In the Chair:Councillor M Black
Members Present:Councillors O Black, S Blaney, W Graham, H Harding, G Hartin, C McCambridge, A P McConaghy, R D McDonnell, R A McIlroy, O McMullan, C McShane and C Newcombe.
Also Present:Mr R G Lewis, Clerk and Chief Executive
Mrs M Quinn, Assistant Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services
Mr K McGarry, Head of Tourism and Leisure Services
Mrs K McCaw, Administration Officer
Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor McAllister.
Chairman’s Business
Councillor M Black referred to the Ballinasloe Fair which some members had attended and stated that this had been a very enjoyable weekend.
The Clerk informed members that a letter had been received from Councillor McKeegan tendering her resignation from the 3 October 2007. He stated that there were now procedures to follow regarding the possibility of co-option.
After discussion, it was agreed that this matter be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting.
The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 September and 14 September 2007, having been circulated were taken as read.
After discussion,
Councillor McConaghy proposed
Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved
“That the minutes of 10 September and 14 September 2007 be adopted”.
Request to erect a headstone at Templastragh Graveyard
Councillor McConaghy referred to the form required by the Environmental Heritage Service regarding the erection of a headstone at Templastragh Graveyard, and stated that it was unacceptable that this procedure had to be followed.
Plaque at Dundarave
In reply to Councillor McConaghy, the Clerk stated that the current situation regarding the supplying of a new plaque for Dundarave, Bushmills would be investigated.
The Corporate Service’s Report having been circulated was taken as read.
Armoy Community Association
The Assistant Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services (ACE) informed members that a request had been received from Armoy Community Association for the loan of a lawnmower for the grass cutting season, as their lawnmowers and strimmers had reached the end of their useful life. She stated that Council should be aware that similar requests had been refused in the past due to Health and Safety and Insurance implications. She pointed out that on some occasions Council had agreed to provide a financial contribution towards the cost of a lawnmower.
After discussion, it was agreed to investigate Council’s decision regarding previous requests from CommunityGroups for the use of Council lawnmowers, and subject to the outcome a contribution of £300 would be given to Armoy Community Group.
Ballycastle Hockey Club
The ACE informed members that a letter had been received from Ballycastle Ladies Hockey Club, requesting the use of the Ferry Terminal to host a Wine and Cheese evening on Wednesday 14 November 2007, to raise funds for this newly established Club.
She pointed out that Council had previously agreed that the Choral Society be granted permission to use the FerryTerminalBuilding during October and November, subject to cost recovery.
After discussion, it was agreed that the Hockey Club be informed of the current available dates regarding the FerryTerminalBuilding and the associated pricing policy.
Laragh Lodge, Glenariffe
The ACE informed members that a letter had been received from Gary O’Loughlin, Laragh Lodge, requesting that Council consider opening the toilets at the bottom of Glenariffe Forest Park. Mr O’Loughlin also stated that he would be prepared to maintain and open the toilets all year round or if Council wished he would purchase the toilets for a small fee.
After discussion, it was agreed to contact the Lands and Property Services, requesting a valuation for the property, including a covenant that the building be retained and used for Public Convenience purposes only.
Proposed Works opposite Hamill Terrace, Bushmills
The ACE stated that following discussion at the September meeting, a letter had been received from Groundworks NI regarding the proposed works opposite Hamill Terrace, Bushmills. She informed members that Groundworks had offered to resurface the existing car park, at a cost of approximately £1,500, which Groundworks believed to be equal to the benefit of the loss of land that will be taken as a result of the encroachment by the new footpath.
After discussion, it was agreed that Groundworks would resurface the existing car park subject to them being responsible for all Council costs.
After further discussion,
Councillor O Black proposed
Seconded by Councillor Blaney and resolved
“That the Report for the Corporate Services Department be adopted”.
The Report for the Technical Services Department having been circulated was taken as read.
Memorandum Of Understanding Relating To A Joint Venture Between NWRWMG and SWaMP And Ernest and Young Presentation Of The Strategic Outline Case
The Clerk referred to the Technical Services report and stated that the full document regarding the Strategic Outline Case for Residual Waste Procurement was available at the meeting.
He informed members that The North West Region Waste Management Group (NWRWMG) and Southern Waste Management Partnership (SWaMP) had been exploring the possibility of jointly procuring Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) for the treatment of residual waste.
The Clerk stated that the Strategic Investment Board (SIB) had been advising the Groups regarding financial subvention from government and had procured the services of Ernst and Young and Enviros to produce a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) on behalf of the Groups. He informed members that the SOC had been completed and presented to the NWRWMG and that three options had been identified; RDG to Landfill, RDF to Cement Kiln/3rd party and RDF to Gasification, which required a sensitivity analysis to identify the preferred option.
He also informed members that A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had been prepared which was a consensus based document, based on legal opinion and best practice elsewhere in the field of multi-authority waste management contracts which provided the framework for; agreeing that the local authorities would work together on the residual waste project; the practical arrangements for progressing the project including the appointment of a dedicated project manager and the obligations of each authority upon signing the MoU.
The Clerk stated that the Waste Management Sub-committee had agreed the SOC and the MoU and requested that it was presented to member Councils for approval.
After discussion,
Councillor McIlroy proposed
Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved
“That the Strategic Outline Case and the Interim Contract be approved and the Memorandum of Understanding between the North West Region
Waste Management Group and the Southern Waste Management Partnership be signed and sealed”.
Stakeholder Conference – Waste Management 17 and 18 October
The Clerk informed members that a two day conference on 17 and 18 October in the Verbal Arts Centre, Derry had been organized by the Strategic Investment Board to agree the Memorandum of Understanding and to agree the revised project schedule or timeline which would require ongoing commitment from Councils to a rapid decision making process and to agree immediate next steps including the way forward in the procurement process. He stated that Councillor McIlroy was attending and that one other Councillor was required to attend.
After discussion,
Councillor McShane proposed
Seconded by Councillor O McMullan
“That Councillor Newcombe be nominated to attend the Stakeholder Conference – Waste Management 17 and 18 October 2007”.
Councillor Harding proposed
Seconded by Councillor Hartin
“That Councillor Graham be nominated to attend the Stakeholder Conference – Waste Management 17 and 18 October 2007”.
Councillor O Black proposed
Seconded by Councillor McCambridge
“That Councillor Blaney be nominated to attend the Stakeholder Conference – Waste Management 17 and 18 October 2007”.
On a vote being taken there were five votes in favour of Councillor Blaney, four votes in favour of Councillor Graham and three votes in favour of Councillor Newcombe.
It was therefore agreed that Councillor Blaney attend the Stakeholder Conference and that Councillor Graham be held first reserve and Councillor Newcombe be held second reserve.
The Clerk stated that he would enquire whether additional places could be made available, and if so, these would be allocated in order.
This was agreed.
Cushendun Play Area
The Head of Tourism and Leisure Services (HTLS) informed members that tenders had been received from Street Play and All Play Agencies in connection with Cushendun Play Area. He pointed out that both companies would be supplying different types of equipment details of which had been circulated. He also referred to the visual display of the play equipment.
After discussion,
Councillor O Black proposed
Seconded by Councillor Blaney and resolved
“That Street Play be awarded the tender for Cushendun Play Area”.
In response to member’s queries, the HTLS stated that the analysis report for wet pour surface would be brought back to the next Council meeting.
War Memorial Bushmills
In reply to Councillor McIlroy, the Clerk stated that he would contact Whitaker & Watt regarding the report on the War Memorial at Bushmills.
Councillor McConaghy proposed
Seconded by Councillor Harding and resolved
“That the Report for the Technical Services Department be adopted”.
The Tourism & Leisure Service’s Report having been circulated was taken as read.
Causeway Coast AONB Management Group - Letter to Planners
The HTLS informed members that the Causeway Coast AONB Management Group had agreed at its meeting on 8 June to send a letter to the Planning Service objecting to the 75 hotel suites included in the Golf Resort Application at Runkerry. A copy of the letter had been circulated for information. The HTLS stated that Council had not been represented at this meeting.
After discussion,
Councillor McConaghy proposed
Seconded by Councillor McIlroy and resolved
“That a letter would be sent to the Causeway Coast AONB Management Group disassociating the Council from their letter to the Planning Service regarding the Gold Resort Application at Runkerry”.
NI Travel News Annual Tourism Awards
The HTLS informed members that correspondence had been received from Northern Ireland Travel News indicating that the Causeway had been nominated for Visitor Attraction of the Year award. He stated that the awards ceremony would be held on 19 October in the Slieve Donnard Hotel and would be attended by Councillor M Black and the Giants Causeway Visitors Centre Manager.
Councillors McConaghy and McShane stated that the staff should be congratulated on the Causeway Visitors Centre being nominated for this award.
Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre Rebuild – Arthur Cox N Ireland Proposal
After discussion,
Councillor M Black proposed
Seconded by Councillor Harding and resolved
“That the meeting would Continue in Committee”.
The HTLS informed members that following some initial discussion it had been felt that Council would require some expert legal advice with the forthcoming planning process for the Giants Causeway Visitors Centre (GCVC). He stated that Council had been working with Arthur Cox N Ireland, on the Cushendall Marina project. He pointed out that they had a wide range of experience and that a short proposal on how the company could assist Council had been circulated for information.
The HTLS also informed members that following the Ministerial statement referring to the planning application by Seaport Investments Ltd, correspondence had been received from the Chief Executive of the Planning Service requesting a meeting with Council, as a key stakeholder to discuss some of the aspects of the proposal that had caused concern.
He referred to the report and a summary of the issues that had been circulated and stated that it was recommended that the Council retain the services of Arthur Cox N Ireland to offer legal advice during the forthcoming process.
In reply to members queries, the Clerk stated that there were a number of issues that would require expert legal advice, and pointed out that as the extent of work required was not known, it was difficult to know what the costs would be, but that Arthur Cox had indicated that these would be similar to the rates for the Marina project.
After discussion, it was agreed that Arthur Cox NI would be retained.
After furtherdiscussion,
Councillor McMullan proposed
Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved
“That a meeting be held with the National Trust”.
Following discussion, it was agreed that a Special Council meeting would be held on Monday 15 October at 7.00pm with representatives from Arthur Cox and the National Trust in attendance.
It was agreed that the meeting would continue out of committee.
Under 14 Astro League
The HTLS informed members that a request had been received from the North Antrim Hurling Board regarding securing two nights to facilitate the Under 14 Astro League. He stated that the event would enable clubs to extend the playing season and prepare teams for the incoming season. He pointed out that the Hurling Board had indicated that they would be responsible for all issues regarding organization and insurance indemnity.
After discussion, it was agreed that this request would be approved.
Ballycastle Choral Society
The HTLS stated that an application had been received from Ballycastle Choral Society for the use of the Main Hall and Changing Rooms for a musical performance from Saturday 24 November to Saturday 1 December 2007.
After discussion, it was agreed that this request would be approved.
Moyle Tourist – Leisure Facility
The HTLS informed members that a progress meeting with Jim Sanderson of Strategic Leisure had taken place on 27 September 2007. He pointed out that following the negative response to the High School option, Strategic Leisure were now looking at the Quay Road Sports Complex as a possible option for the Moyle Tourist – Leisure Facility project. He stated that Strategic Leisure were currently undertaking a site appraisal in order to ascertain the feasibility of facilitating the Tourism Leisure facility at the site.
The HTLS referred to the drawings that were displayed at the meeting and pointed out that in order for the project to be accommodated at the Quay Road Complex the adjacent land may have to be acquired.
Councillors McCambridge and McConaghy stated that it was good to hear that this project could be accommodated and that the purchase of adjacent lands should be pursued.
After discussion, it was agreed to investigate the possibility of purchasing adjacent land at the Quay Road Sports Complex as a possible option for the Moyle Tourist – Leisure Facility.
Northern Ireland and Sustrans – Proposal for a Trans-Regional Cycle Network Linking Scotland with the Republic of Ireland
The HTLS informed members that Sustrans was the UK’s Sustainable Transport Charity and their vision was of a future in which people had the choice to travel in ways that benefited their health and the environment.
He stated that a new opportunity had arisen with the announcement of the latest round of funding through the INTERREG Programme. He pointed out that it was felt that there was great potential for the eligible regions to co-operate towards the development of the cycle tourism product which crosses national and regional boundaries, and to improve communications between the cycle network in Scotland and Northern Ireland and to extend its links into the Republic of Ireland.
The HTLS referred to the report and the details of Sustrans proposal for Northern Irelandwhich included the provision of a traffic free path from the coastal path to the new visitors centre at the Giants Causeway. He pointed out that the proposal had been estimated by Sustrans to have a budget of £100,000 which would be financed by Interreg, EHS, NITB, and MDC. He stated that if Council wished to become a partner they would be required to finance the application to the amount of £5,000.
After discussion, it was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the Rates estimates meeting.
Bushmills Distillery – The Search for the TwinCity of Bushmills in America
The HTLS informed members that Bushmills planned to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the granting of the licence to distil whiskey to the area around Bushmills next year. He stated that the 400th anniversary was a major marketing opportunity for Bushmills whiskey around the globe.
He pointed out that the search had begun for a twin city that embodied the Spirit of Bushmills at its best, and that application forms were on the Bushmills.com website.