PERMIT NO. OK0031771

Page 1 of Part I

DRAFT OF JUNE 11, 2012




In compliance with the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act (OPDES Act), Title 27A O.S. § 2-6-201 et seq. as amended, and the rules of the State of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) adopted thereunder {See OAC 252:606}; the Federal Clean Water Act, Public Law 95217 (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), Section 402; and NPDES Regulations (40 CFR Parts 122, 124, and 403),

Bluejacket Public Works Authority Wastewater Facility

(Facility I.D. No. S-21677)

P.O. Box 59

Bluejacket, Oklahoma 74333

is hereby authorized to discharge treated wastewater from a facility located at approximately

SE ¼, NW ¼, SW ¼, Section 21,

Township 27 North, Range 21 East, Indian Meridian,

Craig County, Oklahoma

to receiving waters: Little Cabin Creek at the point located at approximately

Latitude: 36° 48' 22.197" N [GPS: NAD 1983 CONUS]

Longitude: 95° 4' 3.507" W [GPS: NAD 1983 CONUS]

Water Body I.D. No. 121600060080_00

in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof.

This permit replaces and supersedes the previous general permit authorization number OKG580023 issued on August 10, 2006.

The issuance date of this permit is Month Date, Year.

This permit shall become effective Month Date, Year.

This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight Month Date, Year.

For the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality:

Edward Dihrberg, P.E., Manager
Permitting Group
Water Quality Division / ______
Shellie Chard-McClary, Director
Water Quality Division

A. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 001)

1.  Interim Limitations

Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting through twenty-four (24) months from the effective date of the permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater in accordance with the following interim limitations:

Effluent Characteristic / Discharge Limitations / Monitoring Requirements
Mass Loading
(lb/day) / Concentrations
(mg/l unless otherwise specified) / Frequency / Sample Type
Monthly Avg. / Monthly
Avg. / Weekly Avg. / Daily Max.
Flow (mgd)
[STORET: 50050] / Year-round / --- / Report / --- / Report / 2 per Week / Instantaneous
Biochemical Oxygen Demand -5 Day (BOD5)
[STORET: 00310] / Year-round / 6.3 / 30 / 45 / --- / 1 per Month / Grab
Total Suspended Solids [STORET: 00530] / Year-round / 18.8 / 90 / 135 / --- / 1 per Month / Grab
Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS)
[STORET: 70300] / Year-round / --- / Effluent Monitoring a / 1 per Month a / Grab
pH (standard unit)
[STORET: 00400] / Year-round / --- / 6.5 – 9.0 / 2 per Week / Grab

a For the life of the permit.

Sampling Point

Samples taken for compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the discharge from the final treatment unit preceding post aeration.

Year-round Interim Requirements

·  There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

·  There shall be no discharge of any visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease.

·  Flow [STORET: 50050] (measured in million gallons per day) shall be monitored two (2) times per week by instantaneous measurement and reported as a 30day average and a daily maximum.

·  All monitoring and reporting requirements shall also be in compliance with Part III of this permit.

2.  Final Limitations

Beginning after twenty-four (24) months from the effective date of the permit and lasting through the expiration date of the permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater in accordance with the following final limitations:

Effluent Characteristic / Discharge Limitations / Monitoring Requirements
Mass Loading
(lb/day) / Concentrations
(mg/l unless otherwise specified) / Frequency / Sample Type
Monthly Avg. / Monthly
Avg. / Weekly Avg. / Daily Max.
Flow (mgd)
[STORET: 50050] / Year-round / --- / Report / --- / Report / 2 per Week / Instantaneous
Biochemical Oxygen Demand -5 Day (BOD5)
[STORET: 00310] / Year-round / 6.3 / 30 / 45 / --- / 1 per Month / Grab
Total Suspended Solids [STORET: 00530] / Year-round / 18.8 / 90 / 135 / --- / 1 per Month / Grab
Fecal Coliform a
[STORET: 74055] / May – Sep / --- / 200 b / --- / 400 / 2 per Week / Grab
Oct – Apr / --- / 1,000 b / --- / 2,000 / 1 per Week / Grab
Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) c
[STORET: 50060] / Year-round / --- / Instantaneous Maximum:
No Measurable d / Daily / Grab
Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS)
[STORET: 70300] / Year-round / --- / Effluent Monitoring e / 1 per Month e / Grab
pH (standard unit)
[STORET: 00400] / Year-round / --- / 6.5 – 9.0 / 2 per Week / Grab

a Coliforms are measured in Colony Forming Units (CFU)/100 ml.

b Monthly data for fecal coliform is reported as a geometric mean of all samples in that month.

c If no chlorine is used for an entire reporting period, the permittee shall report a value of “zero” for the daily maximum and enter “No chlorine used this reporting period” in the comments section on the DMR for that reporting period in lieu of the indicated testing. For any week in which chlorine is used, the indicated testing shall be done until the chlorine is no longer in use and at least one subsequent test verifies that the effluent meets the total residual chlorine limit.

d No measurable is defined as less than 0.1 mg/l.

e For the life of the permit.

Sampling Point

Samples taken for compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the discharge from the final treatment unit preceding post aeration.

Year-round Final Requirements

·  There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

·  There shall be no discharge of any visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease.

·  Flow [STORET: 50050] (measured in million gallons per day) shall be monitored two (2) times per week by instantaneous measurement and reported as a 30day average and a daily maximum.

·  All monitoring and reporting requirements shall also be in compliance with Part III of this permit.

3.  Schedule of Compliance for Fecal Coliform and Total Residual Chlorine Limitations

The Bluejacket PWA WWTF shall achieve compliance of fecal coliform and total residual chlorine limits with the installation of a disinfection and dechlorination system. All construction will be in accordance with OAC 252:656. The permittee shall achieve this compliance in accordance with the following schedule:

Submit approvable Engineering Report: Six (6) months after the effective date of the permit

Submit approvable Plans and Specs: Nine (9) months after the effective date of the permit

Start of construction: Twelve (12) months after the effective date of the permit

Completion of construction: Twenty-one (21) months after the effective date of the permit

Attain final limits: Twenty-four (24) months after the effective date of the permit

a.  The permittee shall submit a progress report to the DEQ outlining the status of all facility improvements during the months of January and July of each year until the construction is complete. The first report shall be due during the first designated month after the permit becomes effective.

b.  Where percent project completion reported is less than would be required to assure completion of construction by the required date, the progress report shall also include an explanation for this delay and proposed remedial actions.

B. Sanitary Sewer Overflows

Any bypass in the collection system [sanitary sewer overflow (SSO)] shall be reported in accordance with Part III.B.6 of this permit.

Bluejacket Public Works Authority Wastewater Treatment Facility