Sacramento City College
Student Services Program Review Worksheet
Program Name: Learning (dis)Abilities Program – Disability Resource Center
Part A: DATA
1. Mission or purpose of program:
· To support students with learning disabilities in reaching their academic and vocational goals.
· To assist students with learning disabilities in strengthening and developing their skills and abilities.
· To provide opportunities that help maximize the potential of every student.
2. Staffing: List each staff position and their duties within the program:
Position Title / Job ResponsibilitiesLearning (dis)Abilities Program
Coordinator (1 FTE, permanent) / Responsible for implementation of LD Program including: learning disabilities certifications; student educational plans; individual student meetings, as needed, to discuss test results, learning styles, and academic concerns; supervision of small group and individualized instruction conducted by instructional assistants and tutors; maintenance of accurate student records; liaison and inservice activities for college staff and community agencies.Assessment Counselors
(3-4 Adjunct = 1 FTE) / Provides assessment/testing services for HCD 201 individual class sessions; administers/analyzes appropriate testing and reviews test results with students; makes LD certification recommendations using the Title V Chancellor’s Office Guidelines; establishes or clarifies appropriate educational and career goals; recommends appropriate academic accommodations.
(2-3 Adjunct = 1 FTE for
HCD 265 and HCD 202)
(Coordinator instructs all group sessions; Coordinator, Assessment Counselors, and Instructional Assistants conduct individual sessions) /
HCD 265 – 3 sections
Specialized strategies in English/Reading & Spelling using multi-sensory and other specialized methodologies for LD students.HCD 202 – 2 sections
Specialized strategies in math using multi-sensory and other specialized methodologies for LD students.HCD 201 – 2-7 sections
Individual and group instruction to develop self-advocacy and learning disabilities management skills related to identified individual strengths and weaknesses, academic accommodations, and academic or career goals.
Instructional Assistant
(Permanent, FT-12 month)Instructional Assistant
(Permanent, FT-12 month)Instructional Assistant
(Permanent, FT-10 month) / HCD 265 – 3 sections Under direction of Instructor, assists with instructional duties by working with students individually or in small groups.HCD 202 – 1-2 sections Under direction of Instructor, assists with instructional duties by working with students individually or in small groups.
HCD 201 – Intake Screening Under direction of instructor, develops/maintains student records, test scores, follow-up for individual class sessions. Backup for Adaptive Testing Center operations.HCD 265 – 3 sections (see above description)
HCD 201 – 2-7 sections (see above description) and monitors student progress through CARS (MIS System); maintains documentation in EDEN (MIS System). Backup for Adaptive Testing Center operations.
HCD 201 – 2-7 sections (see above description) Under direction of Instructor, has primary responsibility for tracking student progress through individual and group sessions. Backup for Adaptive Testing Center operations.
Counseling Clerk I
(Permanent, FT –12 month) / Maintains data entry for time sheets and budget entries, maintains program general information files; assists with daily Counselor/Coordinator schedules; answers general student program questions and/or routes questions to appropriate personnel, prepares routine correspondence, compiles data and prepares reports, maintains incoming and outgoing student and program records.Instructional Assistants
(1-3, Part-time, Temporary) /HCD 202 – 2 sections Under direction of Instructor, assists with instructional duties by working with students individually or in small groups.
Instructional Assistant
(Part-time, Temporary-110 days) / Under direction of Coordinator, has primary responsibility for Adaptive Testing Center operations to oversee proctors for Campus Instructor exams. Backup duties for HCD 201 screening and individual sessions.Educational Services Aide
(Part-time, Temporary-110 days)
/ Assists Coordinator, instructors and staff with data entry for HCD 201, HCD 265, HCD 202 and other program data as needed; uses internet to research materials and new methodologies/technology; duplicating, filing, and other related duties as needed.Student Assistants
(3-10 Part-time, Temporary)1. Adaptive Testing Center Proctor
2. HCD 201 Mentor Tutor / 1. Proctors exams for campus instructors, couriers exams to and from campus departments, keeps accurate proctoring records and assists with other program-related duties, as assigned.
2. Assists students to complete HCD 201 assignments and organize personal portfolios, provides role model and facilitates campus familiarization.
3. Workflow: Describe (each step) how a work assignment flows through the program on campus and at off-campus sites, to include a typical procedure for providing services to a student. Use flow charts, if necessary, to describe the workflow. Consider questions such as: what initiates services; what preparation is involved; what services do students receive and how; how are services provided to off-campus sites; who is eligible for services and how is that determined; how are services tracked; and is there follow-up to initial services?
Steps /Descriptions
1 /· Student contacts LD Program for services; self-referred or referred from feeder high schools, faculty, student service centers, campus labs, off-campus sites, or community agencies.
· Instructional Assistant provides LD Program brochures (attached) and explains Program Access paths.
· Student receives appropriate campus referrals (Counseling, Orientation, Assessment Center, etc.).
2 /· Verification of student status is made and intake forms are completed.
· Program access route is determined and clarified with student:
1. With appropriate and current LD documentation
2. Without current LD documentation
3 /Student file is created and routed:
1. With documentation, route to Assessment Counselor/LD Specialist (AC) for eligibility evaluation procedures (two-week timeline). (See Attachment A - #1-7) Proceed to Step 4.
2. Without documentation, route to Instructional Assistant (IA) for HCD 201 screening procedures and HCD 201 class orientation. (See Attachment B - #1-15) Proceed to Step 5.
4 / If student with documentation meets eligibility guidelines, AC routes file to IA who schedules appointment with student for Educational Planning Session with AC. Proceed to Step 8.5 / After screening for HCD 201, student without documentation file is reviewed by Program Coordinator or designee (AC) for appropriate recommendations:
· Enrollment in HCD 201
· Referral to Disability Resource Center (DRC)
· Additional testing needed to meet Title V Guidelines
· Other referrals or action is needed
6 / Student file is routed to IA to schedule appointment for Intake Review with AC.
7 / During Intake Review, AC provides student with:
· Additional testing as needed
· Intake screening results
· Appropriate recommendations and referrals as needed
· Information and recommendations regarding enrollment in HCD 201, HCD 265 and HCD 202 (See Attachments C & D)
8 / · Student with documentation completes Educational Planning Session with AC (refer to Attachment C, Class 4) and is offered option for enrollment in HCD 201.
· Student without documentation decides whether or not to enroll in HCD 201. If enrollment is selected, student completes classes 3-13.
9 / Student data are entered into the EDEN and CARS (MIS Systems) and LD Program master list.
10 / Student accesses the following optional program services:
· Letters of introduction to instructors (See Attachment E)
· Adaptive Testing Center Services (See Attachment F)
· Liaison with instructors and counselors regarding accommodations needs
· Alternative instructional strategies and techniques (HCD 265 & HCD 202)
· Computer-assisted instructional aids and programs
· Priority registration
· Alternative text information (Books on Tape)
· Note-taking assistance
· Liaison with campus (including off-campus sites) and community services
· Mentor student tutor services
11 / Student requests update of accommodations each semester or as needed and recommended by the AC during the Educational Planning Session and reinforced by all staff.
12 / Student requests documentation of LD eligibility and assessment data to be forwarded to another educational institution for transfer purposes or to another agency related to program access, such as Department of Rehabilitation, Nursing Board, College Boards, etc.
4. Funding: List all funding sources and amounts. What are these funds used for?
Budget Source Amount Appropriated Spending Categories
DSPS $86, 285 Coordinator (Full Time)
DSPS $59,247 Assessment Counselors (Adjunct) DSPS $33,155 Counseling Clerk (Full Time) DSPS $92,013 Instructional Assistants (Permanent,
2-12 month, 1-10 month)
DSPS $14,211 Student Assistants (Proctoring & Mentoring)
DSPS $11,000 Instructional Assistants (Temporary)
DSPS $ 2,600 Educational Services Aide (Temporary) DSPS $61,052 Benefits DSPS $ 99 Instructional Supplies DSPS $ 2,500 Non-Instructional Supplies DSPS $ 150 Printing
DSPS $ 1, 639 Travel DSPS $ 7,474 Equipment
DSPS Total $371,425
VTEA $11,000 Instructional Assistants (Temporary) VTEA $ 2,600 Educational Services Aide (Temporary)
VTEA Total $13,600
GRAND TOTAL $385,025
1. Strengths of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
· Students are identified and served according to the Los Rios Academic Accommodation Policy using the Title V Community College Chancellor’s Office LD Guidelines.
· Student data is entered into a district-wide tracking system (EDEN) and reported to the state for funding purposes.
· Student assessments are scored and entered into a statewide tracking and scoring system (CARS) for accuracy and reporting consistency.
· Students are served in a timely fashion, both with and without appointments.
· Students receive service in a setting dedicated to preserving confidentiality.
· Students have access to liaison services to assist with their own personal questions and with on-campus and off-site instructors’ accommodations questions and issues.
· Students have access to liaison services with community agencies and other campus programs and services.
· Students have access to special classes, adaptive technology and special adaptive services (Adaptive Testing Center, for example).
· Students have follow-up services as needed in order to update accommodations, transfer, and to certify their LD eligibility at SCC and their accommodations history to facilitate the taking of state board exams with similar accommodations.
2. Weakness of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
· Computerized file tracking covers only about 80% of service records. Pre-screening, daily contacts, phone contacts and exam proctoring tracking would be more effective on an Excel Program and could be entered daily by Counseling Clerk.
· HCD 201 orientation videotape is out-of-date and needs to be upgraded.
· Contact and service tracking would be easier to accomplish if, for example, up-to-date procedures and equipment like scanning with barcodes were used.
· There is inadequate space available for small group instruction and mentor tutoring and this has not been included in the most recent reorganization proposal.
· Inadequate Adaptive Testing Center stations are proposed in reorganization proposal.
· Staff direction related to academic/instructional program delivery is necessarily Instructor and/or Coordinator-driven. The Counseling Classified Supervisor may change staff hours or assignments without first clearing this action with Instructors or the Coordinator. As a result, out-of-office staff assignments and re-assignments made interfere with instructional delivery in special classes and the result is lack of adequate counter coverage at times.
· Frequent program moves and vacant staff positions have had a cumulative effect on staff workload issues and performance stability.
· A recent reorganization plan was proposed without program staff or program coordinator involvement, which also has effected staff performance and morale.
3. Goals and Actions: Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Develop, implement and/or revise training guidesAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. / Classified Staff Training Guide / Unit Plan
1b. / Assessment Counselor Training Guide / “
1c. / Student Help Training Guides (Mentor Tutors and Proctors / “
Goal 2: Review and improve facility use
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
2a. / Improve confidential work space / Unit Plan
2b. / Identify lab space for IA small group/individual instructional efforts / “
2c. / Upgrade office configuration and efficiency / “
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
Program is categorically funded; program needs are stable unless additional special classes or sections are added / N/A
Part A: DATA
1. Efficiency: How many students received services this year? (Attach data)
Helpful Hints: Show the number and variety of services you provided, show the hours and convenience of services as well. These are also your
key performance indicators that you will use for your unit plan.
LD Program Hours: 8:30am to 6:00pm Mondays through Thursdays; Fridays 8:30-12:00pm
for walk-ins and appointments; Friday afternoons and Saturdays by appointment only.
Adaptive Testing Center Hours:
8:30am to 6:00pm Mondays through Thursdays; Fridays 8:30-12:00pm and
Friday afternoons by appointment. All proctoring is by appointment at least
two school days in advance to reserve seating; three days in advance if tape-recording of exam or other special arrangements are required; walk-ins on a space available basis only.
Students served Summer-2001 Fall-2001 Spring-2002 Unduplicated Yearly Total
107 252 260 341
Activity # Students Outcome
Initial Intake Contact 258 93% (240) returned for Intake Screening
Intake Screening 240 65% (155) completed Intake Screening for HCD 201
Records received
for previously assessed 70 34 student files evaluated for eligibility; others contained
inadequate testing per Title V Guidelines.
File Review 155 All files reviewed to make recommendations prior to the Intake
Review for the appropriateness of referrals, additional testing, and service site; 63% (97) went on to complete Intake Review; some were referred to other programs (DRC), others did not return for Intake Review.
Intake Reviews 97 68 (70%) of students went on to enroll in HCD 201 and
complete the ability assessment; some did not elect to enroll
in HCD 201, some were referred to another resource.
Ability Assessment 68 Enrollment in HCD 201 reflects this count.
Educational Planning 83 Besides the 68 students from HCD 201 class, another 15