Term Paper Introduction

(Deadlines subject to minor adjustment)


v  Read-assess-integrate critical commentary into an analytic paper

v  Examine connections between an author’s life and work

v  Compare-contrast a theme-motif present in more than one work by a single author

v  Research additional primary and secondary sources related to author-works

v  Distinguish between nature of historical and literary research

v  Learn process of annotated bibliography for literary paper

v  Develop sense of expertise and deeper appreciation of one author in the course

v  Build on independent reading skills

v  Assess-evaluate some portion of an author’s work

v  Move your analytic writing style to the next level

Phases of Project

v  Choose an author (firm before February break)

v  Read additional fiction (3-5 short stories-essays or novel) all by the author (primary sources)—list to Ms. Sallee before February break

v  Choose peer editor (firm before February break); start research folder

v  Read additional fiction over break—finish as much as is possible; keep notes on compare-contrast elements with passages and thesis ideas

v  Read biographical excerpts pertaining to literary works under study

v  Research critical and historical commentary (developing skills begun with TEWWG)—end of February-beginning of March (secondary sources)

v  Submit paper proposal and annotated bibliography: Propose a paper, including provisional thesis; present research, emphasizing what is applicable to proposed paper (due March 10)—includes entries on all fictional pieces, plus entries on 6-8 historical or critical sources

v  Complete detailed outline incorporating primary and critical-historical-biographical sources (March 17); review with peer—collected and graded

v  Go over student draft as class (I will be looking for a volunteer)

v  Peer edit draft; conference as needed

v  Final paper (due end of March)

Author Choices

Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Zora Neale Hurston, Kate Chopin, Carson McCullers, Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, Willa Cather, Ray Bradbury, Sherwood Anderson, David Foster Wallace, Edgar Allan Poe, Tim Gautreaux, William Faulkner, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison