FOCUS AREA: ELA/Intervention Class PERIOD: Semester 2
Timeline/Due Date / Specific Action Steps/Projects/Activities / Potential Derailers / Obstacles / Resources/Technical Assistance / PD RequirementsJan 2011 / Review Fall and Winter reading data and determine which students need to be put into the reading intervention class. Aimsweb web site, download data, meet with guidance counselor and ISD Consultant to place students. (J. Sardina, K.Moreau, C. McCarthur) / Test Data availability / Power School Schedule Builder / Tech Dept assistance, Jim Bedgood
Jan 2011 / Department meeting with teachers to re-evaluate the intervention curriculum. Discuss what is working and what needs to be improved on for the up-coming weeks before the next testing window. This evaluation of program will be based on success up to this point according to the data from winter testing. (J. Sardina, M. Houle, K. Scott, T. Grabowski) / Time between semesters to this accomplished / Conference Room
Jan 2011 / Determine what the available interventions and progress monitoring tools we will use. REWARDS/REWARDS PLUS/ Small groups etc. (J. Sardina, C. McCarthur) / Current tools not successful
Jan 2011 / After students are placed into intervention class, determine which students need which available intervention (J. Sardina, C. McCarthur, K. Moreau) / Assessment data
Jan 2011 / Meet with Intervention teachers and aide to discuss who is responsible for which intervention curriculum and advise which students need which intervention. (J. Sardina, M. Houle, K. Scott, T. Warn, N. Borski) / Staff opposition / Meeting room needed / Library
Jan 2011 / Determine which progress monitoring tool we will use and provide PD for the ELA aide. (J. Sardina, N. Borski) / PD for new progress monitoring tool
Jan 2011 / Advise parents as to the placement of their student into the intervention class. May be new to the program or may be continuing (K. Moreau) / Parents don’t want student in class. Band or Rounds instead
Jan 2011 / Meet with intervention aide and discuss duties regarding progress monitoring and REWARDS intervention instruction and data entry and submittal. (J. Sardina)
Jan 2011 / Set schedule for students who need Progress Monitoring, REWARDS and RN advise teachers of schedule (N. Borski)
Jan 2011 – May testing (weekly) / Start the progress monitoring program. Aide will take selected students 2-3 times each week. Aide will provide me and teacher with data showing progress of each student. (N. Borski, M. Houle, K. Scott) / Lab room / computers
Jan – May 2011
(Each Friday) / Start REWARDS in library each Friday with aide. (N. Borski, T. Grabowski) / Library conference rooms
Jan – May 2011 / Teachers will continue with interventions for fluency and comprehension at the classroom level. (M. Houle, K. Scott)
Jan – May 2011
(2 times / month) / Check progress monitory data to ensure progress of current interventions. (J. Sardina, N. Borski) / Data not accurately recorded or available
May 2011 / Spring testing dates. All 6-8 grade students will be tested using the Aimsweb testing program to determine who is at grade level. (M. Houle, K. Scott, C. McCarthur, T. Grabowski) / Students Absent / Testing Rooms
May 2011 / Meet with intervention team and review winter data to determine progress. Score the tests and determine which students moved up into the benchmark category or category above current placement. Review goal and determine if goal has been met (J. Sardina, M. Houle, K. Scott, T. Grabowski) / Not meeting goal / Library Conference rooms