Newly Qualified Teacher Induction Form

Non Maintained Schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary)

All forms must be received the term beforeinduction is due to begin. Registration forms received after this time can cause a delay to the induction start date

School’s Details
School Name
School Address
School DCSF Number
Contact Name
Contact Email address
No. of days in
one school term
NQTs Details
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
What key Stage will this NQT teach?
QTS Status confirmed (Y/N) / *Please include a copy of QTS certificate with this registration form
Teacher DCSF number
Induction start date
Contract type (PT/FT): / If part time, please indicate the percentage of FTE (e.g. 0.5) %
Induction Tutors details
Email address
Acted as induction tutor before?Y/N
Attended LA Induction briefing in the last 3 years? Y/N
See below

Please note:Induction tutors who have not received LA Induction training in the last 3 years must attend the LA Induction tutor training at the beginning of the autumn term (£75) – for September starters only or arrange school based induction tutor training (£200)

  • QTS Status: Headteacher’s must check NQTs have gained QTS before registering them for Induction. Induction cannot start without confirmation of QTS status.
  • NQT registration: £300 per NQT
  • Individual NQT sessions:£175
  • Central NQT induction tutors training (September – please check NQT induction handbook for date): £75
  • School based induction tutors training: £200

Please tick as appropriate

Post suitability checklist

The curriculum for an pupils at KS1 and KS2 that the NQT is employed to teach, must meet the National Curriculum requirements other than the requirements relation to statutory assessment arrangements
The curriculum for any pupils at KS3 and KS2 that the NQT is employed to teach, must meet the National Curriculum requirements i.e. it include the programmes of study specified under section 84 and 85 Educational Act 2001 in relation to every core or other foundation subject required to be taught
The school must provide an induction tutor with QTS
The NQT has a reduced timetable on comparable basis to NQTs working in relevant schools, so that such NQTs are not disadvantaged when compared to those serving induction in a relevant school and have further time for development

Please read the NQT post suitability section of the Statutory Guidance for Induction before submitting this for form. You’ll find a copy of the Guidance here

Headteacher’s Signature

Please complete both pages and return to the NQT Administrator, CPD service, Room G10, Isaac Newton Professional Development Centre. Email: , Tel: 020 7598 5902