
Before & After School

Teen Club


Sinaloa Middle School

601 Royal Ave.

Provided By:

Rancho Simi Recreation & Park District



Dear Families,

We would like to welcome you to the SinaloaBefore & After School Teen Club. We are excited about our new program and facility. You and your teen will be a part of this new adventure. We have created a programthat includes Leadership Opportunities, Community Involvement & Projects, Character & Career Development, Health & Fitness, Sports Activities,and more.So…Mom and Dad, get ready to watch your teen grow in exciting new ways and teens…get ready to have a blast!

This handbook has the basic information that will ensure you and your teen have the best experience possible. Inside you will find all that you, the parent, need to know and what your teen can expect. We’ve included our guidelines and rules. Review this handbook together. We will also be publishing regular updates of what’s happening each week.

We know you and your teen may have more questions. Please don’t hesitate to call me at 818-865-9304 or email me at .We have a really great program planned, so get ready to have fun!

Thank You

Dave DeMaio

Program Specialist

Rancho Simi Recreation & Park District

Program Overview

The program is arranged in an“al a cart” or “pick and choose” format. Club participants can choose the activities they like from several program areas. All activities are supervised by RSRPD staff. Program activities are offered in five core areas.


Empower youth to support and influence their Club and their community, sustain meaningful relationships with peers and adults, learn how to participate in the democratic process, and how to respect their culture and thecultural of others.

Educational and Career

Enable all participant’s become proficient in fundamental educational disciplines, set goals, explore future career options, practice skills needed for employment and embrace technology to achieve career success. All teens will have access to homework assistance and computers to assist them in these pursuits.

Character and Life Skills

Develop a teen’s capacity to choose positive behaviors that will nurture their own well-being, develop good character and a positive self-image,and set personal life goals.

Environmental Behaviors

Encourage youth to develop their creativity and participate in community projects and eventswhile learning the value of assisting others.

Sports, Fitness, and Recreation

Promote fitness, the positive use of leisure time, stress management skills, andappreciation for healthy lifestyle, social and interpersonal skills.

Sample Schedule

Before School Program

6:45am to start of schoolParticipant Choice

After School Program

3:00pm-3:50pmHomework Assistance

4:00pm-5:00pmLeadership Programs

5:00pm-6:00pmParticipant Choice

Other Important Information

Fees and Charges

  1. Before & After School Teen Club monthlyfees include school minimum days and holidays during normal operating hours. NO STATEMENTS WILL BE SENT HOME.
  2. Initially you will need to submit (on-line) your registration forms and payment (cash, check, or Visa, or MasterCard) for the Before & After School Teen Club program at the Sycamore Drive Community Center, 1692 Sycamore dr, Simi Valley. Make all checks payable to Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District (R.S.R.P.D.). Registration forms and payments will not be accepted at any Club site. Returned checks create an additional burden on programs. If, for ANY reason, a check is returned to the District, a $20 service charge will be levied and a “cash only” status will be in effect for a period of one year. We rely on the District Attorney for recovery and prosecution. Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District offers two methods for you to make all future payments:
  3. Auto deductions are made by RSRPD from your credit or debit card.
  4. Auto deductions are made by RSRPD from your checking or savings account.
  5. This information will need to be submitted EVERY YEAR.
  6. Payments are due on the 1st of every month. Payments must be received in full each month in order to avoid late fees. The District reserves the right to require an advance deposit to be submitted in the event of repeat delinquencies.
  8. “Responsible Party”: The responsible party is liable for timely payment and communication with the Community Center. The responsible party is the person who registers their teen for the program. All billing issues and/or withdrawal notices will only be communicated to the responsible party. The District will in not become involved in the collection of payment from any party other than the responsible party

School Holidays and Minimum Days

Most holidays and school minimum days are included in the Before & After School Teen Club fees. Teens should report to theClub building, unless otherwise directed. Any snack or lunch needs to be provided by the participant.

The Before and After School Teen Club will be closed on the following holidays:

September 6 - Labor Day

November 11 - Veteran’s Day

November 24 & 25 - Thanksgiving

December 23, 26, 31 & Jan 2 - Winter Break

January 16 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 20 - President’s Day

May 29 - Memorial Day

Special Circumstances

Any special circumstances, situations, physical accommodations, or financial arrangements should be brought to the attention of the After School Club Recreation Specialist at 818-865-9304.

Checking In and Out

Upon dismissal of school, teens should go directly to the Club and be checked in by the Club staff. A Parent can either authorize their teen to check themselves out from the Club (see registration form) or the parent must personally sign their teen out…from inside the Club building each day DURING NORMAL Club hours.Supervision is provided inside the Club at all times and outside the Club when staff organizes outside activities. Participants need to be aware of the school’s policy concerning being on campus after school. Students are not allowed to “hang-out” (loiter) on campus and need to come directly to the Club once school is out. Students found on campus after school will be disciplinedby the school, according to school rules.

Pick Up Procedures

Parents must notify the Club Director in writing if a child will be picked up by another person…this person must show ID. Teens who have not been picked up by 6:30 pm may be released into the custody of the Simi Valley Police Department.

Late Pick Up Fee

A $10 fee for each 15 minutes, or portion thereof, will be assessed for a late pickup (after 6:00pm). Your child will not be able to attend the Before & After School Teen Club until your balance has been paid. Any reoccurrence of a late pick-up(s) can be grounds for suspension or dismissal from the program.


Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District requires a signed permission slip authorizing the staff to administermedication (prescription or over the counter). Medicines must be accompanied by a doctor’s note and signature. All medication must be in the original container or prescription bottle. All instructions for administering medication must be on the label.


Children will not be accepted at the After School Club, if they are ill. If a child becomes ill while attending the After School Club, parents or authorized persons will be contacted to pick up the child. Children cannot attend the Clubs if the following occur:

  • A fever over 100 degrees
  • Vomiting with or without fever
  • Diarrhea, with or without fever
  • Unexplained rash with or without fever
  • Unexplained discharge from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin.
  • Evidence of lice.

There will be no refunds or transfers due to illness. Exception: After five (5) or more consecutive days, fees will be adjusted with written physician’s verification. Notify the Club if your child is not going to attend, for any reason, on a particular day. We must be notified before 11:00 am. If a child does not attend school due to illness, they may not attend the After School Club

Accidents and Injuries

If a child becomes hurt or injured at an After School Club, appropriate first aid will be applied. Parents will be notified of all injuries in writing or verbally. For accidents or injuries that require immediate medical attention, 911 will be called and parent/emergency contacts will be called as soon as possible. Please sign and return the medical emergency release form included in your child’s registration packet. The program will always have a trained first aid and CPR certified staff member on the premises.


The Before & After School Teen Club strives to provide a well-rounded and safe program to all participants. For the protection and harmony of all children, we have established a “Code of Conduct” which all children and adults are required to follow

  1. All persons shall act with respect towards other persons, respecting their privacy and personal safety.
  2. Physical or verbal abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
  3. All persons shall treat public and private property and equipment with respect.
  4. Program rules and regulations shall be observed at all times.
  5. A violation of this code could result in the child’s suspension or dismissal from the club without prior notice.
  6. Depending upon the behavior issue, severity, and frequency, actions may include:
  • Staff speaks to the child.
  • Child removed from a particular activity.
  • Director calls and/or meets with the child and their parent(s).
  • Participant Behavior Contract is written.
  • Child suspended or dismissed from the program.

Personal Property

A participant is responsible for the safety of any personal property (cell phone, games, etc.) they bring to the Club. The Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District and its staffare not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen property.