414 Pendygrasse Road

Saskatoon, Sk S7M 4M3

Phone: 659-7390 Fax: 659-2122

Principal: Mr. O. Fortosky

Vice-Principal: Mr. C. Doepker

Office: Mrs. D. Moroz/Mrs. T. Earl
Community Coordinator: Ms. T. Lynds

Home Liaison Worker: Ms. S. Panko-Shultz

Prayers and Intentions
This month we celebrateFather’s Day on Sunday, June 18th. Let us pray for fathers everywhere. Fathers, Step-fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers and especially adoptive fathers who have chosen to make a child a part of their life.
We thank you for our earthly fathers, those to whom you have entrusted the responsibility to provide loving protection of their families and guidance of their children. We thank you, also, for our priests and bishops, whose spiritual fatherhood is so vital to the faith of your people. We ask your blessing on all those to whom you have entrusted fatherhood. May your Holy Spirit constantly inspire them with justice and mercy, wisdom and strength, fidelity and self-giving love. May they receive your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in your presence in the life to come. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son and Our Lord. Amen.


We are pleased to announce that the St. Mark School Pre-Kindergarten Program will run full days in the 2017-2018 school year! There will be four classes. Each class will run for two full days per week. The program will continue to be a subsidized program offering free education and will provide free bussing to students living within our boundaries and living more than 1.2 km away.

If you have questions regarding this program, please feel free to call St. Mark School at 306-659-7390.



Transportation is provided to students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 who live within our boundaries and are 1.2 km from the school.

Year End Mass, FREE HOT LUNCH and Swimming Trip
OnTuesday, June 20th the students and staff of St. Mark School will be celebrating our Year End Mass together in the school gym at 9:30 a.m. After the mass, students will enjoy a snack of watermelon and then at 11:20 all students and staff will enjoy a free lunch consisting of a smokie, chips, and juice. Thank you to Maple Leaf Foods for their donation of the smokies. All students from Grades 1 to 8 will board buses and head to Riversdale Pool at 12:20 p.m. The buses will bring students back in time for regular dismissal. Students should dress appropriately for the weather and remember to bring a towel to dry off with, a towel or small blanket if they’d like to relax on the lawn, a bag for wet items as well as sunscreen or repellent if necessary. St. Mark School thanks our Community Council for supporting our school in this activity in funding the lunch for our students. We appreciate the many activities they do for our students! We truly do have the best students, staff and Community Council! If your child’s teacher does not have a field trip form signed at the time of your child’s registration, they will be sending home this form for your completion. Every child MUST have a signed form to attend classroom field trips. If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to call your child’s teacher

Library News

The library is now closed for inventory and will re-open in the new school year. The replacement cost for a lost book is printed on the overdue notices and is to be submitted to the library. A receipt will be issued to the student and the money will be refunded if the book is found and returned at a later date.


Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Farewell

On Friday, June 23rd, St. Mark School will celebrate the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Farewells in our school’s Mini-Gym. Kindergarten students will begin the celebration in song at 9:00 a.m. and will be joined by the Pre-Kindergarten students at 9:30a.m. ALL Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will celebrate their Farewell to this school year on this day. Parents and Guardians are welcome to come to the Mini-Gym on this day to enjoy a program that the students have prepared for you! Please mark your calendar and try to attend this important event. The students are very excited to perform for you!

Planning for 2017-2018 - Student Pre-Registration forms were sent home in the month of May. Please complete this form and return it to the office. All students that will be enrolled in our Kindergarten Program at St. Mark School this September are asked to attend registration day on Thursday, August 31st, 2017 to complete additional necessary forms for the new school year.If your family circumstances change over the summer and your child will not be attending St. Mark School, please phone the school at 659-7390 and leave us a message including the name of the school your child will be attending. The school office closes on Friday, June 30th and re-opens on Monday, August 21st at 8:30 a.m. to accept your phone calls. New registrations to St. Mark School will be taken at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 31st. The first day of classes begins onTuesday, September 5th. If you know of a new family registering that is not able to be at the school on registration day or if you know of a family that has moved, please let us know. Welcome to 2017 – 2018!

Mark Your Calendar – Last Day of School

The last day of school for all students is Wednesday, June 28th. Students take home their report cards

home on this day. If your child is not able to be at school on this day, please ensure that another student

picking up your child’s report card has a signed note from you. The school office closes on Friday, June 30th and reopens on Monday, August 21st.

Lost and Found

During the week of June 26th to June 28th, we will display all Lost and Found clothing items on tables in front of the main office. Please feel free to come into the school and look for your child’s lost items. All lost and found keys, toys, jewellery, hair accessories, and eye-glasses are kept inside the school office. Please describe your lost item to the front desk to claim it. ALL Lost and Found items that remain unclaimed will be donated to the Salvation Army at the close of the school year. Keys will be discarded.

Join Us at Parent and Tot – St. Mark School – TUESDAYS from 9:30 – 11:30

This free program is for families and their children aged 0 – 6 years. The last session for the year is

Tuesday, June 20th. Parent and Tot will begin again approximately the third week of September, 2017.

Date to be announced.Come for free play, stories, songs, craft and a snack in the first hour. The second

hour has childcare for the kids so the parents can enjoy a warm coffee and support. Everyone welcome!

For more information contact Barb Fredrickson at 306-227-9382 or .

St. Mary’s Clinic Available to You

Parents should be aware that there is a free clinic available at St. Mary Elementary School. Dr. Mehtar is available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You may reach either by telephone at 659-7837 or walk in to the clinic at 327 Avenue N South.

For Community and Summer Camp Information, please visit our website newsletter at:

(Click on “Our Schools” , then “St. Mark” and then “Newsletters”)

For Camp and other community information, please go to

St. Patrick Parish – 3339 Centennial Drive – Saskatoon, Sask. 384-1100

Weekend masses at St. Patrick Parish are Saturday, 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, 8:30 &10:30 a.m.

Tribute to Fathers
By Rexanne Mancini

There is no doubt that mothers play an all-important leading role in the lives of their children. They are the obvious heroes of child rearing. But what about a father's role?

Dads are the solid foundation of our lives. They are the shore we swim to when our arms and legs feel increasingly tired. They are the strength we rely on as we take out first tentative steps into the world. Dads can be tender, tough, fragile or powerful but they are probably the most uncomplicated love we will ever know.
For daughters, Daddy is the first man they adore ... the first man whose eyes shine with overwhelming amazement when they look at us. He is the first man to fall in love with us.
For sons, Daddy is the idol they first aspire to emulate ... their mirror image of what will be and possibly the only man they will ever feel comfortable loving.
Daddy is the first man who held us, as a loving parent, with a lump in his throat so huge, only the joy of that love could erase the overwhelming pain of choking on unexpected raw emotion. I think when a father holds his newborn baby; he is touched by pure vulnerability for the first time in his adult life, leaving him forever humbled by the unexplained miracles of life.
For mothers, the father of our children is the one person we can trust to watch over our babies as closely as we would. We are secure in the knowledge of their love for our precious offspring. Dad is the only other person in the world as fascinated with every nuance and murmur of our babies. He is the one person on the planet with whom we can indulge our need to brag and carry on about our kid's accomplishments and heartaches ... one who will be just as interested and never yawn in the face of our devotion.
Without dads, we wouldn't be moms. We thank them from all our hearts for this honor and for being our partners in this business of raising children.
We wish every father a very Happy Father's Day!

Know how much you are loved and revered. You are our trusted soldiers and we need you more than you will ever realize.

From the Students and Staff of St.MarkSchool…


Community News

Fairhaven Community Association

To contact a coordinator go to

The 69th Southwest Scouting Group is hosting a Scouts Canada Open

If you are interested in a Scouting Group for your child, please consider the following:

Beavers is for boys and girls in Kindergarten through grade 2.

Cubs is for boys and girls in grade 3 through grade 5.

To find out more about this event, contact Dan or Heather McGregor by e-mail

at: or by phone at 306-652-1328.

Saskatoon Royals City-Wide All Girls Baseball

Girls aged 4 and up can register

Please contact us at

Check out our new website at for ages divisions offered , registration information and upcoming events.

2017 football programs kick off this spring! Our home is at the newly renovated Gordie Howe Sports Complex, and our programs are offered on the turf at SMF Field.

Our leagues are skill development based, focusing on inclusion, sportsmanship, fun and football fundamentals.SMF offers a wide variety of programs for boys and girls from Pre-Kindergarten to grade 12. We takepride in creating a positive football experience for our league members. Safety and fun are of the utmost importance. We deliver coaching clinics, Safe Contact lectures and demonstrations, and provide resources to all our coaches.We are community partners with KidSport and Jump Start to ensure those participants who want to play, can play the sport of football.

Regardless of your son or daughters football experience, SMF has a program for your young football player.
Click the linkbelowfor all program details and to see all the action happening this Spring!

Contact us at the office 306-975-0848 with your questions or visit our website for all information and details.
Like us on Facebook to stay in the game!
From the Playground to Pros, it starts here!!

PD Day Camp for children 4 years – grade 6 at McClure United Church

on the following dates: March 10 and May 19

from 9-3:30 with the option of before and after care.

Please visit to download a registration form or phone 306-373-1753 for more information.


The STARS summer volleyball camp is being held on August 22 & 23rd at Centennial Collegiate.

Times: 9:30 – noon and 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. daily for kids K – Grade 7. Athletes will be challenged according to ability with a focus on fun and fundamentals. Healthy peanut free snacks, t-shirt and prizes are included in the $130 registration fee. Check out the website at or contact us at 306-249-0952 or for more information.

The Royal City Soccer Club is taking registration for summer camps for boys and girls aged 5 to 13. Full days, mornings, or afternoons. Free early drop off/late pickup. For more information or to register see their website at or call 1-800-427-0536.

Summer Lego Club, LDAS, July 2017

Does your child love lego? LDAS, Saskatoon is pleased to offer two Summer Lego Clubs for children ages 4 – 7 years and 9-13 years to help them improve their social skills and have lots of fun building lego! Children with LD and ADHD may lag behind their peers in certain situations. They may have challenges making friends, picking up on social cues, letting go of control of play, and understanding that other may have a different perspective than their own. The goal of the Lego Club is to give the child a sense of belonging; to create an environment that allows for social skills development; and to create opportunities for the child to develop healthy peer relationships and friendships, all while playing lego. We will have theme days, Lego building competitions, and craft time. Lego Club runs every morning for one week. Make sure you book the right date for your child’s age group.

For more information, please call 306-652-4209