Cornwall /
Ref No / AP/L/1626Title / LORD, Anna of St Stephen by Launceston
Date of probate* / 25 Nov 1755
Description / ‘being sick and weak in Body but of sound memory and understanding’
By virtue of a Power reserved to testator before her wedding with her present husband Bernard Lord, cordwainer, for disposing of property
- to husband Bernard Lord and his heirs and assigns, the messuage tenement and appurtenances in the ‘Borough of Newport’ in St Stephen by Launceston; also the fields in St Thomas by Launceston called The Pool Park, the meadow lying near the River Kensey and the close called Wood Park near the ‘New Mill’. Also the close called Hillhead in St Stephen by Launceston which, by indentures of 18 Jun 1731, was the marriage settlement between the testator, then Ann Rattenbury and Bernard Lord
After the death of husband Bernard Lord
- to nephew Digory Rattenbury, son of testator’s brother, and his heirs, the close called Pool Park, the meadow lying by the River Kensey and the close called Wood Park in the parish of St Thomas and the meadow called Hillhead in St Stephen by Launceston with appurtenances, during the terms of the respective leases but subject to an annuity of 40 shillings to nephew Fineas [Phineas] Rattenbury, son of testator’s sister Grace Rattenbury, payable in four equal payments to begin immediately after the death of Bernard Lord. If the payments are late by ten days after the due date, Finear Rattembury or his assigns may enter the parcels of land and distrain or dispose of them as he thinks fit and may take and convert the rents and profits for his sole use until the annuity is paid
Executors: none named
Mark of Anna Lord
Signatures of Coryd [Coryndon] Carpenter, Willm [William] Farnham and Richard Doidge
Date of will: 16 Jul 1755
Date proved: 25 Mar 1755
Administration of goods granted to Bernard Lord, the late husband of the deceased and the prime legatee named in the will as no executor named in the will
No inventory
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