eds.2007. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Anthropos,

(104), 2009/1. March. Pp 207-9.

2007 “Review of New Guinea Art: Masterpieces from the Jolika Collection of John and Marcia Friede.” 2005. Ruth A. Peltason, ed. San Francisco: Publications Department of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and New York: Bespoke Books. With Lene Pedersen. Museum Anthropology. March.

2007 “Review of: Vietnam’s Children in a Changing World. By Rachel Burr. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2006. Ethos. May.

2006 “Review of: Inbreeding, Incest and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge

at the Turn of the Century,” by Arthur P. Wolf and William H. Durham, eds.

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004. American Anthropologist


2005 Pre-publication reviewer for American Anthropologist. IN FOCUS: “Children, Childhoods and Childhood Studies” Blubond, Langner, Myra and Korbin, Jill, eds. Introd. by editors and six papers by Robert LeVine, Allison James, David Lancy, Christina Toren, Veena Das and David Rosen. Dec.

2005 “Review of After Kinship” by Janet Carsten. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 .” American Anthropologist 107(4): 717-718.

2004 “Review of Village on the Edge: Changing times in Papua New Guinea by MichaelFrench Smith Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

2003 “Review of People and Things: Social Mediations in Oceania, by Monique

Jeudy-Ballini and Bernard Juillerat.”Anthropos.

2002 “Review of Gender Ideology and Psychological Reality: An Essay on Cultural

Reproduction by Melford E. Spiro.” American Anthropologist 104(3): 996-998.

Invited review.

2002Feature Review of Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, logging and Eco-tourism in Solomon Islands by Edvard Hviding and Tim Bayliss-Smith; and Pacific Forest: A History of Resource Control and Contest in Solomon Islands, c. 1800-199 by Judith A. Bennett.” For The Contemporary Pacific. 13(1):243-249.

2001 “Review of Language Diversity and Education” by David Corson. Mahwah,

NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. With Timothy Dunnigan. Anthropology

and Education Quarterly (32:4).

2000 “Review of Modern Papua New Guinea by Laura Zimmer-Tamakoshi, ed.”

The Contemporary Pacific. Spring. 12(1):281-283. Invited review.

2000 “Review of Men and ‘Woman’ in New Guinea by L. L. Langness.” JRAI 6(3):

544-545. Invited review.

1999 “Review of An American Anthropologist in Melanesia: A. B. Lewis and the

Joseph N. Field South Pacific Expedition, 1909-1913 (Vols. 1 and 2) by Robert

L. Welsch.” American Anthropologist 101(3):628-629.

1999 “Review of Defining Females: The Nature of Women in Society. Shirley Ardener, ed. And Sex and Gender Hierarchies. Barbara Diane Miller.”

American Ethnologist. February. 26(1):239-241. Invited review.

1999 “Review of They Make Themselves: Work and Play Among the Baining of

Papua New Guinea by Jane Fajans.” The Contemporary Pacific. Spring 11(1):

263-265. Invited review.

1995 “Review of Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, by Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton.” American Ethnologist 22(3):631-633. Invited review.

1995 “Review of The Modern Girl and Growing Up by Lesley Johnson and Full Circles:

Geographies of Women over the Life Course edited by Cindi Katz and Janice

Monk.” Reviews in Anthropology . Invited review.

1993 “Review of Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction: Socialization, Self, and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village, by Don Kulick.” Anthropos.

88(4-6): 602-603. Invited review.

1992 “Review of Museum Exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts ‘The Intelligence

of Forms: An Artist Collects African Art.’” African Arts 25(4):86-88. Invited review.

1990 “Review of Museum Exhibit at the Minnesota Museum of Art, ‘People of the

River,People of the Tree: Change and Continuity in Sepik and Asmat Art.’”

PacificArts, nos. 1/2.

1989 “Review of Kitawa by Giancarlo Scoditti.” American Ethnologist 20(3):658-659.

Invited review.


1996-97 Directory of Concerned Pacific Scholars. Compiled with assistance from Michael French Smith, and published with funds from Conservation International.

1992 Internal Report (with David Lipset). “Materials for an Ethnography of the North

Coast and Lower Sepik.” Report to the Australian Museum on the Sepik

Documentation Project, 1986-1990. Australian Museum, 678 pp. Co-principal investigator with David Lipset.

1990 “The Context and Meaning of Art in the Sepik/North Coast Region.” Exhibit

Brochure for “Artifacts of the [sic] Sepik Culture: The Lawrence University

Collection.” Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin.

1987 (with Lissant Bolton and David Lipset) “Trade and Society in Transition along the

Sepik Coast: Report on Anthropological Research in the East Sepik and Sundaun

Provinces, P.N.G., July-Aug. 1986, Sepik Documentation Project.” Australian

Museum, Sydney.

1983 “Education and social change among Eskimo, Aleut and Athabaskans of Bristol

Bay.” Bristol Bay: Sociocultural and Socioeconomic Organization of Bristol

Bay: Regional and Subregional Analysis. Government Technical Report 103.


1997 Exhibit Design for “Canoe and Basket: Designing Identity in Lower Sepik Art.”

(Co-Curator with David Lipset) for the Fowler Museum of Culture and History at

the University of California, Los Angeles.

John Petterson et al., eds.

Papers Presented and Invited Lectures

2012 "Attachment, Self-Reliance and Interdependence in a Marine Foraging Society of Papua New Guinea." Panel on Cross-Cultural Challenges to Attachment Theory, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Nov.16-20, Montreal, Quebec, CA.

2012 "Maternal Tidemarks: Tracing the Anthropology of Mothering." Discussant.

American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Nov.16-20, Montreal, Quebec, CA.

2011 "Attachment and Culture in Murik Society." Invited Presentation. Lemelson/Society for Psychological Anthropology Conference on "Re-Thinking Attachment and Separation Cross-Culturally." May 19-21, 2011. Washington State University, Spokane, WA.

2010 "A New Focus on Women and Children: Agency, Transmission and Change,"

Invited Session, Anthropology in Community Colleges, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orlean, LA. Nov. 18-22, 2010.

2009"Motherhood/Personhood: Identity, Intersubjectivity, Power." Discussant. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Dec. 3-6, 2009.

2009“Are you my mother? Toward multiple models of healthy attachment, a case

Study based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea.” Presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Asilomar, CA.March 27-29, 2009.

2008“Reconsidering Selves in Society: Intersectional Approaches on Inclusion,

Well-being and Social Justice.” Discussant. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Nov. 18-23. San Francisco, CA.

2007 “Food Shortages, Coping Strategies and Multiple Mothering” Biennial Meeting of the Society for PsychologicalAnthropology, Manhattan Beach, CA.,

March 8-11, 2007. Chair and co-organizer of session. “Mothering as Practice.”

2006 “Making Social Control Visible: Masked Figures and Thin Disguise on the

North Coast of Papua New Guinea.” American Anthropological Association

Annual Meeting, Session on “Visualizing the Invisible,” sponsored by the

Society for Visual Anthropology, San Jose, CA., Nov. 19-22, 2006.

2005 “Intelligence as Property and as Developmental Process: Standardized

Testing and Unequal Access to Gifted Education, “Kathleen Barlow and

C. Elaine Dunbar, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, San Diego, CA., April 7-10, 2005.

2005 “Art, Value and Aesthetics in Melanesian Societies,” Lecture for Oceania Training

of Docents at the San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts, in preparation for the

opening of the Jolika Collection exhibit, Mar. 31, 2005.

2005“Transforming Power, Sustaining Community: The Art of Western Melanesia.”

Lecture for Oceania Training of Docents at the San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts, preparation for the opening of the Jolika Collection exhibit, April 7, 2005

2005 “Discussant Comments on “Connections, Accessibility and Relevance:

Transforming Pedagogy in Anthropology.”” Session at the AAA meetings

12/2/05, Washington, D. C.

2004 “Hiding the ‘Bad’ Mother”. Guest lecture. CELF (Sloan Foundation, Center for theStudy of Everyday Life and Families) at UCLA, Dept. of Anthropology.

Feb. 11.

2003 “The Sublime, the Mundane and the Ridiculous: Appreciating Sepik Art from

Aesthetic, Historical and Regional Perspectives.” Invited Session in honor of

Douglas Newton. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.

Chicago, IL.

2002 Discussant. “Changing Visions of Mothering and Motherhood.” Invited Session.

Sponsored by Association of Feminist Anthropologists. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans.

2001 “Critiquing the ‘Good Enough’ Mother: Mothering, Intersubjectivity, and the

Negotiation of Self in Murik Society.” Society for Psychological Anthropology Meetings Session 11, Feminism and Psychological Anthropology, Organizer/Chair: Naomi Quinn (Duke University). Invited paper.

2000 “Mourning, Motherhood, and Ritual.” Anthropology Department. California State

University, Northridge, CA. April. Invited lecture.

1999 “Mourning is Women’s Work: Death, Mourning and Motherhood in Murik

Society.” AAA Invited Session. “Death in the Sepik.” November 17. Chicago, IL.

1998 “Mothering, Work and Culture in Murik Society.” Distinguished Graduates’

Lecture Series. Anthropology Department, University of California, San Diego. May. Invited lecture.

1996“Prestige, Identity and the Power of Women: Insignia Baskets of the Murik of

Papua New Guinea,” ASAO Meeting, Symposium, Feb. 19-22, San Diego.

1996 “Power and Aesthetics: Women’s Baskets in Murik Society.” Invited session,

“Art in the Sepik.”AAA Annual Meeting, Nov. 19-24. San Francisco, CA.

1996 “Tourism in the Sepik: Cannibal Tours Revisited.” May. Undergraduate

Conference. Anthropology Department, University of Minnesota. Lake Itasca,


1992“Play, Learning and Culture in the Murik Lakes of Papua New Guinea: The

Explanatory Power and Limitations of Schema Theory for Understanding

Learning in Context.” Learning Center Colloquium, Univ. of Minnesota. Feb. 15.

Invited lecture.

1994 “Recent Legislation Concerning Logging in Papua New Guinea.” ASAO Informal

Session, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, San Diego, CA. Session organizer.

1993 “A Summary of Logging in the Western Pacific.” AAA Informal Session,

AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Session organizer.

1992 Discussant, “Ethnoaesthetics: Papers in Honor of Anthony Forge.” AAA Annual

Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Invited session.

1992 “Doing Field Work on Material Culture on the North Coast of Papua New

Guinea.”Undergraduate Conference. Anthropology Dept., Univ. of Minnesota.

Lake Itasca, MN.

1992c “Documenting Museum Collections in the Lower Sepik/North Coast Region of

Papua New Guinea.” Seminar at the Hood Museum of Fine Art, Dartmouth College.

1991 “An Anthropological Perspective on Understanding Disciplinary Perspectives in

the Study of Social Relationships.” Organizer: L. Alan Sroufe. Institute of Child

Development, Univ. of Minnesota. Invited talk.

1991 Presenter and Discussant : “Active and Cooperative Learning Techniques in the

Training of Graduate Teaching Assistants.” First Annual Conference on the Role

of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Undergraduate Education. University of

Minnesota, May. Invited participant.1990 “Learning in Cross-Cultural Perspective.” Graduate Seminar in Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Education. Institute of Child Development and Dept. of Education. University of Minnesota. Invited talk.

1990 “Ritual Clowning of Murik Women.” Colloquium Series, Dept. of Anthropology,

University of Minnesota.

1990 “Women’s Art in Murik Society.” Opening of the Melanesia Sculpture Garden,

Stanford University. June. Stanford, CA. Invited talk.

1989 “The Sepik/North Coast Cultures of Papua New Guinea.” Invited Public Lecture

at Exhibit Opening. Wriston Art Gallery. Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.

1989 “Sepik Art and Culture.” Lecture to Docents for the Exhibit, “People of the River,

People of the Tree: The Sepik and Asmat Cultures of Papua New Guinea, Continuity and Change.” Minnesota Museum of Art.

1989 (with David Lipset) “Cultural Values and Areal Integration on the North Coast of

Papua New Guinea.” Invited Session. AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C.

1989 (with David Lipset) “The Construction of Meaning in Ethnography and Culture:

the Fabrication of Canoes in the Murik Lakes.” Presented at the Symposium, “Objects Inform, Objects in Form: the Ethnography of Oceanic Art.” Baltimore Museum of Art and Program in Art History and Anthropology, The Johns

Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. Invited paper.

1989 “Ritual clowning and the definition of person among Murik women.” Presented at

the Annual Meeting of the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, San

Antonio, TX.

1989 “Ethnographic Research with Children in a Melanesian Society: Research Design

and Methods.” Institute for Child Development, Univ. of Minnesota.

Invited talk.

1989 “Cultural Meanings and Developmental Learning in Murik Society.”

Cross-Cultural Psychology Seminar. Institute for Child Development.

1999Univ. of Minnesota. Invited talk. (with David Lipset) “Personhood and Exchange in the Lower Sepik.” Museum, Staff Seminar. The Australian Museum. Sydney.